For the love of $#@%ing swear words
People just love swearing. They swear when they are mad: “Get out of my $#@%ing space you $#@%!᾿ And when happy: “That meal was $#@%ing great᾿ And some of us just swear for the kick of it – in between words; “God$#@%ingdamnit!᾿ But is cursing a colorful language? Does it add color to whatever we are expressing?
In our fast-paced culture, people want information and things (good or bad) to move at the speed of a bullet. And more often than not, the shortest distance between two points is the F word. Swearing has proved to be extremely efficient. Cursing cute to the heart of issues and even the heart of the one you are having issues with. So is it really efficient or plain old offensive?
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Well most people do admit that much as swearing and cursing may accomplish a lot, when it comes to dating and relationships, you gotta proceed with caution. One guy I went out with broke up with me (okay $#@%ing dumped me) after I rattled off words best way I know how. Much as we may be used to using the F word or S word in our normal conversations, when having an argument with your spouse, these words come out offensive … even when offensive wasn’t the reaction we were looking for.
But what you do to those $@#%s who, even after using appropriate language with them, nothing changes? Is it ok to hurl a heap of expletives at them? Problem is, sometimes the hurling don’t get things done but it kinda releases tension in you and you actually feel fan-$#@%ing-tastic.
We don’t always have to apply swearing to anger only. It can be powerful to accentuate the positive. Not long ago, my boyfriend bought me this very sexy dress. And I didn’t feel saying it was beautiful fully conveyed what I felt so instead I offered: “It’s the most $#@%ing sexy dress I have ever $@#%ing seen!᾿ Much as I swore, he knew that my appreciation was truly from the heart.
Finally, they say swearing is unladylike. True. But when I am with the boys, I do it coz it makes me sound like one of the guys – which is great – as long as you don’t also act like them and start scratching ;-) .
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homesteader says:Posted: 18 Sep 09
JulieAnnUK : It also shows a sign of lower Intelligence .
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JulieAnnUK says:Posted: 18 Sep 09
Using bad language e.g the "F" word etc is rude, vulgar, desecrating and disrespectful
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JulieUK says:Posted: 18 Sep 09
Proverbs 14:29; 29:11 "He that is slow to anger is abundant in discernment, but one that is impatient is exalting foolishness. All his spirit is what a stupid one lets out, but he that is wise keeps it calm to the last."
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homesteader says:Posted: 16 Mar 09
Dog Nab it , speak louder Kant hear you . Which corner is yours' ?
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moxy12 says:Posted: 18 Dec 07
Usually, people who come from other countries are taught standardize english rather than slang. Therefore,most of the university educated will speak proper english. Also, most of those people come from a middle or higher economic class.
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wellhowdy says:Posted: 16 Dec 07
To Lisa, Since I do not know if you are addressing my comment as it relates to swearing or does it relate to writing ability- I will comment on both of those. When it comes to someone swearing and the education of the person, I have heard women ( American or African) with advanced university/college degrees swear just as much as someone who has little or no education. As far as writing ability, I have worked with many educated Americans who have a writing ability that could substantially improve. (I am no English teacher). I have spoken to ( through e-mails) many women from Africa. The African women with the college degrees on the whole, communicate much better than Americans. I have also spoken to some African women who dropped out of high school. Some of them ( not all) lack writing ability and sometimes I do not completely understand what they are saying.
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lisa says:Posted: 16 Dec 07
to all depends on that person's education.
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wellhowdy says:Posted: 15 Dec 07
It is amazing about swear words and language. Up until a few years ago, I thought only Americans living in America use certain words. I thought Africans have swear words but they are different. I knew there were many English speaking countries in Africa but I still thought their language would be different as it relates to swear words. I was ignorant or fooled. After speaking to many women in Nigeria, Kenya, South Africa and other countries I have found out that they all know the F word, and they all speak the same as any American. Many of them describe their body parts without using the King or Queens British/ English. But, I have found out that most Africans are more articulate than Americans when it comes to writing. I am basing that on years of conversing with African women. Those are only my opinions and I mean no harm or offense to anyone.
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ethereal99 says:Posted: 10 Dec 07
Coco, I'd love to hear you cuss, errr, speak French !
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fala says:Posted: 10 Dec 07
Gee willikers Mossimo. Keep talking like that and you're going straight to H E double toothpicks!
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Sakary says:Posted: 08 Dec 07
Swearing is for people who have limitations with their vocabulary ...
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cocokisses says:Posted: 07 Dec 07
That's pretty cool Fala. Instead of the "F" word, I say fudge. My daughter always gives me a look when I do. I tell her that I didn't say it, but yesterday she said "no, but you thought it". My response? Shut the (heck) up...LOL!
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fala says:Posted: 07 Dec 07
I'm trying to cut back on my cursing. Everybody at work laughs when I say stuff like holy shiite muslim! and are you freakin' kidding me? (done with my best Tony Soprano accent). We even have a contest where people come up with the most creative substitutions for curse words.
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cocokisses says:Posted: 06 Dec 07
Cursing is a part of Americana. I can even curse in French :) Let's just say that saying "Kiss my a**" in french sound oh so sexy...LOL!
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laugh_sailor says:Posted: 05 Dec 07
When I climbed a lot, I determined that if I'd ever fall to my death, as I hurtled past someone lower down, all they'd hear would be a quiet "Oops!" I do sometimes get my foot in my mouth (I am a sailor and a guy, after all!) but enjoy using just the right words so much more. When I'm online, I'll often take time to look up just the right word for something. You're right - Beautifully-used swearing can be exquisite and I think Spanish is the best language for that. I'd hate to be crass or offensive, though. Fun blog, Ria!
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Aye Chiwawa! Ok, I’ll add to the whole rigamorole. Pick & substitute some of my alternatives, if you like. Ridiculous Asinine Nonsense Ludicrous Baloney Absurd Drivel Whole lot of Hooey Rubbish Crud Poppycock Preposterous Frick and Frack Off-color Crap That’s a bunch of Bunk, hokum, gobblelygook, drivel Balderdash Gibberish Hogwash – but make sure you are not a big person If you say it Ill-conceived Cock-eyed horsefeathers rigmarole Punked (You, he, she, they, that) is/are – touched, batty, dense, bizarre, Imbecile, doofus, lamebrain Macabre, Comatose, lethargic, idiotic, boffo, loony, screwy, Forrest-Forrest Gump, Grotesque Take it to the potty lethargic Outlandish a scream unnatural surreal unwarranted un-called for Mickey Mouse = chump change = paltry insipid = tasteless trifling bufoon pointless Darn Blasted Aye Chiwawa For Pete’s Sake Debunk it Sheet, shiite (from site usage, otherwise known as _____) Bullmarlarky... Cheese and rice Yeah that makes sense....(dripping with sarcasm) Frickety doo da Son of a buscuit