The death of an interracial relationship...

Posted by Ria, 23 Nov

Helloz everyone, I will be quick and to the point…

Check this video out…

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Now I am not saying the girl should had said yes to the guy because its national tv but sweet Jesus girl you really don’t gave it a second thought there! I mean the man wont probably even get to another NBA game like EVER!

Maybe we should host a cruelness rejection competition. :P

8 responses to "The death of an interracial relationship..."

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  1. Posted: 26 Sep 09

    Shocking. Wow. No kidding, lolcat82...ouch. He looked same race as her to me, too close to call, so I don't get the interracial part. Good for her not to say yes if she didn't mean it, bad for her to embarrass him in public. Should have given a platonic hug and whispered in his ear that they should take it somewhere private. I would have. Takes a lot of courage and effort to do what he did; however, don't guys usually know for sure they're going to get a yes with preliminary queries before they actually pop it? Don't they usually test the waters first? That's been my experience. Or at least they ask in private if they're not sure.

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  2.   lolcat82 says:
    Posted: 16 Feb 09

    ouch :(

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  3.   nickyval says:
    Posted: 16 Dec 06

    Ever stopped to think that may be… just maybe the chic doesn’t like public displays of affection? She may be one of those people who love their lives private. Or maybe she just wasn’t ready for such kind of move. This was just an indication of how candid she is. I don’t see the point in someone saying yes just coz its on national tv then tell the guy later “dude, I couldn’t embarrass you᾿. If the chic wasn’t ready, she wasn’t ready. PLAIN & SIMPLE!!!

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  4.   stillmatic says:
    Posted: 15 Dec 06

    I do not for one second believe that this proposal was genuine. If you ask me, I think the joke was on the audience; not the dude. This kinda reminds me of The Jamie Kennedy Experiment TV Show when he once proposed at a ball game and the chic rejected her on National TV only for the crowd to be told they had been X-ED. Am sure if one person decided to hire a PI we’d get the whole truth.

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  5.   nastradamus says:
    Posted: 15 Dec 06

    I think men should stop these marriage proposal surprises in public places especially ball games. You think its romantic? Well… someone didn’t. Its much easier to handle rejection when its just the two of you. This woman must have had it with the dude. She was practically fleeing from the scene or should I call it the spot? Clearly, the woman was into the tickets more than the dude. Poor guy…

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  6.   heroical says:
    Posted: 14 Dec 06

    Poor dude. Games or no games, that woman was just cruel. Too cruel if you ask me. As the headline goes, I think this is not the way to end an interracial relationship… in fact any relationship for that matter. The man’s ego has been ruthlessly shattered. Go easy on us ladies. What’s your take on that brothers?

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  7.   grachao says:
    Posted: 14 Dec 06

    LOL!!! Didn’t mean to laugh though. Poor dude. Truth be told; that woman has no heart. Well as much as you say she didn’t have to say yes just coz she was on National TV, I still hink she should have said yes just for show then go home and tell the man “Hon, I just didn’t wanna embarrass you. But you and I, it aint gonna work᾿ PLAIN AND SIMPLE!!

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  8.   dorriezze says:
    Posted: 13 Dec 06

    Was that for REAL!!! Am hopping this was some big joke. All I have is question after question. Did she say no coz she hadnt expected it or coz the dude wasnt the same race like her. Well if this was a relationship, clearly the dude was totally mortified. All am hoping is that those two were playing some sick joke on the peeps at the game.

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