Different dating worlds
Do you think relationships were much simpler in the olden days… when marriage was held together by the struggle for survival? When the main concern of couples was providing shelter, food and clothing for the family? Whenlittle time was given to building relationships... And both parties never seemed to give a damn… Man brings food, woman spreads legs… fill the world just like God intended. (No offence ladies) ;-)
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Today it's a complex world. We think more in terms of meeting emotional rather than physical needs. It’s like a war between men and women. People are constantly fighting over trivial issues. Some chauvinist pal of mine once said, “If I come home and there was no food and you make noise, that's easier to understand than telling me things like 'you not paying attention to me' when am having sex with you like everyday᾿. Whatever happened to "Hi Honey" in the evening, that peck and a rose?
Look at that video. Don’t you think it clearly shows what happens in relationships? Will men and women ever be on the same page in relationships or are we all doomed to ‘our’ different worlds? Well, Luther Vandross finally figured out what women really value in his song ‘Buy me a Rose’. It’s the little things…
Tags: relationships, dating, men vs women, different worlds
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Thomas says:Posted: 02 Jul 07
Hello laugh_sailer, thats correct but it seems that relationships getting difficult more and more. Many couples does not reach 10 years together. Is it possible that most of the poeple do not spend enought time to solve the problems in the relationship? Is it really easier to start a new relationship?
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laugh_sailor says:Posted: 02 Jul 07
Interesting, Thomas - I think it may be easier to give up but the problems aren't more or less managable. I agree with the strengthening of working through things, together: It's team-building.
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Thomas says:Posted: 04 May 07
I think nowadays it is more diffucult for a couples to manage the obstacles/problems in life because it is more easy to saparate. Yes Jungle, if the communication and the intention to solve the problems is there the couple will be stronger as before. My grand parents are married since "70 years"!!! And you can imagine that they also had some problems in their relaitionship during that long time.
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Jungle says:Posted: 04 May 07
Any couple goes threw hardtimes together doesn't matter if in olden days or new.Couples today experience a new set of struggle to survive what ever the obstacle is in their relationship.Either makes us or breaks us all depends on the hearts of the couple and how close we are.When obtsacles are overcome in a relationship the couple is much stronger a couple together.Don't get me wrong there's great times to have ina couple.barriers can be broken if theres commnication in letting eachother hear who both of you are and feel and what the needs are.
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Thomas says:Posted: 03 May 07
Yes of course, the world has gone global does'nt matter if we like it or not. The more important is it that we start to think about our comprehension of coexistence, tolerance and communication. It is not just a matter of black and white (...red and yellow. The questen was: Do you think relationships were much simpler in the olden days… when marriage was held together by the struggle for survival?
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very.mella says:Posted: 01 May 07
hi just a rejoinder to comments here. Darwin stated his theory when he was young and hard-headed but in his later years he became a Christian and as I understand he changed his views. But it suits popular media not to mention or draw attention to that last bit of his life. Also Fala seems to express an opinion that focuses on the problem (age-old) between men and women. I agree with the comment that to change the world you begin in the the home. Surely it's obvious that the social problems we see spilling into the streets come from unstable homes? Each person has a choice focus on the problem or focus on the solution esp when it comes to dating leading to marriage in this day and age. Onto more cheery topics, as Agilis spotted a key problem that men dont know what women think, and further white / caucasian men (WM) have even less of a clue what black women (BW) think! For BW & WM we're still mentally separated even though the physical separation is gradually reducing. But any heterosexual male should be attraced to a woman, no? To answer directly to Agilis and anyone else asking that same question the BW is much the same as any woman of any race. If you approach friendly and polite then you will sometimes be able to get a date. Confusion and misconceptions about why a WM would prefer a BW (an WM dont always have the same motives) so as early as possible make your intentions clear. The world has gone global. Carpe Diem!
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Agilis says:Posted: 30 Apr 07
Really, Ria, is going too far with it is " It’s like a war between men and women. People are constantly fighting over trivial issues. Some chauvinist pal of mine once said..." And then here the comments, - nobody mentions the plesure of to share. Okay, I don't like to share my girl, yes, but does this mean I can not share with her? Who says that because of some little private 9/11's there is then war??? As a caucasian it is my private opinon when I say that Black Girls are far more attractive. If they think vise versa is not known to me. Hoever, we funny caucasians have all this so called culture like Mr. Darvin and his "survival of the fittest"-theory. This Darvin, was never married, never have had kids, so what do you exspect?? Then, from a certain age on living together is biologically not nessesarry for males and females. So, if you havn't learned by then how to share you will grow into some stupid solitude. If you learned huging, sharing and understanding where then is the difference? Its that what we have to share what is conecting us, not attraction of different cultures.
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Thomas says:Posted: 30 Apr 07
If we want to change the world we have to start inside the family. Women and men has to work together as best as they can and teach the kids that it is important to work on the relationsship. Fala, you have surely noticed that we are reigned by the generation of our parents and grandparents. That is the current problem in Germany because these generations looking for its own benefit and wish to keep things as they are since 50 years. What we, the kids and grand kids, will do in future is not their problem. They prevent a modern society in which man and women can cooperate and change the world together.
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ANNE. says:Posted: 30 Apr 07
i do think that the sexes have to come together , i n an age where we have rlationship gurus telling us how to communicate...u'd think we'd be able to come together and have dialogue about how we should talk to one another and more importantly , listen ...so as to process it ...
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fala says:Posted: 29 Apr 07
If men and women are so happy walking hand in hand together why is rape so prevalent in every society...and domestic abuse? Why do all male institutions, schools, groups try so hard to keep women when out? Why are women and children the biggest victims of warfare and poverty? Why are women there so few females leaders in the world? If you honestly believe that men and women are walking along happily, hand in hand on god's green earth - I guess next you'll be telling me that skin color doesn't matter. The whole world just loves each other.
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Darelle says:Posted: 28 Apr 07
You know I forgot something else we all have in common that we are all human and bleed the same color whether some people dont like it or not its the truth and we will all have that in common untill the human race is nowhere to be found walking Gods green earth which is also what we have in common.
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Darelle says:Posted: 28 Apr 07
I think you are totally wrong for there are alot of things men and women have in common so I will only name a few. Men and woman alot of times have a good heart in common,sensitivity in common,spiritual backgrounds in common,and one of the most important is that we all have our family in common like our kids that are born to some of us in and out of marriages.
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fala says:Posted: 28 Apr 07
Actually Thomas people got married in olden times because it was a physical necessity. I don't need a man to support me, I don't need a man for sex, or to have children, and I don't need a man to validate who I am as a women. That's not to say that I don't like men or have no use for them, I'm just saying that if I need to go without - i'm not going to feel like an old maid or anything. Men who never get married are never categorized that way, why should women be treated as failures if they end up unmarried or unattached?
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mossimo says:Posted: 27 Apr 07
Dang, that video brought back memories of my life with my ex-wife. If only she was 1/20th my size, life would have been so much easier...hehe
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Thomas says:Posted: 27 Apr 07
Fala, you must be really frustrated about the men. It's very sad to read your comment. Nobody is obligated to procreate and it is possible to have sex without having a partner. But do you really want to spend you life alone? In my opinion a relationship is more than sex and it was never easy. Our parents and grandparents were married because it was unthinkable to live together without marriage. For our grandparents it was unthinkable to get a devorce because it was unacceptable for the society. They stood together no matter if they lived in love or war. All these aspects has changed in our modern world and sometimes it is better. Nevertheless, we have to work on good relationships and may not run away if the first problems appear.
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fala says:Posted: 27 Apr 07
Women and men have nothing in common. The only reason we have any use at all for each other is the need to procreate and the fact that we are sexually compatible.
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i think it is true that men and reason are VERY different and for good reason. we COMPLIMENT one another. in todays society i feel we expect our mate to be just like us. if u are with someone who is just like u there is no personal growth. life is about living, loving, and learning. u cannot learn from someone who thinks and believes everything that u do. in general men are providers and women are nurtures by nature. our society has it all mixed up and the social roles become a blur, but instinctly thats the ultimate goal. thats why we need men to talk and share so we may love and nuture him. the work comes in getting him to do that, but it is well worth it