Sen. McCain's son marries black

Posted by Ria, 10 Jun

mccain marries blackYap you heard me!!

The U.S. Sen. John McCain of Arizona and his wife Cindy had an addition to their family when their son Jack McCain married Renee Swift in a wedding ceremony held at San Francisco’s Grace Cathedral on Saturday night. Jack, 27, met his wife Swift, 29, in Guam where he serves as a lieutenant in the Navy and a helicopter pilot. Swift is a captain in the USAF reserve.

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Christelyn Karazin of Beyond Black & White hailed the couple for finding "a love deep enough to commit their lives to each other… despite the politics of racism" which has been a target of the McCain family for years – especially when they adopted their darker skinned daughter Bridget from Bangladesh and racists used this adoption to disgrace his presidential bid back in 2008. And for her, she sees this interracial high-profile marriage as a great thing for black women. In her article she says:

Black women are OFFICIALLY on the radar for viable mates, worthy of marriage, provision and protection, by men other than black… Mark my words, friends. The next half-decade to come is going to look VERY, VERY different for black women, and I mean that is a good way. Our stock is rising in the circles of the rich, powerful, and influential–too bad it had to rise outside of the black community, who basically tells many of us that we’re ugly and worthless.

Funny thing is one woman had trouble with Christelyn's reference of black women as "viable mates" saying:

… Black women have ALWAYS been viable mates and we don't need white men or men of any other race to validate that. Although I am open to dating interracially myself, I just feel sometimes like interracial blogs make it seem as if dating non-black men somehow proves or validates that black women are attractive. That is never said outright but statements such as the ones made above about us now being "officially" perceived as worthy mates makes it seem that way…

Do you agree with the above sentiments? Do you feel it's wrong to hail Black women who are marrying well or interracially for that matter? Your thoughts?

20 responses to "Sen. McCain's son marries black"

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  1.   MrBoo2U says:
    Posted: 28 Jan 14

    (cont. From mrboo2u) whom taught their kids to love all people but pitched a fit when their daughter began dating a black man! Both are absolutely hysterical and hippocritical. Some day (probably in a thousand yrs) no one's race will be an issue re anything... It'll just be factual news vs so and so white person said thus and so and so black person said that!! Until then, society swims in a dont ask, dont tell cess pool of interrelated bigotry, inconsistencies, biases and racism. I applaud this lovely couple and wish them total happiness. So the race-baiters may pigion-hole my comments, I am a 58yo white male, grew up in a rural Wisconsin community of 314 people (and may be 5000 cows), formerly married to white women for 20 yrs, but have only dated women of color during the past 6 yrs. Why? Because I choose to do so of my own free will!! It's has been interesting, challenging, occ. Frustrating but always stimulating and has reinforced positive self-examination!! Hail to women of all races and the men whom love them without regard to their race status!!

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  2.   MrBoo2U says:
    Posted: 28 Jan 14

    It's amazing to read the depth (and woeful lack from some) and scope of responses on such an insignificant issue. Yet, that issue is as paramount as the air we breath--that is, it surrounds us. What were the purposes of the race riots during the 60's or what is the residual legacy of MLKing? Whatever happened to the fight for individual freedoms and content of character declarations? Do those historical entities become just old idea punch-lines when a woman of color selects a white man (and he selects her) as a spouse? Dont you think the last haters you expected to hear from would be, in fact, other members of that woman's race? In my opinion their ridiculous diatribes are totally INCONGRUENT!! As bad of behavior as white parents

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  3.   Choucoune says:
    Posted: 10 Jul 13

    For some reason, Beyond Black and White articles have always rubbed me the wrong way. I agree with the woman in the last quote. It is not marrying a man outside of our race that validates us as viable mates, we have always been so. It is still nice to see interracial couples in the public eye.

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  4.   dont_know says:
    Posted: 26 Jun 13

    It's only "news worthy" because it's the GOP "Grand Ole Party" full of GOB "Good Ole Boys" If john McCains daughter had an abortion, that would be "news worthy" too. Stop listening to that news, Go outside read book or listen to NPR if you must. Excuse my "enthusiasm" :) Race is a concept of the mind, not a reality. Personally, I dont believe in "Race." Women of earth are beautiful and I find "black" women earthiest and most beautiful of all.

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    • wink_wink says:
      Posted: 27 Jun 13

      I agree wholeheartedly with you. We dont seem to be a scoiety of Thinkers!

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    • UntaintedGem says:
      Posted: 14 Nov 13

      Very valid; thank you.

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    • jazz_n_wine says:
      Posted: 21 Dec 13

      "race is a concept of the mind, not a reality". That's the craziest thing I've ever heard. Especially since you followed all that up with "black" women are the earthiest and most beautiful of all. The whole color blind concept is belittling. Yes, we are all of the human race, but we need to appreciate what each race brings to that human race.

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  5.   longnlean says:
    Posted: 23 Jun 13

    Was unaware of this story. What a great looking couple! Can't help but hope someday there'll come a time when the black woman/white man thing will be so commonplace it won't even be newsworthy, even when it involves a well-known family like this.

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  6.   exeflier says:
    Posted: 22 Jun 13

    first of all let us not forget where we are. all of us are here for one reason or the other. before i continue this reply, i expect to be respect to be replied to in a negative response. after many incounters with many different people,i have found that the most negative conversations have come from what we call africans-americans. unfortunately most of it was from a woman, and almost as many from men. and for this reason i ask myself why. in many cases it is because some people can`t handle the truth, this is also true in other races also. wake up people it is brand new day, but with the same old stinch. we must remember we all have choices. just search inside yourself and find the reason you choose as you do. i just hope the marriage was for the right reasons. life is too short.-------TBC P.S. oh! by the way i am from mixed blood.

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  7. Posted: 20 Jun 13

    @ arlandf, I'm not one to come between a fool and his beliefs, So I'll just say this about all that bull you seems like you're the one who's insercure judging by all that rubbish you wrote,it must really hurt to dislike yourself so much.I bet your baggage will fill yankee stadium.

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  8.   Dasandra says:
    Posted: 18 Jun 13

    Love should know no boundaries. Congrats to the new couple! Their are trifling people at all levels of income and races. If you end up dating the same low quality person you may have some unresolved (low self esteem) issues you should deal with. We shouldn't blame a whole group of people because of the same choices we tend to keep making. You will end up dating a person with a different ethnic origin just to choose the same type you've always attracted. Become pleased with yourself before looking for joy from others. Then you will attract your equal on that level.

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  9.   eltrut says:
    Posted: 16 Jun 13

    Congratulations to the McCain family I'm loving it. You make a beautiful couple:-) You both have my blessings. eltrut

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  10.   jesrprataim says:
    Posted: 12 Jun 13

    Captain and Lieutenant McCain make a beautiful couple. Congratulations to them and their families.

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  11.   arlandf says:
    Posted: 11 Jun 13

    First off congratulations to Sen. McCain's son and his new wife. Second, Christelyn is a truly insecure woman. I have couple statements and questions for her. Who in the black community told her that black women are ugly and worthless? it sure isn't black men. Yeah, you have some of these white washed brothers other than that most black men desire black women. Second, Sen. McCain's son married a light skinned woman, shouldn't Christelyn go off on him like she did one of my friends for his ex wife being light skinned? Oh, I forgot, black men cannot have his own preference in a woman. Now statement, only a few black women are worthy of marriage, provision and protection from men just like a few black men are worthy of respect, honor, love, and cooperation. The reason why I said a few is because, most black women have insecurity issues that they project on their mates. Most of them have out of wedlock children many have them from multiple children from multiple no good men, which proves irresponsibility. Most of them have weight issues. Most black women have baggage that they bring into relationships. Does all these that I name make the viable mates? No The lady that responded to her has it right. Black women like her always been viable mates and you don't need a man of another race to validate you. Which bring my last point, black women don't value themselves and they don't value black men or other black women so why should men in general value them? Like I said, I am glad for the woman because she is happy with who she is with. However, this is nothing to throw a pep rally about.

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    • nytoca says:
      Posted: 13 Jun 13

      Jack and Christelyn make a beautiful couple and I wish them all the best. Arlandf - it saddens me that you have to take this opportunity to denigrate black women women based on your comments above. Remember - no man has ever made himself greater by tearing down another (or an entire group in this case). Do you think that "most black men" are viable mates? Do you think that "most black men" are entering into relationships baggage-free? How do you think black women ended up as single mothers/head of households? They sure didn't get themselves pregnant! Where are the black men when this happens? Have they moved on to get the next woman pregnant without supporting the kids he already has, or perhaps gotten themselves incarcerated and are therefore unavailable to raise the children? Hmmmm...sounds to me like black women are not the only ones with issues and no purpose is served when we sit here and tear each other down with sweeping generalizations and overstatements (which, by the way can be said for any racial/ethnic group). We are all in this together and on this website for a reason. Can we all just admit that none of us are perfect, but we all deserve to be happy? Each of us is striving to find what we think "ideal" is --- and it is different for each of us, and that is perfectly OK. Please, in the meantime perhaps we can replace the negativity and judgment with compassion for one another and celebrate each other's happiness.

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      • arlandf says:
        Posted: 16 Jun 13

        Let me reply to your questions Do I think most black men are viable mates? No, I even said that only a few black men are viable mates and they worthy of are worthy of respect, honor, love, and cooperation. Do I think most black men are baggage free? No. Now you call my response negativity. No way, this is truth. Unlike Christelyn and other black women, I can admit that most black men don't have it together. However, black women can't. We get told that we ain't shit everyday even if we don't fit the bill. We don't get a chance to say stop judging, not all of us, etc. Then we say these men that you are talking about are the ones that you chose over good black men and we get called bashers, gay, or something about our sexual life. Like I said, only a few black women and black men are worthy of marriage. Not judging, just stating truth.

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      • sweetpeach48 says:
        Posted: 02 Feb 14

        arland f is correct about a prevalent sect of African american women . I as a black woman validate myself thru God and a lot af black women are overweight , unemployed , loud ignorant , have multiple baby daddies and then expect a decent man to sweep this off of their feet . My pastor speaks about this all of the time God is not going to send you a fit man educated or with means the way you are .Ladies please bring something to the table besides your Bad attitudes, remy hair and bad children . Get to know who you are in God .

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    • Virtuouswon says:
      Posted: 19 Jun 13

      Aah, arlandf, why the diatribe on the many things some black women do wrong? You started out so well. It's the same as adding a "but" to your statement, all you said previously is negated from that point on. I agree with the reply that many situations the black woman finds herself in isn't solely of her own making. Are we responsible to mitigate the damages? Of course. However, deep-seeded issues must be pulled at the root and that isn't so easy to do when the sources are still a very real presence. That's true for any race, or gender. If we just allowed everyone to be a blank canvas until they painted who they are, this issue would be solved.

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