Interracial baby makes Kim Kardashian care about racism

Posted by Ria, 10 May

Racism is other people's concern until it happens to you, right?

Many a times we choose to ignore racism in society because we think it isn’t our problem… its insignificant to us. Why should one waste their time empathizing with the discrimination others face when they’ve never experienced it? It doesn’t matter to you if its never happened to you, right?

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Take Kim Kardashian (Armenian) for instance. Until she started dating Kanye West (Black) and had an interracial child, North, she never really cared much about racism and discrimination. She writes on her blog:

"To be honest, before I had North, I never really gave racism or discrimination a lot of thought. It is obviously a topic that Kanye is passionate about, but I guess it was easier for me to believe that it was someone else’s battle. But recently, I’ve read and personally experienced some incidents that have sickened me and made me take notice. I realize that racism and discrimination are still alive, and just as hateful and deadly as they ever have been."

She continues:

"I feel a responsibility as a mother, a public figure, a human being, to do what I can to make sure that not only my child, but all children, don’t have to grow up in a world where they are judged by the color of their skin… I want my daughter growing up in a world where love for one another is the most important thing.

So the first step I’m taking is to stop pretending like this isn’t my issue or my problem, because it is, it’s everyone’s… ensure that hate is something our children never have to see."

This is hardly new. I believe so many of us share her point of view. But is it ok for us to ignore racism and only take action ONLY when it happens to us? What I am wondering is: with all the blogs and articles flying on the internet about racial discrimination, this is when it's hit her that racism still exists? So is she taking this stand only because her daughter is biracial? What say you?

19 responses to "Interracial baby makes Kim Kardashian care about racism"

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  1.   simple0243 says:
    Posted: 21 Mar 15

    Even Gov Wallace changed. It doesn't matter what happened to her in the past. It matters now that her eyes are open. If it took a personal experience, I can't judge someone for reacting as everyone acts. Your life is a product of your environment. And if she never felt racial hate and racism before now, I can believe that. Who she dated in the past never had the profound effect on the masses or society as Kanye and it is believable that until this great love that is a mothers love, that even the slightest racial attack or provocation going unnoticed before becomes a huge red flag and wall now. A mothers love is a mothers love. And that above all else will make a mother see what was invisible before. I believe her and understand what she feels. Only a mother can feel and want to protect her child from the evils of the world. Only a mother can see what she never saw before that child. Only a mother walking in her shoes would understand the change in her now. We don't have to believe or like or anything else her as a person, but I for one believe her and won't judge a mother wanting to protect her child from the evils of the world.

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  2.   BellofSouth says:
    Posted: 20 Jul 14

    Kim, I understand totally your feelings now with your precious baby, North. However, I am in an interracial relationship and see the racism directly here in Atlanta. Not so much in the City, but most definitely in the "burbs". Ignorance. That is simply what it is. I am a produce of the 60's and am proud to say don't look it, but saw it then in the South and in the North (Boston) 70's. Take a stand and don't let them win! You and Kanye hold more credence to make people see they are wrong, with your status. In my own way, I tell people do you love me. My friends all say,why yes we do. Well, my maternal grandmother was Black/Cherokee. If you love me, you love me part black. It makes them think and no one has left my side. God Bless and Keep Happy!

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  3.   Patricus says:
    Posted: 19 Jul 14

    I think its true what MMjay said..."a mother's love is a mother's love". Kim has become more aware of racism with the birth of her child. She was aware in the past, but didn't give it much thought. If I remember correctly, she and her sisters champion the Armenian cause (a race of which she is a member). The Armenian massacres were horrible, if you are not familiar, please take a look, it is not exactly like our own history as a people, but the element of discrimination is there. Its true you are not aware until it affects you.

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  4.   MMjay says:
    Posted: 09 Jul 14

    Even Gov Wallace changed. It doesn't matter what happened to her in the past. It matters now that her eyes are open. If it took a personal experience, I can't judge someone for reacting as everyone acts. Your life is a product of your environment. And if she never felt racial hate and racism before now, I can believe that. Who she dated in the past never had the profound effect on the masses or society as Kanye and it is believable that until this great love that is a mothers love, that even the slightest racial attack or provocation going unnoticed before becomes a huge red flag and wall now. A mothers love is a mothers love. And that above all else will make a mother see what was invisible before. I believe her and understand what she feels. Only a mother can feel and want to protect her child from the evils of the world. Only a mother can see what she never saw before that child. Only a mother walking in her shoes would understand the change in her now. We don't have to believe or like or anything else her as a person, but I for one believe her and won't judge a mother wanting to protect her child from the evils of the world.

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  5.   KABWEI says:
    Posted: 16 Jun 14

    Kim i add these too.'No one was born a racist'

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  6.   Shotgun007 says:
    Posted: 15 Jun 14

    I don't believe her. I really don't. She, as someone who has proudly and almost exclusively only courted black guys and now that she has a mixed kid, experienced some epiphany? She probably CHOSE to ignore racism because of the money she's made off of Hollywood has afforded her a lifestyle far away from regular people. Turned her nose up and said "oh that doesn't pertain to me" and kept it moving. And I'm really tired of this racism game, its just played out, entirely.

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    • daphsmiles says:
      Posted: 15 Jul 14

      dating a black guy and having a black child are two different things. Of course she wouldn't think of racism just dating a black man, interracial dating and racial conscious are not one in the same. She has a black female child, she has to think of society differently now. Just dating outside your race doesn't make you think about these things, especially if youre white and you dont experience the same struggles

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      • brianna920 says:
        Posted: 18 Jul 14

        She does not have a black female child. She has a bi-racial female child. Bi-racial people are not black.

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  7.   NikkiRox says:
    Posted: 20 May 14

    Kim has for the most part always been in interracial relationships. Her first husband before Kris Humphries was also to a Black Man. She dated Reggie Bush and Ray J so she had to have had some experience with racism before now but to what extent we don't know. I will say this experience involves her child or something to do with her child and a parents' instinct to protect their child overrides all else. So it took having a child for her to really take notice so be it. The fact of the matter is she is taking notice. If she really didn't care or wasn't aware before now we should blame all of the Black Men she was involved with prior to Kanye for them not helping her to take notice. I am sorry if I were involved with a White Man he would hear a thing or two about my struggles and those of other Black people from me long before he has the chance to experience it first hand.

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  8.   Eam60 says:
    Posted: 18 May 14

    First of all, we as AMERICANS need to acknowledge that America is the "most RACIST country in the world".......then we can move on. Maybe KIM should start being the "MOUTH PIECE for RACISM", lord knows we need that in America. Most of the Immigrants that come to America bring that baggage with the....RACISM. I am personally sick and tired of dealing with racism , i have decided to let MR. SMITH & WESSON take charge.

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    • LadyDay1979 says:
      Posted: 31 May 14

      Just my opinion,I don't think that is correct. Having lived both in Europe Italy, Spain, and Switzerland) and the US, and traveled a lot, I found that Spain is one of the most racist countries. In general, I found Europe more racist. Now, I would like to say that I had no problems in London, Dublin, and Amsterdam. I guess one good think about racism in Europe is that they will tell you they hate you to their face as opposed to the US, when some people do it behind you back. I will never travel to Eastern Europe or some of these South American countries (especially Argentina, Ecuador, Peru). Speaking of the South American countries, if you look at their history, you can understand why they are so racist. Yes, the US is one of the most racist countries, however, because we fought for our rights (and continue to do so) and the Civil Rights period, we have come very far. Farther than a lot of other countries.

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      • Eam60 says:
        Posted: 04 Jun 14

        Speaking of South American is sad that in South America racism is out of control...I say that because according to my knowledge and the history classes I took in college, it clearly says how slaves "jumped off the slaves boats" to freedom. Also in South America most of the people have genotypically black blood mixed in them and as of today they still practice the so called African traditions, whether it is through dance, music, language etc.

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      • MMjay says:
        Posted: 09 Jul 14

        Yeah I lived in Spain for awhile and it was different. I would never say America is the most racist country if you have never been abroad.

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  9.   Rubenesque says:
    Posted: 16 May 14

    It's human nature to champion issues that personally affect you. For a person, like Kim K. who was raised in a life of privilege having a brush with a racial incident is uncomfortable for her. Being a parent, and having strangers make negative comments to her face or in the media is really going to test her beliefs. She had an epiphany...good for her. She will probably have many more of these moments of clarity being in an interracial relationship and raising a biracial child.

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  10.   myhappyeyes says:
    Posted: 15 May 14

    It's sad she took notice because her daughter is biracial but at least she took notice. Some take notice and never "Do" anything about the issue. I've always said it's one thing to complain about an issue but what are you going to "Do" about it!

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  11.   SurpriseMEE says:
    Posted: 11 May 14

    Although I'm not a big fan of the Kardashians, I think we should give her credit for being honest and for coming to the realization that racism affects everyone. Many people seem to feel that way but don't always say it out loud. I remember after Obama was elected so many of my white, liberal friends were so proud to have voted for Obama, but would often make comments that drove me crazy. Unfortunately, sometimes it does take personal experiences to make people more aware of issues like this. We have to also remember, people like K West/Kim K live in an extremely affluent, privileged world so they don't always experience things the way the average person might. Racism is often a result of classist beliefs as well as prejudice towards someone's ethnicity. At the very least, we can appreciate that with someone like K.K. who is in the media constantly, racism will be discussed more and hopefully that will help to let others know that it is still a serious issue.

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    • DeeAnn says:
      Posted: 20 May 14

      Also, Kim came from a background of privilege. I doubt many kids from Beverly Hills are deeply concerned about racism. Yes, sometimes having a baby changes a person.

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