Interracial Marriage

Kim & Neapah -
London, United Kingdom

Married March 2011

Interracial Marriage - Grateful for His Second Chance | AfroRomance - Kim & Neapah Interracial Marriage - Grateful for His Second Chance | AfroRomance - Kim & Neapah Interracial Marriage - Grateful for His Second Chance | AfroRomance - Kim & Neapah

Grateful for His Second Chance

Kim certainly didn’t expect to meet someone special who lived overseas. In fact, he thought he had configured his on-site settings to screen out international singles. But somehow, “Angelsmile78” got through to him all the way from England. “I wasn’t expecting much other than a neat conversation with an English gal,” he says. “However, as I talked to her, I began realizing how small my world truly was.”

While Kim had never set foot off American soil, “Angelsmile78” was quite the traveller. Her real name was Neapah and she was from Jamaica originally. “Even though she was younger than me, she had seen and done so much,” Kim says. He was a bit intimidated and didn’t realize until later that it came off as arrogance.

Many online introductions might have ended there. But Kim persevered. He really liked this girl and hoped she would give him a second chance. “I kept opening myself up to her, even made a video for ‘us’ and finally got a response back,” Kim says, relieved. “We figured out where I had gone wrong and put it behind us.”

Kim and Neapah began communicating frequently through a variety of means. For his first trip outside the U.S., Kim booked a flight to London to visit Neapah on her birthday. In the course of his week-long stay in the U.K., the couple fell deeply in love.

It was painful for Kim to leave but once he did, he used Skype to correspond with his sweetheart. This helped them keep the torch lit over their long months apart. After several months of what Kim calls an “E-engagement,” the couple were married in Gretna Green, Scotland. “It was very much a storybook wedding that will always be filled with fond memories for re-telling,” Kim beams proudly.

Kim adds that our website was instrumental in the happiness he now shares with Neapah. “It brought two very different people together from 4000 miles apart!”

All in a day’s work, Kim! Congratulations.

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