Is black and white so hypnotic?

Posted by Ria, 10 Mar

In the United States, just 1% of white marriages and 5% of black marriages are interracial. The most common of interracial marriages is between Asian women and white men. So why are there more articles on black/white marriages as opposed to the more common Asian-white marriages? Even with these statistics in our hands, when a study is done on interracial anything, it somehow tends to veer towards black and white.

For instance, in analyzing the plight of mixed race adolescents, some study used data from the National Survey of Adolescent Health (Add Health), which surveys over 90,000 individuals who were in grades 7-12 in the 1994-95 school year. HOWEVER, "304 black-white mixed children" were interviewed. And the whole thing went on to be about black and white completely ignoring the children of Latino-Black, Asian-White and other interracial pairings. And when talking about mixed race individuals racial identity dilemma, we make reference to black-white.

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Steve Jones - Professor of Genetics at University College London - argued last year that we will soon observe the complete obliteration of the races: “We are mixing into a global mass, and the future is brown.” Global mass? Brown? He just couldn’t avoid making it a black and white issue now could he? (Or is it I that can't help but assume that by saying brown, he was making reference to black and white?)

I must admit we interracial bloggers can’t be left out of this one. We kind of behave like any mixed race relationship other than black/white, don’t qualify as interracial. I mean, look at my blog posts. More than 75% of the ones on mixed-race relationships are centered on black and white relationships. And the ones that get the most responses are those on black and white issues.

The other day I stumbled across this on Other Brothers blog:

“… this will be pretty much about white and black people. I know other races date but for some reason minorities dating other minorities doesn’t have the same stigma. So we’ll go with what moves people.”

We focus so much on black and white relationships and issues in general and forget that when it comes to racial issues, other ethnicities have also played a role in making the world what it is today. (And here I am still doing the same thing ... blogging "black and white" again. No matter how I twist the topic, I still end up there).

Is black and white so hypnotic that we just can’t help but be drawn to black-white issues? If you agree with Other Brothers above, does this mean that we should ignore other interracial relationships and issues just because black and white 'moves' people?

150 responses to "Is black and white so hypnotic?"

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  1.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 16 Mar 09

    NOPLAYER , My youngest daughter came to Our house in Febuary . She met her Mother for the First Time , They Hugged each other and said they Loved each other . Our Lifes together are Full of Happiness . We paid Our way and shall answer to No one who shows Disrespect .

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  2.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 16 Mar 09

    party1 , I know not of this Willie Holder/ as I never met the man . Glock taught me not to fear as an old 12 gauge 3" MAGNUM PUMP shotgun with 00 Buckshot will clear any problems Inside Our fenceline - with Marvelous Accurateness . Anywhere else ain't none of my Business as we have Men in the service of our country / who will Gladly Do their Duty to Protect all Americans . Gun control is being able to hit that which you Point at , with Discression for the Rights of Others . President Obama cannot make everyone Happy with his words / as there are way too many different opinions , that he has to Deal with . Alas he will be up for Re-election in 4 years , let us see how good of a Total Showing he makes . We intend to vote in 2012 .

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  3.   NOPLAYER says:
    Posted: 16 Mar 09

    I've giving this topic some serious thought and I think one of the reasons the blk/wht relationships get some much attention because they're still veiwed as TABOO in this country. Seeing a blk/ wht couple walking down the street has a way of jolting people and forcing them to confront some of their hidden issues. If you've never been trully exposed to IR it makes your wonder, " how would I feel if my Sussie came home with Jamal" or if you're a blk woman, " how would I feel if my ex husband married a wht woman or how would our children responed to her? Blk/wht relationships when up close, be it a child, close friend or a parent involved forces us to show where we stand on the issue. The fear of being viewed as small minded or racist if your not for IR as a personal preference or for political reasons causes people to keep quite about their true feelings. As some have already stated, there's alot of historical pain between blacks and whites in this country and it's far from being healed. It's a wonder that blacks and whites can find an attraction between eachother looking at all we've been through together. Jews/Germans or Armenians/Turks, have yet to make the strides in dating eachother that blk/wht have in America. Those wounds are fresh and they're real. It's no different with blacks in America but we have dated and married White Americans for a years, what does that say about blk/wht in America. It says alot ! People on both sides have caught hell from both sides. People have fallen out with their families and some have been dis-owned. People have paid a terrible price for loving someone that others have yet grown to accept. There's a strenght and a determination to be happy despite who may not like it. It's a bold voice stating, " get used to it because we're not going no where"! There's a freedom that comes from being able to follow your heart. It's a showing of maturity and a willingness to think beyond what we may have believed for years and the nerve to go where others have tried to dictate where we should'nt go! It's having thick skin and the ability to give back a smile when you've been given a look of " how could you" ! It's hypnotic because it two people trying to be happy together while leaving other's alone to live there own lives and find their own happiness. At the end of the day, "It Is What It Is" !

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  4.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 15 Mar 09

    As I have read in other Blogs , about good Defence weapons / I feel that a 12 gauge 3" Magnum Pump is a good close range firearm . I do not know a Billy Holder but if he keeps his Butt outside Our fenceline , I would imagine 00 buckshot will not harm him . Amen

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  5.   party1 says:
    Posted: 15 Mar 09

    I was ready to drop this debate and move on,,BUT Mr Glock you have opened the door for another comment.William Holder said "we are a nation of cowards" in regards to this entire debate.At first I was out of my mind that he in his position could say this.After much thought I have open my mind since President Obama agreed and said it shouldve been said in a different form.

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  6.   Glock says:
    Posted: 15 Mar 09

    If any news source comes from the United Nations (what an Oxymoron) I tune it out. I will agree with Elliot that open and honest discussions of race are important. However, it's often difficult to do because at some point, someones will get offended to the point that they will call someone a racist whether it be true or not. I have found this to be the case quite a few times, all resulting from a disccusion about racial issues and experiences etc. In one of his posts he list several stereotypes that he claims in actuallity are quite different than the stereotype. However, I disagree with some of his claims, because I do believe that there is generally truth in many of the stereotypes. People are usually only offended when the stereotype is of a negative nature, AND their perception of the person accerting the stereotype is saying that it applies to ALL people of that group. I personally keep an open mind on most things. However there will always be things I am unwilling to budge on, as all people are. I can tell you right now that I will never listen to anything that comes out as a "study" or "report" from the "United Nations", and to use them as a "source" is, in my opinion, rediculous. Elliot claims that "the steady hand of the United Nation is there to rectify the wrongs..." Exactly what did the United Nations during the Rwanda massacre? After all the "United Nations" WERE THERE! But did nothing to stop it whatsoever. That's just one example of many countless examples possible to not have any faith in anything the "United Nations" even remotely touches.

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  7.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 15 Mar 09

    I apoligize , if I offend anyone . I have my own opinions in Life and can see that I get out of line on Occasion , Myself .

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  8.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 15 Mar 09

    P.S. I NEVER COULD SPELL VERY WELL - Being hypnotized by all I have learned about the History of Life in other places that I shall never go / - Puerto Rico - to correct error in prior statement . Me thinking she was Puerto Rican and writing in error , at my age the mind is the first thing to go . To keep with the topic at hand / I shall write in Black print on White paper solely because of the Hypnotic Quality of Our Beautiful Lives together as One .

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  9.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 15 Mar 09

    During his speeches in His campaigns ; Senator Obama was his duty Earned title and Now President Obama when others speak of him in Print . In my eyes , Total Disrespect through the printed word - by any who wish to show a Great amount of intelligence . By rambling on about History of the world on a Dating site , and telling me about - among those grups colonized doe snot exist - should hire an Editor to proof read their argument . I have never claimed to be any more than a Man . Yet , when I speak of Our President Obama , I have the Greatest Respect for the leader of the free world . Luci stated in another Blog that she is married . Puerto Rica was the location mentioned , therefore I think she is eliminated from the open Dating Market because of this Fact . Knowing about History and the World without seeing all that is Happening on our own Front yard . Alas the things Happening Today in our own neighborhood , are what my wife and I will deal with . As we have totally no control over the rest of the World . Politics is where some belong . Poli in Latin ; meaning many and tics ; meaning Blood sucking creatures / that are Parasites in Nature .

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  10.   salsera77 says:
    Posted: 15 Mar 09

    Sadly, some folks still haven't evolved in the US even now that it's 2009.

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  11.   salsera77 says:
    Posted: 14 Mar 09

    I agree with VA_Songbird and I stated similar in another blog: It's really very simple. This country has a messed up history hence the magnifying glass on black/white, hence the hypnotic atmosphere in the US towards interracial relations.

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  12.   jadediamond says:
    Posted: 14 Mar 09

    VA_Songbird you hit the nail on the head. There are many, many different interracial relationships in the US but the only one that gets people undivided attention is blackwhite. Therefore, it defintely makes you wonder if the blackwhite relationship is the only unacceptable one. There are just as many "black" men datingmarrying Asian women as any other race. Party1...I feel your pain. That is defintely an insult. I fully agree with homesteader we are all American Citizens and of one race "THE HUMAN RACE" Now when we start dating outside of that race...then it becomes a horse of a different color. lol

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  13.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 14 Mar 09

    I also think that when we speak on topics of Blogs : That we speak to all others included in the Forum .

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  14.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 14 Mar 09

    VA_Songbird , all I can speak about is Knowledge of Personal Facts in Our Lives . We can never know in reality how others feel unless they were to confide in Us Personally . Firsthand , none of this BS like I read it in the Inquirer or other tabloids on the street corner .

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  15.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 14 Mar 09

    How in the Heck , can you speak of anothers Sexual Fantasy anyhows , in our house these are Private Matters / Mind your own Business if you Please - Thank you . These are your thoughts of others sexual fantasy totally unfounded in Fact - being just what you have read . I heard it through the Grapevine -opinionated . Maybe you have watched to many VCR movies of people enjoying Life as they see fit .

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  16.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 14 Mar 09

    And though I personally have never dated an Asian Ladie , I still hold the Deepest Respect for them and their Families . If you want to speak as to the opinions of how a WHITE MAN IDEAS are spoken OF OTHER PEOPLEs existance / Feel free to ask Me , as I have the proper Qualifications for the job .

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  17.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 14 Mar 09

    And I am a Caucasian Male , that Loves to tell it as I see it . Not as in a vague testamony of Historical facts to confuse the issues in front of me . In a court of Law all this information /which is used to cover up the Truth of the Debate . We have many books in Our household some fiction some fact . Alas they were all written by Men and Women / Who make mistakes and errors in judgement also . Just Because they are Human beings . We in our Family are Happy with the changes in Attitude , that we have Made . In conclusion ; If you seek to live in the Past / that is your choice - feel free to Enjoy yourself .

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  18.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 14 Mar 09

    Upon futher investigation , on another Blog Luci states she is married . I in my deepest Hopes , Knowing that History was a time of Terrible Greed and Horrible things happened to all people of this World . Why would anyone feel the need to keep on Reliving in the Ignorant Class system . I was Happy that We as a community of Peace Loving people could move as far forward as we have . As opposed to being Stagnated in the Past . We have made many positive moves toward Respect where it was not given in the Past and Future is what I look forward to Daily in Hopes of Improvement for all peoples as citizens of this Earth .

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  19.   prize55 says:
    Posted: 14 Mar 09

    History and the truth often are ugly and hard to revisit, especially when many of us are trying to move pass the ugly past and often ugly present. I've taught many diversity classes and in one of them there was a White/Asian couple, married for many years. During the class I brought up interracial relationships. I turned to the husband and asked him how he dealt with social reaction to his marriage. He had this surprised look on his face as if I had just turned on a light. His comment,"I never thought of us as an Interracial couple...I just never did... but I guess we are?!" His wife, a biracial White/Asian woman responded; “That’s why he never notices the looks we get when we go to certain parts of the country”. We notice the color difference of Black/White relationships first; in parts of the country any mixed race couple will get noticed.

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  20.   party1 says:
    Posted: 14 Mar 09

    Perception is reality to most of us M.Elliott.I have reread your first blog again as you suggested.You have assumed or presumed what a white american male thinks or feels.It was percieved by several other bloggers as a racist viewpoint.You then went off in a second blog and with great passion defended your position with probable facts in history.The apology was lost in the mix..Im jus sayin If you felt appalled ,,pretty much we know the feeling.Perhaps you felt you were being truthful in your presentation,but it was the truth as you see it.I respect and invite good debate but thru my eyes I feel the pain of Asian women from your words.Please be open minded and understand that you have offended asian women and white men.

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  21.   M.Elliot says:
    Posted: 14 Mar 09

    Gentlemen, Personal opinion as to the way the world should be as opposed to the way the world is or has been has no role in historical observation of race patterns and perceptions caused and left by Ethnocentricism. To get to the root of a problem you must first open your minds to understanding and not close your mind to the ideals that such issues of racial inferioty complexes among those grups colonized doe snot exist. Hence we must alas seek to have a serious conversation about the issues and not brush them under he rug as done y past generations in America. One of the beauties of the South African peace process post aparteid was the the establishment of th truth and reconcilliation commission. This commission was designed to be an open dialogue between the Africans (native africans), Colored Africans (Indian Africans, and Africans of mixed race), and Afrikaans (Dutch or British Africans. During this process there was an open dialogue about racial stereotypes and how to overcome them. Obama in his histrical speech during his campaign stated, "The reason why America has in many instances not progressed as far a other countries regarding their race relations is because we frankly have not been willing to have an open truthful dialogue about race and the impact it has had on our lives". I challenge you gentelman to at least take up the tip of the iceberg information I have provided you with and at least read it before automatically assuming with very little basis that racial stereotypes regarding sexuality among among Asian women does not exist. Hence by the simple act of beginning to understand what this information we ove a step close to tackling and solving these issues. As for Shakaa I do agree with you that Lucy is a very beautiful and dynamic woman however, I will remind you that based on your race Luci has automatically eliminated you as a romantic possibility per the specific request to on her profile to only seek a romantic connection with White/European men. If you were born and African American, Hispanic, Asian, Indian, or Middle Eastern, Somoan or any other race I forgot to include you have autoatically been eliminated fro her list of possible choices even though you could possibly be her soul mate. Regarding Homesteader, In y response I was speaking only to those individuals who called e a racist (which does not include you) therefore my comments were not target at you. Party 1 I am appalled that you would comment on my venacular. How then should I speak or rather type sir? Furthermore, sir I did not assert anywhere in my response that idea of hatred as you have taken a illogical leap in logic to do. Might I suggest that you actually read the historical books before making such assumptions. Having an open dialogue means bringing into frution certain things which might sometimes be uncomfortable to admit because of shame and hummiliaion, but that is the first steps to getting past racial issue. Sweeping them under he carpet as if they do not exist only means that they will keep having to be dealt with later. Lastly, Sir I am almost sure you have not read anything I wrote because the only thing you took from he historical analysis was that men of color are upset that they were denied offbase privelages which was never stated in my analysis. NEver did I sttate that the men were upset. Again might I suggest you go back and re-read my analysis to gain a better understanding of it. Gentleman I again look forward to your response after you have read at least some of the information licks posted.

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  22.   VA_SongBird says:
    Posted: 14 Mar 09

    I think we should broaden our focus and definitions of inter racial couples. There are alot of Ethnic combinations possible. However, in the U.S. because of our history, we still tend to focus specifically on black and white. It often makes me wonder whether all other interacial couples are deemed acceptable and that it is only black and white that seem to confuse some folks.

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  23.   party1 says:
    Posted: 14 Mar 09

    When somebody makes an addendum to the original question in Ria s blog it goes off in another direction.So in the rebuttals one needs to align themselves with a group that can justify or in some cases save them for their comments.Academics are many times good people as are lawyers,BUT because you call yourself that or hang with that type doesnt mean that you are automatically recognized as that.Sometimes if it talks like a racists and is percieved as a racists then ????? After all that jibberish and hatred thrown at variety of people my interpretation is that you are upset that men of color were denied off base privilages and you are now a proud and prominant academic that can grandstand and spew hate because you can justify it by history. Its just my perceprtion,Elliot MAY be a fine gentleman BUT I am not enamored by fancy words and long speeches,its the substance.An apology followed up by more of the same falls on deaf ears.

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  24.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 13 Mar 09

    I think that it is called / First hand Knowledge

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  25.   Shakaa says:
    Posted: 13 Mar 09

    Luci, I have decided that I am hypotized by it all, All the beautiful women form all ethnic back grounds, and that include you White Women to, you are an Ethnic group like all others. While I am standing here being hypotized by your beauty, by your hipness, by the curve of your brow, by the way you flip and fling your hair, by the way you smile that bashful smile, you know the one, the one that makes your eyes sparkle when you look at me, And yet I am mystified by it all. Just think, If we all listen to our souls and not the wildings of another who is trying to have all the fun at our expense. the world would be Hot, Hotter than the fourth of July..we would all be lovers, lovers of each other. I am bold over by that White Woman who thinks of me as exotic, and all the while forgetting that she is an exotic one as well. I am knowck of my feet by that Asian women that White men seek because of her reputation for being submissive. never understanding the power of surrender and where that power really lies. (in the hads of the one who has surrendered. My soul comes alive when I feel the fire of a Black Woman exploding in the Universe, because it is as it should be when creation is being born, (creation is begining even if the whol world should burn, And the Sun is dying too be born again.) lets not for get her hypnotic smile that drives men wild down in their souls and they know not why. Go out of my ever loving mind when I here a Hispanic Woman say the words Papi, and if it is addressed to me, well, they can just come get me, because my soul is satisfied.. I can't for the life of me see why any one would not want to experience this. To know others un like your selves is growth, it is magical, real magic..not just smoke and mirrors or mirros and shadows..but life. full of fire, heat, and.....I think I will take my soul out for a stroll.

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  26.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 13 Mar 09

    M.Elliot , The Ladies that commented on your Generally way of explaining an opinion . Were not abused but married women / who spoke of Reality in their own Lives . History of the world may make you Happy / I see pain and suffering in days of long ago . We live in Todays world and if you look close enough most of these Horrible times are Behind us . I am an American born and raised , Honest in my life and do not believe all things I read . People only tell you that which they wish for you to hear . China last I heard kills their own people in the streets who do not agree with the Gov't . The United States still is a free country / if you obey the laws . WE , my wife and I are Happy here . If at any time others do not Enjoy the Priviledges of Citizenship , I think that they are welcome to go where they Please . I did not call you Racist - alas any insult made to a Ladie is not Gentlemanly [ even if it is generally speaking . ]

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  27.   M.Elliot says:
    Posted: 13 Mar 09

    Dear Luci, Recently, the United States drafted and placed before the United Nations a yearly brief on China. Within this brief the United States touched on Chinas economy, military, agriculture, schooling and most importantly China's constant breach of human rights violations. China in return responded to the United Status’s yearly draft with their own yearly draft brief on the United States. In China's draft they responded to the United States accusations regarding Human rights violations by pointing out that the United States turns a blind eyes to the exploitation of Asian women by European American men. China went on to identify massage parlors (happy endings), Tila Tequilla, Several New Documentaries of Asian porn and sex rings from reputable major news broadcast stations. China even went as far in this 3000 page document to comment on American sitcoms in which European American men would make reference to their, "Asian Porn Stash". China (A superpower government) themselves condemned the degrading and exploitative images of Asian women propagated by European American men. China asserts in their report that Asian American women as chasing behind European American men trying to gain acceptance. China asserts that Asian history is not taught in America schools. The lack of Asian history has caused an overwhelming majority of Asian American women to feel that because they have no history they should embrace and accept European History as theirs own. If the government of over 1 billion peoples views Asian American women in such a light and they are Asian then we must sit up and investigate. I am sorry if my analysis of the issue in any way offended anyone. I know that oftentimes being truthful about an ongoing stereotypical image projected of a certain group of people is sometimes hurtful. Stereotypical images are immutable characteristic which we as all people share equally. For instance when their is a mention of a drug dealer in America the first image which comes to the minds of an overwhelming majority of Americans is an American of African descent (when in all actuality drugs were injected into the low income neighborhoods by Italian, Irish and many other mafia gangs possessing planes, boats, and International connections to transport drugs overseas thus making those groups drug dealers to)(Furthermore, the meth. capitols of the United States are located in the Midwest which are not heavily populated with African Americas) . Equally, when talking about a serial killer in America the first stereotypical image which comes to mind is A White middle aged educated male (per FBI profiling)(when in all actuality America recently watched in terror as 1 man and his adopted son both Americans of African descent engaged on a shooting spree across in Northeast America disproving that serial killers are only white men). When speaking of migrant workers in America the first stereotypical image which comes to mind is people of Mexican descent (when in all actuality (African Americans in rural areas have always and still do continue to participate in migrant work to earn a living). When speaking of 7-11 stores or conveyance stores, cleaners, ect...the first images that right come to mind is Indian peoples. Unfortunately when speaking of terrorist in America the first images that comes to mind if people of middle Eastern descent (when in all actuality the IRA of Ireland had been and still to some degree is still carrying out terrorist bombing campaigns at a rate equal to that of Muslim terrorist and lets not forget Tim Mcveigh and the Oklahoma city bombings). Lastly, when speaking of mathematicians people oftentimes think Asian (although many of the great mathematicians also come from Europe, India, and Italy, Africa ect... As a practitioner of international law and having traveled to every continent I would never give analysis of an issue without pulling on the works of other highly regarded scholars of the particular topic of culture, treaties, and resolutions by the United Nations, International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court. In each of these aforementioned sources I have named exist bodies of treaties and resolutions condemning the rape and exploitation Asian women by foreign forces. In order for there to be a condemning of some activity by the aforementioned sources the exploitation must not be relegated to a small act but it must occur on such a large scale as to shock the conscious of those sharing such a common humanity for the well being other others. At that precise moment does the steady hand the United Nations moves to rectify the wrongs of those who have had crimes against humanity committed upon them. You have asked me to educate myself in such matters, however; I already have and would like to suggest some reading material for you to digest written by women of Asian descent who are historians and Asian studies psychologist who have dedicated their lives to trying to improve the condition of Asian American women and views of Asian American Women. These Asian American women and men have begin to breach topics of over assimilation by Asian American Women (in essence changing culture to become ore acceptable to European Americans, completely cutting ties with your Asian heritage and having no knowledge of their history, Plastic surgery to look more European American. Many of these Authors deal with what is popularly referred to in racial psychology as a racial self hate complex. This was coined shortly after WWII when many people of Jewish descent sharing a common grief for the atrocities that occurred during the holocaust begin to wish they were never born Jewish and psychologically attempted to separate themselves from their unique Jewish culture in hopes of becoming more acceptable to European and European Americans. This self hate complex has occurred all over the world and does not just exist in the Asian Community but has existed over he course of time in all racial communities. For example, Liberia has been at civil war large groups of African American freed slaves began shortly after freed slaves began arriving in Liberia called themselves the white ruling class thus seeking to subjugate the local tribes of Liberia to indentured servitude. The wars of Liberia today still wages on with the ruling class- descendents of ex-America slaves still referring to themselves as white. The local population of Liberian tribal women see the ex-slaves as being superior and because their skin is bit lighter an their facial features are different (a product of slave masters and overseer’s late night visits to the slave quarters women). Furthermore, the tribal women see these descendants of slavery as in power and therefore seek to cut their tribal ties in an effort to gain acceptance. In the year 711 A.D. a group of soldiers from the Berber African Tribe invaded Spain and occupied Spain until they were finally overthrown by a joint military mission of Britain, France, and Spain in 1492. While the Africans were occupying Spain they built mask, set up banks, trade, ect… and exploited the Women of Spain thus producing a many children. These Moors also took several Spanish wives at one time which allowed them to produce many babies. Before the occupation of Spain by the Moors the people of Spain were not distinguishable from those of France, however, after the Moors were defeated in 1492 they left behind a legacy of African features in the people of Spain. Moving on to present day times China is in the process of colonizing Africa economically. The Chinese government is only sending Asian men to Africa countries to work and these African men are producing children with the local populations at an alarming rate. These children are referred to in Africa as Losotos. The African women who once viewed the European men as desirable during colonization now have latched onto Asian men. These African women seek to gain acceptance into the Chinese culture and make every attempt in these regions to alienate themselves from their culture in hopes of being with a Asian man. I could go on forever and ever from Rome occupation of North Africa to the occupation of Rwanda by Europeans before WWI which created a class system between the local populations eventually leading to the tragic genocide years later or the Hati dictator Poppa Doc era in which the Poppa Doc clearly effected by the self hate race complex referred to himself as being 100% White with no African descent (although his skin color and facial features resembled that of Tribal Africans. I could go on an break down the British and Irish or Scotland, or I could talk Bosnia, Croatia Serbia, and Montenegro and the effects of self hate complex upon the women of Croatia who often denied the ethnic roots based on the self hate complex caused by the need to assimilate. Or we could talk the effect of self hate complexes upon the people of Cyprus. Turkish Cypriots women and men only making 10% of the Cyprus population as opposed the 90% Greek Cypriots. These Turkish women rejected their Turkish roots in an effort to assimilate and be acceptable to Greek Cypriots thus causing self hate complex among Turkish Cypriot women. Or we could talk Pol pot regime in which the Kymer Rouge grouped peoples according to ethnic tribes this forming a cast system. Such grouping still long after the genocide was ceased still has affected the way the women of that region in the lower cast system view themselves and what means they go through to seek the men and assimilate into the higher cast system. Which creates a self hate complex among he women. The evidence the documentation the thousands of interviews by U.N. recovery psychologist and redevelopment teams point to the direction that every race or culture at some point in time has suffered from a self hate complex. Just as many groups in America have. Italian, Irish, Scottish, and Russians women back during the great immigration were treated as second class citizens by British Americans. Italians, Irish, Scottish, Russians ect… were forced to live in Slum neighborhoods (ghettos) and work menial jobs in factories for less pay as their British American counterparts. Historical records detail that brothels were established in these neighborhoods and British American men would after a days work visit the brothels to engage in sex with these Non-British American women (As depicted in the historical book and movie gangs of New York along with several other historical books and records of the great immigration and Ellis island). Therefore, European women who were non-British sought to be accepted into British America by means of assimilation which meant oftentimes becoming the mistress of a British American man, having his children, or chasing behind and attempting to marry and British American man in hopes of being acceptable to the status quo of the ruling society. Lastly, post slavery and during the Jim Crow era many African American women and still to present day many African Americans also still seek acceptance from the European American community and carry with them a self hate complex which relegates them to the thinking that Black is evil or bad and white is perfect, clean, and pure. However, African Americans have long battled such ideas from cast upon them by the inhumane treatment, rape, and brutalization caused by slavery. The United States Supreme Court used the now famous baby doll test to overrule segregation in the famous Supreme Court Case Brown v. Board of Education in which black children were asked a series of questions and told to pick which doll fits each description. All of the black children picked the black doll when asked negative question and the white doll when asked positive question. (several books have also been written about this self hate complex regarding African Americans by many well noted white and black scholars). Statistics show there is a fear among African Americans that assimilation will cause a loss of cultural identity and history and perhaps a relapse back into slavery. Therefore, African Americans at large are tackling the issue of assimilating without “selling out” and losing their cultural identity. This is why African Americans oftentimes reject such things as school or and Eurocentric standard forced upon them . African American women oftentimes date drug dealers and the men get involved in a life of crime as one of the ways of rejecting Ethnocentricity. (again several education scholars have written on this issue in America which to this day assert that over 82% of African American women have knowingly dated a man whom sells drugs.) Some African American women seeing the disparate impact have chosen to completely reject anything African American and assimilate into European American culture. Again this acceptance in the European American community to these women is heavily based on their obtainment of a white man. The same can also be found in African American men who oftentimes chase behind white women and reject African American women completely (self hate complex). Many of these men view the obtainment of a white woman as their acceptance into European American. And once again I must return to the Asian community to again through the work of scholars touch back on the stereotypical images of Asian women. Similar in Brown v. Board of Education Asian Americans in California have argued the race hate inferiority complex before The United States Supreme Court and won. In this particular test the Asian lawyer used a series of pictures and asked the Asian children who they looked like and what pictures were pretty and which ones were ugly. The women choose the pictures of white to be pretty an choose the pictures of Asian to be ugly. This test was used to support the fact that Asian students had a right in American public schooling to receive proper teaching in Asian until they learned American because the effect of not having a translator lead to the development of a race self hate complex among Asian women as no so much the men as it is in pretty much every race. Karamatsu v. The United States Supreme Court in which the Executive branch ordered the detainment of all Japanese Americans until the end of WWII also had a disparate impact upon how Asian Americans viewed themselves in America. Many Asian Americans who were not even Japanese were detained simply because they has Asian Ancestry. Studies of these effect by scholars and psychologist have clearly proven that Asian Americans in America after Karamatsu broke sharp ties with their culture and many families fearing it could happen again encouraged their children to not speak or learn anything Asian and then (last but not least mother and father encouraged their daughter to try and if possible marry a nice white man in hopes of being safe from ever being detained again and assimilating). In Mexico and South America there is a common terminology among all people “MEJORAR LA RAZE” which translates to improve the race through injections of white blood over subsequent generations of Latin on European interracial breeding. This kind of thinking is epidemic among all races at some point in time in history and not just limited to one. However, the article was focused on Asian American women. In keeping with good faith and fair play African American Men during WWI exploited the White women of Europe. Many books have been written about the African American soldiers experience in Europe during WWI where for the first time had frequent sexual encounters with European women and impregnated many leaving never to return. Military historical records are also available that in-depth address the issue of White Soldiers becoming frustrated at their inability to meet women while stationed in Europe because he women of Europe seemed only to be into the African American Men. Eventually the African American soldiers were ordered to stay on base and not permitted leave for the remainder of their stay in Europe thus quashing the problem and preventing a race riot by frustrated white soldier. However, as I said before every race of women has been exploited and YES African American Soldiers in WWII did for a brief period exploit European women in London and France. Oddly enough a similar event occurred post the civil war with the African American Buffalo Soldiers stationed in the Midwest. These well armed soldiers stationed in the Midwest oftentimes exploited the Asian women brought in from Asia to work on the railroads of, some European American Women, and a lot of Native American Women. Now in regards to me being accused of racism and the prior accusation that I only date white women I will say this: First my father is African American and my mother is Jewish (not that it is any of your business). However, to assert that I am racist against European American males is pure ignorance because that would imply that I am racist against myself being that I have European American blood in me which I am clearly not. Secondly, I do not single my dating habits to one particular race, but will date whoever I mentally vibe with. That is why my preference is set to all ethnicities because I would not let something as shallow and small minded as the hue or tone of a persons skin pigmentation determine whether I would or would not date them . “The definition of racism is the inability of a simple minded person to overcome the complexities of difference.” I would urge the women who tried to brand me as something I am at all not (and you know who you are) to stop their simple mindedness and overcome their complexities of difference by setting their profiles to all ethnicities instead of solely one preferred ethnicity you know what I mean). If the logo of this site is “Where love is more than skin deep” then surely you cannot justify limiting your choice only to one particular race (you know which race I am referring to). Because to do so would mean you have a “Bias” which is defined as an unfair preference towards one particular race. (you know what race I mean). Such a bias denotes bias treatment which leads to racial preference thus perpetuating the racism wheel into a endless cycle of futility. Therefore, instead of pulling the splinter from my eye, may I suggest my dear ladies that you first remove it from your eyes. For the 2 guys who decided to call me a racist after reading this I hope I have somewhat changed your opinion to initiate an apology for making such a broad remark when not understand the historical context as to my comments. Now back to the young ladies. I first want to provide by way of assistance into perhaps helping you get your foot into the door of Asian American race and psychology issues a few sources to start with: Asian women, stereotypes and hate crimes Posted by Ria on February 20, 2009 This article explores the sexual tragic criminal act was carried out upon Asian women by 2 men and a woman who had a stereotypical image of Asian woman. I would also like to direct you and your friend to a great book entitled ‘The First Strange Place by Joanne Meyerowitz . This book centers on the WWII and the exploitation of Asian women by American Service men stationed in Hawaii. The book will take you through military records in which the United Military organized an Asian brothel district for the soldiers to relieve stress. These Asian women were essentially sex slaves who could not leave the brothel area remain in Hawaii if they decided cease prostituting themselves. Here are some other websites you can take a look at: Here is a great dissertation written by an Asian American women which was recently published and received national attention. She essentially touches on what I have stated above from an Asian American view point. It is entitles: Asian women under the shadow of white masculinity: Intimacy, desire, and construction of self in interracial relationship Of course I could not leave the fellas out. Here is an Article from a grat Asian American online Magazine called Asiance Magazine. This particular article centers on a White male writing in and telling why he prefers to date Asian women. He does however acknowledge that stereotypes of Asian women by European American men out there. I would heavily suggest reaing this wiki it will allow you to see the stereotypes are out there amongst European American Men. Lastly, I hope I have given you enough information to help you begin your journey into understand Asian American culture from a psychological and racial vantage point better. As I said before many of these scholars which are Asian American have dedicated their lives to this field of study and I cannot any of who wrote me back in a chastising manner to understand the complex issue being death with in the Asian American women community. There is also another great book being worked on now by an Asian American professor in California who has argued that the Alienation of Asian American women of their Asian American men (the life quest of Asian American women to only date European American Men and not Asian American men has caused resentment in the Asian American male community and many of these men are left without any options for dating partners in America being that other races of women are still not as open to dating Asian men because of negative stereotypes depicting Asian men as boring. I hope this covers everything and if not ask questions nd I would ne more than happy to provide you more information. Oh yeah I forgot to pull the resolutions jus got to the United Nations website an plug in Asian it will take you there. Until next time, M.Elliot

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  28.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 13 Mar 09

    Shakaa , I do not understand all of what you have said . Most of the things I understand and totally agree . I do not worry about the Gene Pool after my life is over , I will allow the younger people to deal with that . In my 60 years of living , I have seen many possitive changes and realize there are many more to come . Regardless of Race , Creed and Color . PEOPLE RULE THE LARGEST PARTS OF THEIR OWN LIVES by the way they commit themselves bye their actions . Life for me was never easy being born poor , Alas instead of complaining about things that I had no control over - I got up off my Bottom and made Life Happen for me first by Washing other peoples dirty dishes , Washing their dirty cars when I had to walk to work because my junk would not start . I Learned to deliver freight and communicate with others no matter how different we were , as we all do the same things / Daily . Sleep , EAT drink and use restrooms . Men of all colors when they go against society are Persecuted either correctly or incorrectly . To Blame others for Lifes Happenings if one does not try to improve on his or her own . Would be my Largest complaint , as a whole / we all shall Reap what we Sow - if you don't plant it sure will not Grow .

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  29.   Luci says:
    Posted: 13 Mar 09

    This is a comment for M. Elliot from a wonderful, beautiful, smart and talented and just the most amazing Asian Woman I know: I read the comments made by M. Elliot, and I am completely insulted and aggravated. Obviously, this man is extremely ignorant and close-minded. I am a Vietnamese woman who is educated and independent and while being all of that, I am also married to a white man. Now, contrary to M. Elliot’s belief, I married my husband b/c I love him and not b/c I wanted acceptance in the white community. My husband married me b/c he loves me, and not b/c he believed that I would be “subservient”. I am successful, independent, and educated, my husband wanted a partner, not an obedient, little Asian wife to boss around. The women that M. Elliot has described in his comment refer to only some of the women back in the time of the Vietnam War. If he hasn’t realized, we are currently in 2009, and things change. Also, the term Asian American women, refers to women who were born within the United States, therefore, a lot of those women are educated and go on to become doctors, lawyers, business owners, etc. and they do not merely want acceptance from the white community by hoping to “marry a white man that none of the white women want”. And the Asian women that aren’t born in the United States learn to be independent, take care of themselves and their families. All in all, Asian women are survivors, as are all women of any race, and an ignorant person like M. Elliot is the reason that women sometimes have trouble escaping the stereo-types put out there. He should not comment on what he knows nothing about!

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  30.   Luci says:
    Posted: 13 Mar 09

    M. Elliot---I think your comments are the most racist I have heard in a very long time. I think you ignorance is speaking for you---you have no clue and I have very good Asian American Women friends, specifically Vietnamese and they are the most caring and loving American and they are in mixed relationships and it has NOTHING to do with what you say. It is based on love and trust and honor and family and committment - NOT what you say. You need to get a clue and you need to educate yourself on other cultures, before you make ignorant comments.

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  31.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 13 Mar 09

    When we come to Date / Mate for Life . What difference does the Cover make as we must read the Whole book to find that which the Author thought was a Fitting Ending . One day at a Time and We all need to Grow toward the Future with Respect to Each and everyone . Throw those Blinders in the corner and Feel Life in all it's Glory . As there are so Many choices to make , choose Wisely and Smile .

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  32.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 13 Mar 09

    Life is not a Color , nor is it Money . All New Automobiles soon enough turn to Antique with time . People regardless of Age or where they were born / All Desire to be Happy everyday of their Lives . One day at a time . Your Daddy was a Man under constant threat of Death from the Enemy , Sexual energy releaves Stress when it is available . Never-the-less , He was still your Father and he Loved you because you are his Daughter . Prejudice is indeed a Large part of everyday Life . Preference is in each thought of our daily lives / When you reach for a Cabbage in the cooler at the grocery store . Do you pick the Green or do you pick the Red one . We believe in choosing each at different times because the Flavor is a little bit different . Then my biggest choice is whether to get the extra sharp or the mild cheese . One dummy does not a World make , it takes a Bunch of Us and what We see as " NORMAL " probally doesn 't even happen to you because of where you Live. Date Ting others would Largely Depend on how one carries themselves , the way they make you feel comfortable to be with them and the Honesty of their approach - When they say " Madam , May I have the Honor of your company for this next Dance ? "

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  33.   alani says:
    Posted: 13 Mar 09

    lol, much of this conversation has become very comical. Many of the comments were filled with interesting concepts. I do agree that the "White Man" exploiting Asian women is a bunch of...well crap. The only undertones that came from it was that more black men would get more dates with Asian women if it weren't for those white men. Preference is simply preference. There's no difference in someone deciding that I'm not their type because I'm not built like a model. There's no shame in that for me or the other party because chances are I wouldn't give that person the time of day because there is something in them I don't find appealing. My father was in the military and messing around in Korea and Germany. I know for a fact that he got someone of Asian decent pregnant in addition to a German woman. It wasn't because he was black and wanted to exploit women of other races. It was because he couldn't keep it in his pants. In regards to the topic in question, we still live in a very prejudice world and because of that, there are still ignorant people out there who rejoice in exploiting the ignorance of others for profit. When one dummy stares at something that doesn't compute in their "normal" day to day and makes a big deal out of it with his or her peers, the media goes wild and thinks of ways to cash in. Unfortunately, prejudice is a ever flowing cash pot. This ultimately is the bottom line.

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  34.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 12 Mar 09

    P.S. The A-SHIRT that I wear in my picture is white , do not you see the difference in my skin color or are you Blind ?

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  35.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 12 Mar 09

    What remains Offensive to me is being called a White man by people who claim to have Intelligence / I am an American Citizen who is Caucasian bye Heritage . The America Indian called is White men in the movies . Grow-up I have .

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  36.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 12 Mar 09

    As many Negro American servicemen that served Our country in Vietnam , The only question I have for You M.Elliot is do you Imagine that they all Remained Celebate , during their tours of Duty in Vietnam ? or did they Exploit the Ladies of the evening while they were there ?

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  37. Posted: 12 Mar 09

    I believe it's simpler than most think. We live in a society that judges people based on their skin color, not their heritage/culture; White is considered to be superior than other colors. Viewed in that light, White/Yellow skintones are closer together than Black/White skintones, thereby eliciting fewer stares and responses. Also consider that Whites have always held the position of social/financial dominance in this country (White men in particular), and you can see how something so offensive to them (black men with their white women) would stay in the media (which they own), and continue to be such an irritant socially. Add to that the mentality of an offended white man, who considers himself superior to any black man: "How could she prefer HIM over ME?" Now, I will be quick to point out that I don't suggest that all white men feel this way; in fact, I KNOW it isn't the case. But, in acknowledging that, it also can't be ignored that there ARE white men that DO feel that way.

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  38.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 12 Mar 09

    When talking of Asian American women and Caucasian American men . Yes these are Citizens of the United States of America / The last time I heard they both are born with Freedom of Choice . What's your Point ? I feel that Blessed by birth , I have never felt the need to Exploit Anyone . Insecurity in ones own Ability to make a Ladie Smile is not my problem . Seems to Belong to people - Who judge others' Relationships . Without the Intimate Knowledge in others' everyday Happy Lifes Together . It is not my Fault Asian American women do not Date indiscriminately . As they have Taste for the Finer Things in Life . CAN'T YOU SEE.

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  39.   ethereal99 says:
    Posted: 12 Mar 09

    Q: So why are there more articles on black/white marriages as opposed to the more common Asian-white marriages? I think Asian-white relationships are viewed as less shocking to those not involved in interracial relationships. They are also more low-key in their relationships, I don't mean any of this to be seen as good or bad, it's just my perception.

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  40.   Glock says:
    Posted: 12 Mar 09

    lickem, I guess it's just that racist, opportunistic, whiteness in us that just makes us want to uh-huh..."exploit" women. As you know, we white men never involve ourselves with any woman of another race unless it has to do with sex. M.Elliot, thanks for the comic relief. It definately is one of the funnier posts I've ever read. Keep up the good work!

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  41.   beauty08 says:
    Posted: 12 Mar 09

    I think black/white produces the best results ever!..the good example is OUR PREZ OBAMA!!! GOBAMA!!!

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  42. Posted: 12 Mar 09

    So M Eliot since you date white women. Are you sexually expoiting them as well? After reading your blog concerning asians and whites. You are one racist son of a bitch!

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  43.   party1 says:
    Posted: 12 Mar 09

    My very first thought without having the stats to prove it would be that the military situations provided the bulk of these relationships.Had the U.S invaded or occupied a predominate black country the numbers would reflect that.So the relations could have been born on foreign soils.A black/white relation is more likely born on U.S. soil thus being closer to home and gaining more notice.In the coming years and less military actions in asian countries my guess is that the numbers would rise in the black/white relationships at a faster rate.

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  44.   M.Elliot says:
    Posted: 11 Mar 09

    When discussing the interracial dating of Asian American women and white men we must first and foremost be honest in our analysis of such relationship in America. Traditionally in American culture Asian American women have been viewed by an overwhelming majority of White men as sexual objects suitable to fulfill their sexual fantasy with. This in part is due to the overwhelming low amount of self esteem found in the Asian community brought on by their lack of cultural knowledge and history. Many Asian American women idolize White men as being superior and desire to gain acceptance in the white community by attempting to date only White men. White men view their ability to exploit Asian American women for their sexual conquest as their American Birthright. Whereas, Asian women view themselves as dating White men in America, White men view their involvement with Asian women large in part as sexual experimentation. Asian American Women oftentimes date the White men which are not usually desired by most White women and see themselves as having nabbed a great prize. Comparing the interracial dating of Asian American women and White men with other interracial dating experiences in America, no other race is so overtly exploited sexually then that of Asian American women being exploited by White Me. Stories of White American men sexual conquest in Vietnam have led to the overall idea by White men that Asian American women are subservient and will do whatever a White man tells them to gain White approval. A substancial dating relationship is the mutual assent by both parties to enter into agreement to share i the emotional care, welfare, and liabilities of the other partner. The author of the blog is very confused because an overwheling majority of interaction between Asian American women and White men are not substancial dating relationships, but rather the sexual explotation of White Men upon Asian women who misperceive such interactions as meaningful relationships. In essense When White Men need to get laid they go Asian because it is easy and convient.

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  45.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 11 Mar 09

    Blending Red and Yellow will produce Brown , that my dear is written in Black ink on White paper . And I was taught that mixing all colors would make Black , that White was the Absense of color / that was in the 1950's elementary school . I am sure this was before your time . In Texas where We reside it is always Dark at night , with the exception of the Full moon shining in the Sky . People are not Colors - people are Living Individuals with Feelings . I am Caucasian ; Others of intelligence in my younger years would descibe me as Flesh colored / not white . American Indians were described as Redman and far Eastern people as Yellow - therefore a mixing of these two peoples will bring Brown into the Equation . Alas we still are speaking of a box of Crayola crayons which to use in coloring books . Please try to stay within the lines , Hehe . Imagination is a Great thing , Try ing to Live in the Past times and Constantly repeating the same words / shows Stagnation in your writing Talents . At an Elementary Level . I apoligize if I offend alas at 60 have Grown to see far Better things in a Brighter Light . Reality brings forth Belief . Perhaps you could tell us the number of people in the World that still are of a Pure Heritage .

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  46.   Kat says:
    Posted: 11 Mar 09

    Asian and White are the MOST common IR couples in America but they get nowhere near the attention Black/white couples get. It just goes to show that white and black mixing are still considered taboo because of the history of America.

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  47.   wildrusian says:
    Posted: 11 Mar 09

    Come on... We shouldn't ignore anything that happens, because it is important to our culture. Anyhow, i believe black/white is so hypnotic because it is still a taboo. And in our society, taboos always get the most attention. In fact, because it happens less often than other interracial r-ships is why we pay so much attention to it. But because we concentrate on black/white couples, we don't see other ones, and so it begins to seem that black/white happens most often. But the future really may be brown... Because no way will you get a white child from a black/white couple. And mixing of other cultures is also likely to lead to brown or darker outcome. So the future is dark... lol. But that may not be such a bad thing. =)

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  48.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 10 Mar 09

    AND IF ; 1 % OF White Marriages and 5 % of Black Marriages are interracial / that would be 6 % Total interracial Marriage between Us .

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  49.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 10 Mar 09

    Yes , I would hope that most of Us on this site have the desire for change in this otherwise Backward world . In Fact / I will go out on a limb and almost Guarantee that people here Seeking Relationships with people of different Heritage . Most certainly have made some changes in their Lives as to Respecting All others . Ria there is Only one Race and that is the Human Race / get with the Program . What they did in 1994-95 is History now . Personally I would enjoy reading about the Present day or Maybe - Your Ideas for a Brighter Future .

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  50.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 10 Mar 09

    When an American Citizen marries another American Citizen / They have children born , who are also American Citizens . Not being an Author in magazines , We are only able to read what others write . I was born in the U.S.A. and never ventured any farther than Canada . Why do you [ speaking of who wrote the topic for this Blog } always say Black n' White ? My wife is a Beautiful Brown skinned Ladie and I am Cream colored . This United States of America has Blue sky , green grass , Muddy waters and Red sun . Black in my dictionary ; Devoid of color . White ; of the color of Pure Snow. Personally my Favorite color is Yellow / Could be because I drove a Taxi in younger years or maybe because of the school buses and the flowering bushes on Our fenceline , butterflies , Lemonpies and sometimes the Sun . In My eyes when I look at people / I only see two kinds - Male and Female . Are you color blind ? Cannot you see the True Beauty in Life is not to Catalogue all people in groups of Color - This is called Racially Motivated Editorials . Change needs to start at these Blog Topics , Percentages are used by Mathematicians and Insurance Companies . My wife is Number 1 in my life . I am number 1 as shown by the middle finger of many on the Highways , we each have 3 children from prior marriages / 1 + 1 + 3 + 3 = 8 and that is 100% of Our immeadiate family .

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