Divorce: Cheating spouses and custody

Posted by Ria, 14 Jul

When kids are involved, divorce always boils down to one painful struggle - custody. But what should one do when the other party was a cheat? Should they be punished for their evil deeds and be denied custody or should they be allowed custody because they are the parents . What kind of message will we be conveying by granting or denying them custody?

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Well for me, if the other woman wasn't as good looking, dude apologized and is financially generous, I would let it slide. ;-) Shallow? Oh yes. But you don't cheat on me and expect me to bear the whole burden of raising the kids. Anyway that's just my sick take on things. What's yours?

9 responses to "Divorce: Cheating spouses and custody"

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  1.   Bellara says:
    Posted: 30 Nov 09

    if it's a severe case of cheating then he/she shld be given the severe punishment which is take that which means the most to them!afterall, you broke the person's most cherished possession which is their heart. take Kruka's story as an example>a man who betrayed the trust/love of his woman like that is capable of doing the same to his child.

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  2.   kruka says:
    Posted: 24 Oct 08

    I found out two week ao that has been cheating on me off and on for 3 years. He meet one of the girls at work and had 2 month affair. He then told me on other day that a year ago he had 3 1 night stand.He then told me that 3 month ago he had sex with other women. the total 5 women in three years had sex total 9 time. I have three great kids that make this make it sad, katie

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  3.   kenyanito says:
    Posted: 01 Sep 08

    i tend to have my own opinion that whoever cheated didn't cheat on the kids but on the other spouse so why deny the children their right to be happy.You may feel offended as the agrieved party but children see wither the mom or dad differently..I think let them decide not us

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  4.   17tigers says:
    Posted: 23 Jul 08

    Cheating tells something about ones character. If you are out cheating instead of communicating to your partner that means you don't know how to express yourself. I am sure kids have a lot to benefit from someone like that. Sure teach them how to be self indulgent and pass it on that it is okay to lie to further your own agenda... Divorce happens sometimes pple just cant get through to each other and communication breaks down. But do it the right way, especially if children are involved. What you do has an effect on them for life.

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  5.   raina_kc1 says:
    Posted: 18 Jul 08

    although infidelity is wrong, it should not be the tool used to keep a child from their parent. a parent could be a lousy spouse but a great mom or dad. and children deserve both - especially when both want to be there for them.

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  6. Posted: 17 Jul 08

    Infidelity is the lowest form of betrayal - With that said... a cheating bastard should not be kept away from his/her children. That is just cruel... Easier said than done, but it's the responsibility of each party to act in a civil manner and protect the children from having to endure the graphic details of mommy's escapades with the pool boy and daddy's love for the teenage babysitter. -You just don't expose your children to junk like that. Unfortunately, some bitter spouses do tend to put their emotions ahead of the best interest of the child, it is human nature - anger, hurt, betrayal can lead us to do some crazy things - but It would be wise to stop for a second and remember that “this is the mother of my children᾿ or “this is the father of my children᾿ before making some decisions that could eventually scar a child for life.

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  7.   Molly says:
    Posted: 15 Jul 08

    My best friends kelly told me she met a black guy at a club--where many black and white singles how like sports there. I'm a white girl, can I meet my black guy there? Single guys, will you find your girl there?

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  8.   bigfine1966 says:
    Posted: 14 Jul 08

    Well both parents should be responsible for raising the children but what type of message does that send to a child that is old enough to understand why the parents are divorcing? And when it is a girl what message does that say if it was the daddy cheating that yeah baby this is how men are suppose to treat you so when you are old enough go out and get you a man just like your daddy. Or if it is the women what does it say to the son? If mommy do this to daddy then hey i can do it to someone or someone can do it to me and it is or is'nt right you never no what little thing that is your business can scar a child for life.

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  9.   girth71 says:
    Posted: 14 Jul 08

    well reguardless of who cheats,both parents should be allowed to have shared custody, the fact that someone cheated is,in my eyes a sign of someone wasnt ready for that commitment!!!! when u say i do, u have said this is th only intimate partner i will have for the duration of this marriage, well cant handle that,its not time for marriage

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