Study: Interracial relationships causing black people in the UK to disappear

Posted by Ria, 20 Jan

"If population projections based on the national census are to be believed, people who describe themselves as ‘mixed race’ could become the largest, single, ethnic minority group in the UK within the next 25 years." - Laura Smith (The Catalyst Magazine) claims having got hold of an article in one of the UK newspapers suggesting that Black folk (Caribbean Black folk in particular) are in danger of disappearing because of the rise in interracial relationships in the UK.

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Apparently, 1 in 10 children in the UK come from mixed-race families. Going by the study’s prediction, if current trends (interracial relationships and marriages) continue, some ethnic minorities may cease to exist as mixed-race individuals become more common.

The study also shows that some ethnic groups are more likely to be in interracial relationships. Going by the figures provided by the study, 48% of Black Caribbean men and 34 per cent of Black Caribbean women are in interracial relationships in contrast to those of Pakistani backgrounds (8% men and 6% women).

Do you think we should worry ourselves over some ethnic groups disappearing due to interracial relationships or should we instead look at it from a different perspective – that racism in the UK is disappearing?

84 responses to "Study: Interracial relationships causing black people in the UK to disappear"

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  1.   little_mi says:
    Posted: 07 Jul 09

    Black is a colour - not a race. Black people will not disappear. Consider this, the vast majority of Carribean people are mixed but when you look in their faces you see them as black. Hair, skin tone and features are different between them but they are still "black". Now if you're talking about culture - thats a different thing.....

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  2.   fkoi says:
    Posted: 07 Jul 09

    Onlinebabe - If you "DONT AGREE WITH MIXED RELATIONSHIPS" then you probably are on the wrong site. Your science ("MOSTLY PEOPLE GO INTO THEM...", etc.) is not scientific. Your sociological studies ("THE CHILDREN ALSO SUFFER INSECURITES AND THE NEED FOR A BEL0NGING AS THEY ARE..") are not studied. And your conclusions ("THE BLACK RACE IS DYING OUT...") are far from conclusive. Peddle your nonsense elsewhere. Oh yeah, and TAKE OF YOUR CAP LOCK. It is rude and childish.

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  3.   onlinebabe says:
    Posted: 06 Jul 09


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  4.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 30 Jun 09

    fkoi ; on April 2007 , in The smallest minority of 2015 . I also have run into a couple Bigots with opposing values . Neverfear , While My Wife and I sleep Happily together / These Fools still Desire to live in the Past . Feed em' Cake .

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  5.   fkoi says:
    Posted: 29 Jun 09

    When did this blog become so popular with moronic bigots? Are there not a Web full of sites where they can spew their vitriol to folks who hold the same unrefined mindless views? Or were these last several a lame attempt at humour lite, great ignorance, less funny.

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  6.   Wartime says:
    Posted: 28 Jun 09

    If you people's utopia does come to fruition, after all the races mix there will be no blissful peaceful society. I'm telling you people now that racism will be replaced with colorism. YOu can see it now in the black community. The lighter skinned "blacks" look down on the darker ones. You can think that will cure itself too but it won't it only becomes more embedded. So you are going to be fuill of a world with fuill breeds and mutts. When biracial people have become the norm, when your mission is complete and you have created a world where the majority of people are mixed race. When breeding within your own race becomes taboo-then it will be on the rise. The world will never be just one race. Dream on!

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  7.   Euro-Pride says:
    Posted: 28 Jun 09

    If the politicians in the UK were sane this wouldn't be an issue because there would not be a tidal wave of third worlders in the UK. Enoch Powell was right. Long live the BNP.

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  8.   xc says:
    Posted: 28 Jun 09

    Blackbirds don't mix with Thrushs nor Blue Tits with Great Tits or Field mouse with Door mouse. Adaption evolves over millions of years, you can't just get two different types of a species to shag and make anything worthwhile that will be adapted to anything. "Thou shalt not commit Adultery" actually means do not race mix - Adulterate: to make impure with something foreign or inferior. Unfaithfullness is already covered by "Thou shalt not covet your neighbour's wife". It is against nature, it is against God. That's why interracial sex is wrong, that's why it's called R-e-p-r-o-d-u-c-t-i-o-n. All race mixers are condemned by natural law to be trapped in the body of a hideous mongrel freak in the afterlife.

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  9.   Observer says:
    Posted: 28 Jun 09

    Well, what this article should say is that we both Blacks and Whites will be fading out. What a destructive, racially stupid thing to do eh? Theres nothing pretty about a mixed-race person. If there was, then thoroughbred Horses, Dogs, Cats etc wouldn't be desirable and a mixed-breeds wouldn't be free at any animal shelter. Were animals too, and i like to see the races stay true and hold onto our different cultures.

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  10.   shitskins says:
    Posted: 28 Jun 09

    Yeah, let's just interbreed and get it over with. Then nobody will have a crutch and whine and moan for THIER choices made in life. Then again, we'll be 10,000 dumber in the evolution cycle. From mudhuts to the moon, back to mudhuts, and something tells me, this "new human race" won't, won't be getting past the mudhuts again.

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  11.   aharrison says:
    Posted: 28 Jun 09

    "Comment by Cocoacutie on 8 February 2009: One day, the world will be filled with Tan people." Just typical of your type. . . Always dreaming.

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  12.   Blacktruth says:
    Posted: 23 Jun 09

    I think that this is a bad thing. Do not get me wrong interracial relationships are amazing when love is in the picture; but the sad this is that the majority of the mixed relationships are formed by hatred towards either black women or black men. The stereotype is black women have too much attitude and the black men are worthless. This is a growing sterotype among the black communities and also appearing in Asian/Chinese communities. This is the kind of thing that the U.K. needs to prevent. Unfortunately I disagree and have to say that the USA is ahead of the U.K. for this reason. There are mixed couples in the U.S. but also the same amount of black couples, Asian and Latino couples. A society that is able to keep equal balance in minorities in the one thats ahead. In this case I believe it to be the U.S.A.

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  13.   CanadianGC says:
    Posted: 10 Jun 09

    ?? Cultures disappearing because of interracial relationships?? I need a job writing dumb articles.. Why not the opposite "British culture disappearing because of interracial relationships"

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  14.   fkoi says:
    Posted: 09 May 09

    The headline makes it sound a bit conspiratorial but if true, it's just a natural fact. Countries have been absorbing folks from other places into their populations since the beginning of time. Usually this comes after a nasty period of oppression but it does come. In the States, I suspect that the bloodlines of most are less than thoroughbred. I know mine is. And my children's is more so. Irish meets German meets Pole meets Swedish meets African meets Dominicano and we are left with United States citizens. Prejudice against the Irish, Jewish, Italian, Eastern immigrants has delayed the process it's true. And, again in this country, the savaging of the Native residents and the savaging of slaves introduced from Africa (and the savaging of various immigrants for a variety of reasons)has made the absorption process more difficult. There is also the effect of ethnic groups isolating themselves. Eventually though it is all about boy meets girl, girl meets boy. If given the opportunity to intermingle to any degree it's gonna happen and racial lines will be blurred. Early adopters pay a greater price it's true but you can't hold back the tide.

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  15.   cares says:
    Posted: 09 May 09

    To helen, Many africans do marry white europeans females and males.Lots of european men go to africa to find a wive because they are consider exotic , well black people in general are consider exotic in europe.I hope americans learn from the europeans , caribbean and africans , love is blind.

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  16.   helen says:
    Posted: 26 Apr 09

    What about black africans

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  17.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 18 Apr 09

    Anonymous : People fall in Love with other People / Female and Male get married and then they Race to the Finishline as a Team . In the U.S.A. Men marry Women . Nuff said.

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  18.   Anonymous says:
    Posted: 18 Apr 09

    In response to all the posters above.. what if people decide to marry WITHIN their race, is there something wrong with that?

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  19.   reality123 says:
    Posted: 16 Mar 09

    Have we not wondered sometime in our life why humans have different skin colors? If you have children they might have even asked this same question or is yet to ask when they recognize this difference amongst people. So, some possible answers that you might have used to explain this could be: You got your color from- our relatives (ancestors); the sun; our genes and/or from melanin that is in our skin. If you have used anyone of these answers to explain skin color then, you are on the right track. As a matter of fact, all the possible answers given above do play an active role in the color of skin we have. Now, we are going to look at how these answers are related and what role they play in the color of our skin. Our skin color is determined(colored)by the pigment called melanin (meh-luh-nin). Melanin,dark brown or black in color,is produced by special cells called melanocytes (mel-AN-o-sites) located under our outer layer of skin. The function of melanin is to protect our body (skin)from harmful sun rays called Ultraviolet radiation. Ultraviolet radiation from the Sun can cause chemical changes in our cell tissue which can then lead to skin cancer. Melanin protects the skin by absorbing the harmful Ultraviolet radiation (UV), acting as a sunscreen. It also neutralizes free radicals, which are harmful chemicals that form in the skin after being damaged by ultraviolet radiation. This therefore means, the more melanin we have, the better the UV protection we have against the harmful radiation from the Sun’s rays. Likewise, the amount that we have in our skin determines how light or dark our complexion will be. This means, People with light (fair) skin will have just a little melanin while those with Darker skin will have much more melanin present. For those with yellow skin tone, this is determined by another pigment called carotene, a yellow pigment. A person who spends a lot of time in the sun, their skin will become darker since the melanin in the skin gets more active producing more of this pigment to reduce the harmful UV effects of the sun. This same principle is used in tanning. How much of this pigment we have is also determined by the genes we inherit. Genes ( short pieces of DNA) are units of information inside the cells of our body. Genes make up the blueprint, or plan, for the human body and its functions. It is therefore through our genes that traits are handed down from parents to offspring, in a process called heredity. In other words, this is what is responsible for our genetic makeup (genotype). How do we explain this genes with the color of our skin and our ancestors? Early humans (hominids) that originated and lived in equatorial Africa had a coat of hair that covered their entire body that protect them from the Sun’s harmful UV. After hundreds of thousands of years our early primate ancestors started to evolve (evolutionary processes) and hair production diminished leaving them their light skin exposed to the Sun’s ray that provide minimal protection. This therefore means a fair skinned person living near the equator is susceptible to several health risks, such as skin cancer (melanoma). On the other hand, a person with darker skin meant greater protection and therefore had a greater survival advantage. Thus, a process called Natural selection , filters out certain parental genes (those for lighter skin) in successive generations, producing offspring with slightly different characteristics and less genetic variability. Consequently, lighter skin persons in comparison to those with darker skin had to a lesser degree less chance of living to reproductive age and passing on their genetic trait (genes) for light skin color to their offspring. Parents with dark skin then have children with dark skin. Over time, persons with darker skin became a dominant feature in Africa. This allows successive generations to adapt to their environmental changes carrying only the genes that are necessary for survival of the fittest. This prevents the extinction of the human race. However, some of these early humans eventually migrated from the equatorial region Africa and settled in areas of Asia and Europe (closer to the poles). Here the northern climate is much cooler due to the fact that radiation from the sun becomes much less intense especially, during the winter season where this was even further weakened. As a result, because radiation from the sun was less intense, their melanin production gradually decreased to allow acclimation to the climates. This therefore means a dark skinned person living in polar latitudes will gradually evolve into people with lighter skin color such as white. In comparison to the equatorial climate where too much UV light pose serious health risks such as skin cancer, likewise too, little UV light can also be seriously harmful to our health. The reason for this is that, UV light is necessary for our bodies to make vitamin D which forms in the skin when exposed to sunlight. Vitamin D is required by the human body in order to build strong bones. Therefore this means a dark skinned person living near the poles is susceptible to health risk such as vitamin D deficiency which cause the disease called Rickets. Absence of vitamin D produces rickets. This is due to the fact that they have much more melanin in their skin than those with fair skin which means greater screening protection from the limited UV radiation and therefore lowering their survival advantage. Thus, the opposite will happen when compared to what happened in Africa. Natural selection will filter out parental genes for darker skin in successive generations, producing offspring with slightly different characteristics (lighter skin, eye color) and less genetic variability ( a white population). Consequently, darker skin persons in comparison to those with lighter skin had to a lesser degree less chance of living to reproductive age and passing on their genetic trait (genes) for dark skin color to their offspring. Parents with light skin then have children with light skin. Over time (approximately 10,000 years) persons with dark skin gradually evolved into people with lighter skin color such as white. This type of skin color then became dominant in Europe and Asia. This, as mentioned earlier, allows successive generations to adapt to their environmental changes carrying only the genes that are necessary for survival of the fittest. For many generations, dark-skinned people lived near the equator and light-skinned people tend to live at the higher latitudes. Now, in modern time, man has been moving around the entire globe, visiting, working and living in these different countries of different climatic conditions with a population of people of all skin colors. All of this is made possible by the modern knowledge we have in science and technology. People can travel freely and live in other countries without being harmed because one skin is too light or too dark. You can now: take supplements of vitamin D, travel in cars, trains, planes, ships, wear protective clothing for the appropriate weather climatic conditions, wear sun screen lotion to help protect skin from UV, live in better and safer houses from weather conditions, have access to better medicine, have more knowledge about the enviroment and the world at large and so on. Now you should be able to explain why some people living closer to the poles are light skinned people with blond hair and blue eyes, while people living near the equator have black skin, black eyes, and black hair. So, if your relatives from a long time ago lived in a location where it was very sunny (close to the equator) then you are more likely have dark skin. And if your relatives from a long time ago lived in a location where it was very cold (close to the poles) then you are more likely have light skin. Offspring will therefore be the same skin color of their parents. Through migration you will now have dark skin persons living in countries closer to the poles and light skin persons living in countries closer to the equators. Hence, people coming together from different sections of the globe will produce offspring with various hues and degrees of pigmentation found in the skin of humans. This varying spectrum of colors are directly related to the distribution melanocytes cells that make the pigment melanin.

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  20. Posted: 21 Feb 09

    Ah... I read about this... hm

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  21.   rebita says:
    Posted: 12 Feb 09

    LOL @ CocoaCutie.... Well to me, if this is a concern for people they should dedicate themselves to marrying someone who is in line with the value of cultural legacy. That is their choice and I understand that and in fact I am appreciative of their dedication to heritage conservation. That being said, I am not trying to save the world, just trying to meet the right man, and have a nice family with the cultural values inheritant in me. I'll leave the rest to the culture saving racial super heros to battle over. Blacktron takes on Whitezilla is too much for me.

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  22. Posted: 12 Feb 09

    i've never like race mixing. To me it destroys what we are, i personally enjoy the diffrent races on this earth. In my eyes its one of the things that makes life colorful and diffrent. People shouldnt have to say they are ok with "race" mixing just to prove they arent racist either.

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  23.   Cocoacutie says:
    Posted: 09 Feb 09

    One day, the world will be filled with Tan people.

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  24.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 06 Feb 09

    And to those that say " IT IS ONLY A FEW THAT FIND WHAT THEY SEEK ." We say " hide behind the Future , stay in the past and it leaves more room for people like us to Prosper as We did knot Quit when times looked tough . " In conclusion you shall only find what you seek if you open your Hearts and Minds and continue to Look .

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  25.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 06 Feb 09

    People , do not disappear . Life is just a Game with many players . Open your eyes , change is all that you shall see . Quit complaining and Enjoy what the new days shall bring . Limitations are what you place upon yourselves , I had nothing / I kept looking for a Brighter Future . It is just another day down the road and We shall be together 23 months , Proof possitive that Love is in the air .

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  26.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 01 Feb 09

    We have Equality , all we have to do is Enjoy and learn to Live with it . Took a long time to get to where we are and we all need to grow together to make Life better . People is all we see , when we go to town , living in Texas , people have Loved many varietys of other nationalitys in many different cultures and classes over the years . They are called Texans , one and all . Close your eyes , Listen / can you hear changes that are all around You ?

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  27. Posted: 29 Jan 09

    Why should anyone "worry" about this? We want equality, and for racism to "disappear," yet people want to worry about a race becoming extinct in the UK. If anything, we should rejoice, and be glad that people are coming together, and not limiting themselves to people that look like them (because ultimately that's what it comes down to; that's what race is). Anyway, these bi-racial individuals are two races in one, they have both backgrounds and cultures, and if anything are an expansion of both races, not an "extinction" or "disappearance." The original two races are both still there, just in one person.

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  28.   lala2qz says:
    Posted: 28 Jan 09


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  29.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 28 Jan 09

    What I am saying " If You have to spend time looking for something that Really makes no matter , It may have not been there to begin with " . Look for something Good and it will be there , everytime .

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  30.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 28 Jan 09

    In a movie ; it was said " Please close your eyes / imagine this were a ..... person " Has anyone ever addressed the Queen as to which of her Loyal subjects are Welcome and which are not . I will imagine she has the Last word over there . Learn not to Hate your neighbor , turn around and make a friend . We talked to many people at Wally world the other day and we never did ask where they come from . Polite conversation was the topic of the day

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  31.   Angelka says:
    Posted: 28 Jan 09

    But human nature is a strange thing. Racism could disappear completely tomorrow and we would immediately begin the business of finding new and more exciting ways to divide ourselves and hate one another. WELL SAID CDHILL

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  32.   Angelka says:
    Posted: 28 Jan 09

    Comment by cdhill on 23 January 2009: But human nature is a strange thing. Racism could disappear completely tomorrow and we would immediately begin the business of finding new and more exciting ways to divide ourselves and hate one another. WELL SAID CDHILL

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  33.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 27 Jan 09

    We all are gonna be gone someday , The sun still sets in the West here in Texas

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  34.   lvly83 says:
    Posted: 26 Jan 09

    The actual 60 page ‘study/research paper is actually by Lucinda Platt, Institute for Social & Economic Research, University of Essex - which can be found at According to the report, the number of children of Caribbean heritage with one white parent has risen from 39 percent to 49 percent over the past 14 years. …worry ourselves over some ethnic groups disappearing? _ Maybe in a tribal part of the world where their population is actually decreasing but certainly not in the UK. I don’t think the ’Black Caribbean’ ethnic group will disappear. There will always be a large proportion of African, Afro-Caribbeans who remain in relationships with other Afro-Caribbeans. Just because mixed-child populations are increasin and as stated black people are disappearing (lol) therefore racism is disappearing? You honestly believe this ( wow) -doesn’t mean racism is going to stop or decrease. Attitudes change of course - different forms of racism ( s) still exist and more types of racism will exist. I think the majority of racism in Britain is now between older white generations and working -class white people towards Asians in Britain and Immigrants, and people from certain part of African in Britain. Have you heard of the British National Party - (political party), They are a Far- right ‘white’ only party which got a London-wide seat on the London Assembly only last year. They blame everything on ethnic groups etc. Anyway, The reason I use that example is because London is one of the most ethnic diverse with the highest number of mixed race people in Britain/ the world even . The idea of increasing mixed race populations and descreasing black ethnicity to elimante racism doesn’t quite add up.

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  35.   dangambino says:
    Posted: 26 Jan 09

    im just proud to live in a country where we benefit from such rich diversity

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  36.   bintin says:
    Posted: 26 Jan 09

    The only people who are afraid to mix are the people who think they might loose out.In cosmopolitan areas you expect to see alot of biracial children.If there is no racial discriminations those children will not be thinking that they dont fit in any group.We are all members of human race and that is where we all fit in.

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  37.   Salsassin says:
    Posted: 25 Jan 09

    Considering migration to the UK hasn't stopped, the claim is foolish.

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  38.   Garfeild says:
    Posted: 24 Jan 09

    Sounds cool to me! Hay if we all do that around the world then in 25 years who can hate who? =) Now this article makes me wanna look that much more for my future wife even if I need look beyond the US borders because (And maybe I'm wrong) but we Americans "seem" to have the biggest hang ups when it comes to race here in the states (just look at us when we are kids and then look at us as adults) when it's no big deal it's just a preference thing like some people may like Opera while some may like Jazz and the best thing about what "You like" is no one can make you like anything else! =)

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  39.   chivalry65 says:
    Posted: 24 Jan 09

    When people learn to follow their own heart,what does it matter to the color of one skin. You can be love and love other. The pigment in the skin make color. All the color are in Black. We are just evovling. Forget the rest, Lets get it on, we are here to unite,love,and be happy. Sending blessing/love serving God wine in 2009.Love Love Love

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  40.   charmyluv says:
    Posted: 23 Jan 09

    i agree with Glock

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  41.   cdhill says:
    Posted: 23 Jan 09

    But human nature is a strange thing. Racism could disappear completely tomorrow and we would immediately begin the business of finding new and more exciting ways to divide ourselves and hate one another. "Without something to hate, we should lose the very spring of thought and action." William Hazlitt

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  42.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 22 Jan 09

    Milk makes as much sense to my hehe . And I got way too much time . Almost time to plant though , then we shall sow so later we can reap . My wife and I met here , alas we are just Male n' Female . Happy together , Didn't the English leave and go home a couple hundred years ago ?

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  43.   sheena says:
    Posted: 22 Jan 09

    I agree with VA_SongBird: “I think this is natural progression as the racial barriers which have kept us apart are broken down. The next generation, will be more inclined to follow their hearts and not be limited by racial prejudice in their selection of a mate.” I believe that love is colorless, it’s has no reservation with ones’ creed, social background and social fears. I am currently dating a black male and I am a white female. I am not in love with him for his color but for who he is. We have people who frown upon us dating but then again we have family and friends who enjoy it they support us or they also are in an interracial relationship. Some people might say that biracial children may have crisis of identity. I think that is wrong because if teach your children who they are and who they stand for early on. When they get older they will know who they are. I have mixed nieces and nephews and its funny because someone might say your going to have identity issues when you get older. They always respond by saying I know who I am. Just be open mined and not so self centered about what you or someone looks like. I am for interracial 100%

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  44.   Glock says:
    Posted: 22 Jan 09

    Maybe I am the only one who thinks the above article is a rediculous story to begin with. Someone has an awful lot of time on their hands to research this kind of data. Is the article suggesting that a "dilusion" is bad? And why is it always a "black" or "white" issue and not any other groups of people. "Race" mixing is a fact of life. Many people are used to it and many find it socially acceptable.

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  45.   thick_lover says:
    Posted: 22 Jan 09

    uh..aren't white people disappearing too? silly headline

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  46.   singforyou says:
    Posted: 22 Jan 09

    Thanks God races are mixing together. Biracial people may have crisis of identity,anyway they have more richness as they know two cultures.That's what I see and what I heard by biracial people. I agree with Starthai and VA_songbird:even if things are never easy,this will make racism desappear.NOplayer thanks for the suggestion for the books.

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  47.   NOPLAYER says:
    Posted: 21 Jan 09

    I go to the UK about once year for three weeks to do upgrades on US Air Forces Vehicles and it's true that interracial relationships between blk and wht is wide spread. This is nothing new and it's be going on for at least 400 years, first with Africans, then Blk G.I.s from the U.S. and then those from the West Indies. Western european countries have never had problems with mating between the races and in many of the royal families there are people mixed with Africans. In Germany those who are mixed are being absorbed because they're mating mostly with white Germans but when you get around U.S. military bases you see the strong mixture of Blk and Germans. The U.S. could learn alot from England when it comes to race relations. A good book to read on this topic is: "Nature Knows No Color Line" and "SEX and Race" Volumes 1-3 by J.A. Rogers

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  48.   VA_SongBird says:
    Posted: 21 Jan 09

    I think this is natural progression as the racial barriers which have kept us apart are broken down. The next generation, will be more inclined to follow their hearts and not be limited by racial prejudice in their selection of a mate. Also,These statistics not only extend to the UK but it is predicted in the next 25 years, that Caucasians will not be the majority in the U.S. The hispanic population is growing at a phenomenal rate. I think we all will have to make adjustments and be more tolerant of each other.

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  49.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 21 Jan 09

    Is it not a Good sign , that races are coming together and everyone soon enough will be treated as everyone else . Is this not the change that people look for . If you feel like complaining about what looks like a Possitive Trend . Try a gallon of Milk costing twice a gallon of Gasoline and think of the poor children in the United States of America , who need this Milk to grow and their parents finding it harder to purchase for them everyday . When people date / marry , children are born who need to be nourtured . I have never been fortunate enough to visit the British Isles . Yet I met a Ladie here who I talked with for many months , who lives there . She was interested in a Black Male , so we just enjoyed our talks , Love Les

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  50.   starthai says:
    Posted: 21 Jan 09

    "Do you think we should worry ourselves over some ethnic groups disappearing due to interracial relationships or should we instead look at it from a different perspective – that racism in the UK is disappearing?" I feel if generations are to remain constant, then it would be something to worry about. Or, if it means that traits( better surviving traits) are lost, resulting in extinction. I do not think interracial dating will ever become so rapid for something like this to happen, because you will always find individuals in ethnic groups that only want to mate with and reproduce within their own ethnic group. That alone, interracial dating could not cause ethnic groups to disappear, it would have to be something of a bottleneck effect(e.g. epidemic or a catastrophic storm) If racism is ending in the UK, because of an increase of interracial relationships that is a positive outcome, that makes UK fit.

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