Interracial dating among teens

Posted by Ria, 24 Apr

There may be enough dividing factors when it comes to teen cliques. But when it comes to dating among teens, most of them do not see race and ethnicity as a dividing factor. Clothes, hairstyles or favored musicians seem to matter most.

When growing up, I used to have friends from all races. Their color never used to matter. What really mattered was that we all had fun together… we all shared similar interests besides race. However most of us find themselves in situations where parents interfere. Am sure you have heard parents say things like ‘Don’t associate yourself with so and so. They are not like us.’ So who are they? ‘The others’ like in Lost TV show?

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One judgmental parent posted a 911 question on some parenting website - My ninth grade daughter has become interested in a boy of a different race. This type of thing could potentially tear my extended family apart. At her young age (she is 14), I'm not sure she is mature enough to understand the implications of such a relationship… So what implications are these? Was it really about the teenager or was she just trying to be satisfy her selfish racial prejudices and fears?

With a lot of celebrities who are racially blended, it's no surprise teenagers would be more open to romantically crossing racial and ethnic boundaries than previous generations. However, several teenagers also agree that pressures from parents and society add difficulties in a relationship between people with differing races. Erika Lopez, a Lakeland High student says her family expects her not to date outside her Mexican heritage. It’s like they are not part of the family. Of course they are not part of the family. None of the people we date are. So why accept those within our race as part of the family and neglect those that aren’t? Beats me.

Thing is, parents strongly influence a youngster's attitude toward cultural blending. Most are just closed-minded and want their kids to believe what they believe, race-wise or class-wise. So unless the parents have a non-judgmental mindset, then only the rebellious teens will date interracially.

Some teenagers approve of interracial dating without any restrictions but say they couldn't imagine themselves dating or marrying outside their racial or ethnic category. Could this be because of some acquired prejudice from their parents or is it just a matter of preference? Are they afraid of being treated as outcasts?

Well there is no law guiding love or who we love. And as Mother Terressa said, ‘If you judge people, you have no time to love them’. So if our children can be as open minded as they are, then I guess its time for parents to just BUTT OUT!!! Don’t you think?

39 responses to "Interracial dating among teens"

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  1.   AugustPoet says:
    Posted: 30 Sep 10

    I am a teenager (19) and I've always dated outside of my race. My parents never seemed to have a problem with it. I think that in this modern time atleast, there is not one particular race that in more against interracial dating than another. It depends on their generation, their coming up, where they are from, and their life experiences. But really people just need to get over it in general..because interracial dating is something that has been progressing for a while now, and its not going to end."Dont worry, be happy" lol

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  2.   NOPLAYER says:
    Posted: 19 Jun 10

    @ fadedsuede Back off man! Thelma Evans was my dream woman as a little boy. LOL She's still fine as hell after all these years.

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  3.   fadedsuede says:
    Posted: 18 Jun 10

    I remember I wouldnt speak about any young black girls (or older) that I thought were cute until after I graduated from High School. I did once and was ridiculed by my white friends for weeks (months?). I dont know what her birth name is, but she was the character on GOOD TIMES - Thelma Evans. I hated JJ with a passion because he would always pick on Thelma.

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  4.   Nicole says:
    Posted: 17 Jun 10

    I have to agree with Dannie3. I am a teenage African living in America, yet I feel as if I am automatically labled as the stereotypical black girl. My friends often tell me that I don't act black and I say I didn't know color had actions. Every black person is not the same. I do not have AIDS or speak in slang, or try to act "ghetto". I am just myself. I like people of every color and have very diverse friends. If I happen to like a caucasian American or European or Asian boy, so what? I am an intelligent young woman and do not appreciate being "typed". There are black people from nearly every country so are they all the same? Mike, what would you do if your daughter found a black Irish?

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  5.   womaninga says:
    Posted: 04 May 10

    Comment by Mad-max on 14 September 2009: Hit me up if you still out there.

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  6.   eilss says:
    Posted: 04 May 10

    I hope someday that we can get past this whole "race" thing...My teen daughter is black and is currently in a relationship with a teen young man who is white. They started off as very good friends, and it has bloomed to much more. Should I be worried? No, I don't think so, my heritage is my heritage. I came from a multi-racial background, black, white and native american. Anyone of my ancestors missing from the genetic line, and my mother would not be here. I am proud of ALL the heritage in my bloodline. Mike, my question for you is are you sure that there isn't some racism there? Is it really only about her marrying within her "race"....what happens if she marries a german, englander, or someone with dutch heritage....are you ok with that? Otherwise, to protect your heritage, she should only be allowed to marry within the "irish" line....

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  7.   dolly48 says:
    Posted: 02 May 10

    Comment by wesley snippez on 23 October 2007: "White men really put Black women last on their lists. Asian and latin women come before Black women. Black women are the most rejected women on earth. I wish them success trying to get the white womans men. I just doubt that their high Aids rate, and crime rate is appealing to white men or otherwise. Good Luck." Excuse you??? did you take your meds this morning? Let me tell you my side of the story: My sister is a police officer, and while she is patroling in the black neighborhood, she sees a lot of white men with sistas! When we are in South Philly, we like to go to the Italian neighborhoods and have a drink with the italian stallions! As for men not liking Sisters, it is because they are threatened of us. That's right. some men like to be controlling and treat women like lesser beings. Most black women I know will NOT let that happen. I was speaking with a sister several years ago, and we were discussing black men. One brother told her that he would never date her because he could never control her. My daughter's former boss was married to white women 4 times, each time they divorced him because he cheated with black women (he is white) my daughter asked him why he did not marry black women instead and he said "they dont do what I say"

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  8.   DixHistory says:
    Posted: 01 May 10

    Hello Mike, My roots are in Ireland but I am an American. My x Great Grandfather came from Ireland and fought for America in our War of 1812 James joined in Green County Georgia the place of my roots is still GA. In doing family research I can tell you that I have come across Irishmen who fell in love and married black women. They also at times went back to Ireland to live because of conditions here at that time. You can never lose who you are so be proud your daughter knows who she is and what she wants. Shout out to all the black women and those of all colors and looks on here that will not let race, creed or looks stand in their face or way of their desires. Be who you are and be happy God bless you all.

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  9.   Mike says:
    Posted: 15 Jan 10

    I'm a 41 year old first generation Irish american father of a 14 year old daughter.She recently told me she has a preferance for black boys.I was raised in a racially diverced community so im not racist by any meens,but Im proud of my heritage and where I come from.My heritage is my idenity.If she some day marrys a black man and they have kids then most likely their kids will be black.In one generation my bloodlines identity will be gone.The Irish have fought hard to get the respect of the world.My grandfather and greatgrandfather fought against england for irish independance.Not wanting her to date out side her race has nothing to do with hatetred,it has to do with pride of my culture.If she has interracail kids then its like spitting in my ancestors faces and saying they fought for nothing. On the show John and kate plus 8.When you look at the kids do you see kate or do you just see John.If you saw those kids with no parent you would think they had two Asian parents.Nobody wants there identity erased especailly by their kids.

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  10.   harjinder says:
    Posted: 27 Dec 09

    I think that inter-racial dating is perfectly normal. I am 20 years old and I am indian, I really like black guys but my family does not approve of it. I have always liked black guys, other races just don't do it for me. I have had one boyfriend and he was black, and i have only dated black guys. I do not even look at guys of different races.. Theres just something about them

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  11.   Member says:
    Posted: 08 Nov 09

    I am a 16 year old (BLACK BOY), i live in the UK and i like this (WHITE GIRL). I really like her, and i dont drink, smoke or do drugs. iam worried that her parents might have diffrent views on my, and i dont want them to judge me because of my skin colour. In the UK its rear to see a black boy with a a white girl. i think that love should'nt have anything to do with the past. that way everyone on earth can leav happily and in peace with each other

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  12.   Dannie3 says:
    Posted: 21 Sep 09

    I see the people. I grew up in new york moved to north carolina then kansas, and every where i went i saw the guys. I love talking to my mom about the (insert race her) boy running with his shirt off. She doesn't see the race like the rest of the world like me. My aunt married interracially and so i grew up believing that it was normal. In reality it is normal. God made adam and eve, he never mentioned anything about if eve was black, white, asian, latina, indian, native american etc- same with adam. Men and woman are supposed to be attracted to each other- who cares if they don't look exactly like you. That would be dull and boring I know that a big problem is the white woman black man thing among black woman, but if it is TRUE love then it's fine, if it's "i just want a white girl", or "i just want a black man", that's not right. that goes with all relationships in general too. I'm a black teen girl living with the weight of a heavy sterotype upon me. People say i don't act black and i ask them what do i act like- most of the time they don't answer, others say "white". Last time i checked i act they way i feel, i might not be the sterotypical "loquacious prude black girl" but last time i looked in the mirror i was still black. This is why black girls are heavily overlooked in society. They see one black girl, they see all black girls. I've grown up with this problem of being an intelligent black girl. Since when is being "intelligent" a problem? Since being black and intellectually gifted is the epitome of un-cool. People believe that the black woman is supposed to be intellectually inferior to the rest of the world. Unfortunately, black woman hardly like being inferior, so they are overlooked as rude, bossy and easy to anger. Wouldn't you be angry if people looked at you and never thought any part of you is attractive. There was only one time in American history where having a full grown afro was cool. Now, black woman spends hours and hours trying to tame their mane to walk out into the world with out being gawked at. It's horrible when you can not love you for yourself in life. This is the problem we have today. If you are a parent and you are scared of your child being with some one of a opposite race, don't be. Be scared of different things like- is my child doing drugs, am i a good parent, should i talk to my child about sex, the list goes on. As a parent, since your children's minds are developing, their morals and brain functions are going to be different than yours. Trying to enforce what you believe on them rarely works because you are two individual people

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  13.   Mad-max says:
    Posted: 14 Sep 09

    Im a young black guy from pretoria an have a thing for white weman at the age of 21 i work an studie an i fear aproch a young white girl cause i dont know if she will re-act well do a black thats why i ended up in here i dont mind the age aslong as they 18 an up smart an dont mind being around black interested more in brains than beautie

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  14.   Member says:
    Posted: 16 Jul 09

    also anoter thing is everyone has promblems n dere lifes so tke that to mind just bcus id rather date a blac boy den a white boy doesnt mean im wrng it means god has put me here to mke a difference and dhats wht ima do trust me!!!!

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  15.   Member says:
    Posted: 16 Jul 09

    im a 15 year old white girl and i have been dating black boys since i was about 6 i grew up around most black people and i love it! i have one promblem my family i was 10 when my family found out about me dating black dudes and dey was very mad and angry with me my mom and brother tried to keep it a secret from my real father because my mother said that he really doesnt like me so why will he like me now. well one day i was at my nannys and grandads and my whole family came down for thanksgiving and i was 10 and i had already been through alot of stuff and seen alot things i grew up in the projects so i was bascailly already an adult at the age of 10 i was cooking cleaning helping my mom because she had 2 jobs because my father is a low dwn person just leave it at that so i wasnt just a kid standing up not knowing wt i was tlkning abt i stood up and said to my family i date black dudes and im pround of this! my nanny stood up and my father and grabbed me toke me upsatirs and whooped until i was numb they said that i embarresed them that i wasnt worth living for if i done this! well im 15 now 5 years later still dating black guys and my real father dont want to nothing to do with me and my family hates me the only people who dont care is my stepdad brother and mother my mothers family hates me as well. i decided to go see my nanny because after all im the onyl granddaughter of hers so we was talking and she asked me if i have a black bf i said yes i do hes sweet and cares right then i felt a hand go acroos my check she said no blood of mine will do this id rather you b dead den to date dem but c im 15 n i know how to satnd up fo myself my mom tld me what to do if she did this i tld her to stop the car she stopped i gt out and said get out she got out i said look here who i wana date is who i date just because i date black dudes doesnt u have dha rite to dis own cuase rrtaher yu like r i like i have ur blood and soon therell b mixed kids n this family she to me im the devil and i should punished and that im not going to amount to nethang ill b nothin but a dumb bitch so i said ok thats how yu feel go ahead bitch because wen im living it up with a blaCK husbad and yu have nuthing dnt come to me because wen people tell me i cant i try harder and i tld that woman that she diguist me and that if she didnt except me bye i tld her that love see no color n my eyes and im thankful for the gift god has gave me im one of many that dates outside my race and gods happy to see this if god didnt wnt us to mix y did he put bth of us on this earth pls sumone tell dhat noone can bcus god sees thro dha soul not frm the skin and i know my family is suppose to b kept near bt honeslty i dnt them near i jus wish dey leave me alone because im sumone im gonna make it i loe black dudes and will continue dating them until im 6 feet under y because everyones the same bt fo sum reason old people cnt get thier fuccin minds outta the 60's and wake up and realze its 2009 and mixing is sumithng everyone does they had thier difference to make we have our some people my find it hard to let go of the pass bt yall reall ned to because were the kids of the future and honestly the way its going everyone will b mixed so what im trying to say is dnt judge dha book by its cover if yu wont b friends with sumone because of thier race ur wrng nt me im right skin is just sumthing we all wear rather white black mixed purple pink etc. u luk dwn inside and c were al dha same so y judge sumone a person could b blac n u b white and thier having the same promblems yu r bt yu still luk dwn on dem do yu honestly think wt ur doing is right do yu think god likes that! also i date thugs yea i really but dhat ok because ima make it ima prove to everyone that sed i cant i will and ill do it even better wit a blac man by side=) so for everyone whos racist tke another look around and realize dhat everyones equal everyones dha same i just wish evryone wuld shut dha fucc up and lety us mke our difference so im proud to love blac men and ill always willl!!!!! my family may nt like it bt i love it so being 15 dating a diff race yea its hard bt its betta den me being with a white man dhat abuses me!!! also was it a white man dhat put our country in dhis warr!!! n now isnt there a blac man trying to stop it so bfo yu go and say yur better den sumone tke a look in the mirror and think abt ths world its beautful place and im happy ur happy everyones happy=)

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  16.   francesco says:
    Posted: 08 Jul 09

    Well please don't begin to think that all young people are 'down' with interracial dating. In Italy, we are not afraid to say that we don't find blacks, asians or whatever unattractive; I am white, it is not racist to consciously go for my own people. All my black friends and especially the Asian guys feel the same way. Just like my Chinese friend is very angry when he sees a rich white man taking his people, I too am irritated by this stupid 'fashion' that we see in America, where the black man will take the white woman just for social gain.

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  17.   GetOverIt says:
    Posted: 13 May 09

    We really shouldn't be concerned with this issue. I am 1/2 of an interracial relationship and we live our lives the way we want. We don't get caught up in all the social drama about IR. The majority of the people who have problems with it, don't even have a shred of confidence to tell us so. So, IMO, let them all die off silence. My in-laws happen to be an IR couple as well ( though my wife is white)and the y constantly warn us about the "troubles" of being with each other, especially when it comes to our daughter. They tell us that she (my daughter) is going to grow up having to face racism in all aspects of her life. That's a friggin load of BS. People have said nothing but good things about our little girl since birth. As a matter of fact, the family members who didn't approve of us actually got over it with my kid's birth. I have friends of all cultures and races but most of them are white. They range from very young to old. And not a damn one gives a crud that I am married to a white woman. This whole argument about the reasons why some parents are reluctant to let their children date outside their own race is old, tired, and totally obsolete! Its 2009, not 1969!! And my generation is taking over this hellhole when all those bigoted old farts have croaked. Please. This world needs to move so we can start the evolution process. Oh yeah, and stop the generalization of entire races. That really, really pisses me off.

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  18. Posted: 18 Feb 09

    My parents were never against interracial "blending", especially since our heritage has been mixed with Indian, Caucasian and who knows what else. I, personally, have always mingled better with whites and was very attracted to white guys, but never dated them because of society, not my family. I regret that now, because I did what others wanted me to do and not what would make me happy. It resulted in years of unhappiness and failed relationships. I have never discouraged my children from dating outside their race. I have encouraged them to make friends and date others not just because of the color of their skin, but in how they present themselves and their personality and other characteristics that they find attractive. My 20 yr. old son has chosen to date exclusively outside his "race", but has, on occasion, dated a black girl, even though he has numerous black friends. That is his choice. My 14 yr. old daughter likes to "date" Hispanics or Latinos, even though she has black friends as well. In both cases, they have made their choices and I am okay with that. My only concern would have been if they had completely excluded being friends with one race or another. Our children are the future of this nation. We can't allow the past to stop us from having a better nation in the future. Look where our ignorance has gotten us so far. We have no choice but to come together as AMERICANS, overlooking our skin colors, and unite as a nation to better this entire country-- not just for our sakes but for the sake of our children.

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  19. Posted: 05 Feb 09

    Here is my story: Last night while my daughter was at work her "friend" called and wanted to know if he could come over and speak to my husband and I. I had a pretty good feeling what he wanted to ask us and I wasn't really sure what I was going to say. This young man is of mixed race himself, his father is black, his mother is white. I had a feeling he and my daughter were becoming more than friends, and sure enough he wanted to know if he had our approval to date our daughter. I can't tell you how much I respect this young man for that, most boys would just do what they wanted without any consideration for our feelings. We had a very open discussion and I told him my concerns, my daughter is VERY naive and I don't know that she is ready to accept the consequences that may be a result of her dating what everyone sees as a black man (even though his mother is white). I know I can't protect my daughter from all the hatred in this world, but it is also hard to just sit by and watch her get hurt. My husband and I are struggling with this a little and I'll be honest, I don't know if it is a little bigotry on my part or if it is just concern for my daughter. I do know one thing, this kid is a great kid, he is very respectful of my daughter and of us. He is 17, doesn't drink, doesn't do drugs, has a job, his own car and volunteers at church, helps to organize fundraisers for cancer because he lost of family member a few years ago; why wouldn't I want my daughter to date a kid like this? To answer that myself I would have to say because I am afraid of what people are going to say. Are we going to lose friends because of this, and if so, what kind of friends are they anyway? While getting to know this young man last night we had a very open discussion and one thing he said that has really stuck with me is that because he is of mixed race he always feels like "he's not sure where he belongs", white people see him as black and black people think he is not black enough! Part of me thanks God for raising a child that is so full of love and acceptance that she does not see color when she looks at him, but the other part of me worries that she has no idea how hard this might be. I know her best friends parents have said they would disown their daughter if she ever dated a black boy, so I wonder how they will feel about my daughter now....will she lose her best friend because of this?

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  20.   strak says:
    Posted: 17 Dec 08

    I am 15 and I am falling In love with a 16 year old black man. My parents do not approve of my descison but I am not going out with him yet. I am waiting for their approval that will never come! I really like him and I want them to understand, does anyone know how to make your parents understand your interests!!!!!

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  21.   kishwick says:
    Posted: 05 Nov 08

    I agree that a lot of the black culture when dealing with men is messed up. I'm black but because of the way black men are acting ie: I wanna be a thug... I have been turned off by them. I am really into interracial relationships now because it opens new doors and opportunities for me in life and love.

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  22.   Atl79 says:
    Posted: 16 Aug 08

    As a white man i would have no problem with my daughter dating a asian, white, or mexican man. But considering Black STD stats and the fact they leave over 70% of their kids with NO FATHERS.... a black dude is the LAST thing i wanna see brought home. I worked the projects of atlanta and new orleans in my early 20's, and believe me when i say...young black male culture is SERIOUSLY screwed up!

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  23.   Javonte says:
    Posted: 20 May 08

    well i am 18 going to collage and I have a interest in a girl of a diffrent race and i find no problem with it,but i think my mom will and things like that i cant talk to her about

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  24.   mossimo36 says:
    Posted: 01 May 08

    I dated interracially as a teen even though it was a bit less common then

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  25.   euridicey says:
    Posted: 01 May 08

    I'm only twenty and knew in my teens that i was attracted to white men exclusively but haven't dated yet as my family already call me bounty and i didn't want the confrontation.I know that dating outside my culture will generate a bad feeling in the family and leave me an outcast eventhough i have an irishand chinese greatgrandparents my family prides itself on being black.It seems more accepted that blackmen date white women but not the other way round in my family as the female is supposed to keep the family pure.

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  26.   sockey says:
    Posted: 13 Feb 08

    Im 18 and my parents still dont accept the fact that im dating a wonderful Black man. In fact they seems to notice more of the things i do wrong then they see me do right. I will be sad to see the day when i choose him over my family because they can't accept them because of their ways of life.

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  27.   vt33 says:
    Posted: 23 Oct 07

    Well this blog is not for the timid. Unfortunately I have to agree with some of the radical wesley snippez comments on his last blog. Yet Mr. Snipes keep in mind, where the high HIV and AIDS ratio is coming from...hint..hint..hint. Stay out the ghetto coochie bars, and stop doing the downlow, and be faithful, how about those apples. I am not a parent yet, I understand where folks are coming from with this issue. Keep in mind the girl of Mexican heritage, her parents want her to stay within her own race. I can totally understand that,lets look at this from her parents angle. They are Mexican immigrants, and they probably have endured a lot of verbal abuse and maybe some physical abuse from other cultures since they have been in America. The ideal of "staying with your own" appeals to them they have seen the hate that is brandished on them and felt they don't want that for their daughter. The mexican man has worked hard to bring his family a good home, a good education, opportunity, that may not have existed for him in his native country, yet he did it here in a foreign country he is proud of this and will not let no one take that away. Like this, you disrespect me and now you want to be with my daughter. NO WAY! Folks toy with that for a minute and see how you feel. Same can be with black men and their daughters, they see they type of sterotype and all the other crap that surrounds us, and they may feel that other races of men are just there to "get a taste" , and he may feel you are not going to do this with my daughter. I took your crap in the 60's endured, got my degree, became a prominent, Doctor, Lawyer, Businessman etc. My Daughter is better than you and you will not have her, now on both of these angles, there is a level of pride that is felt. Grab your hankies! I can't speak for everyone blogging, but I think we need to understand why minorities feel the way they do about interacial dating, and why the majority feels they way they do, lets analyze the majority. My daughter is a pillar of the community, she is a voluneteer, cheerleader, National Honor Society Student, Harvard, Princeton, Stamford bound, all around good kid. I have parents who have secured her future, and I have secured her future as well. I want whats best for my daughter. Some kid, from the wrong side of the tracks thinks he is gonna move in on my daughter and take her innocence, and try to get in my good graces and take her future. NOT IN THIS LIFETIME! Tell me folks what is the difference in all three of these examples. I just explored, black, latino, and white parents feelings. Meet the parents! That is how a lot of parents feel about interracial dating. Yet as parents, you can't push out ideals on our kids in that format. We have to beleive we have given our children all the tools necessary in life to make good judgement calls, about life and people. TRUST in your children is the key here. Plus, today kids aren't in segregated school systems anymore. I was born in the 70's, my first experience in pre-school was odd, I can only recall 2 other black children in school with me. When I moved to the North it was different, there were no white children in school with me, only white teachers, and principals. Now we can explore that element to death but, on a future episode. My mom moved me to a area where blacks, whites, latinos, and haitians went to school. Weird, but effective, there was still the segregated lunch room, but mainly the students did it. Yet, that was my first time seeing, young people play football, basketball together. Young people, teens, they see a mix of things. My experiences was over 20 years ago, now look at how far we have come. To see Dr. Kings, comment on children of all colors playing together comes to pass, is a great thing. Are parents close minded, not really. You have to try to understand their experience and how they don't want that inflicted on their own. That is a parents natural call " to protect their young". You can blame them on that! They didn't like the pain they felt, it hurt them emotionally and deeply. There are parents, who are in my age group and feel they have giving the key to understanding life and people to let them go out and make friends with other races, and perhaps date them. Is this a fade, like girls making out with girls. I don't know, but I think this is why parents today are persistant with their own staying away from other races, on a romantic level. Bottomline, this is the future, of the world now, it is evolving, chinese girls dating, white dudes, black women dating white dudes, asian men dating black and white women, black men dating, black, white, chinese, spanish. It runs the gautlet, I think ideal of a interracial world is not so far fetched. The ideal of people excepting people and not being cruel, will allow the interracial world to flourish. Hot Damn! over did it again. Till the next episode! I'm out!

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  28.   Member says:
    Posted: 23 Oct 07

    White men really put Black women last on their lists. Asian and latin women come before Black women. Black women are the most rejected women on earth. I wish them success trying to get the white womans men. I just doubt that their high Aids rate, and crime rate is appealing to white men or otherwise. Good Luck.

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  29.   Member says:
    Posted: 23 Oct 07

    Why are Black women and white men featured more than Black men with white women? Are white women deliberately being left out? This is bogus!

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  30.   RayneDelay says:
    Posted: 21 Jul 07

    I wanted to date interracially when I was a teen but the White and Latino guys were so scarry. And I was too shy. I only went out with Black guys and it's still pretty much the same. Me wanting and actually dating men I have no interest in. I would encourage any teenager to figure out what they want and go for it.

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  31.   Stalin says:
    Posted: 29 May 07

    "Well there is no law guiding love or who we love." Yes there is. For example, you mentioned the 14 year old girl who is interested in a "boy from another race", and how her parents have a negative, "prejudiced" view towards their daughter's interest. I am a man in my 20's, and I would not be allowed, by 2007 American laws, to date a girl that age, unless it was done secretly. So, as you can see, there certainly are laws guiding who we love. Also, let's not turn this into a moral issue, on whether or not it's "wrong" or "right" for an older man to be dating a girl that age, because girls that age DO date, and it's accepted, tolerated, encouraged, and talked about on "progressive" blogs (as long as her partner is not above 18). In past decades in America, and in other countries right NOW, an older man could date a girl around that age, and it wouldn't be a problem, while interracial dating would be nearly unheard of. So therefore, being "opening minded" about interracial dating in 2007 America, but at the same time following, and taking seriously, 2007 age of consent laws, does not make you open minded, or progressive. You're just another follower. You're simply following CURRENT standards and laws, which may change with the wind in a few years anyway. So, you think it's good that teens interracially date? Great, so does everyone else. You're just following the pack. In the past, the standards were different. In the future, they'll be different again, and you'll be left behind while the young people will be more "progressive" than you are. By the way, in that future I mentioned, don't be surprised if Americans are much "darker" than they are now, and there won't be as many white people around, for interracial dating to even be possible. So therefore, the current standards will have to change again, since there will be new, trendier ways of being "open minded" than now. And by then, you'll be old, senile, and "ignorant". Sucks for you.

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  32.   tony says:
    Posted: 20 May 07

    All i can say is that love see's no-color, and some of the older folks need to take a lesson from the younger generation. And then maybe we will have a chance to make this world a much better place....

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  33.   Jason says:
    Posted: 03 May 07

    I think kids these days look at race and ask the older fols, whats the big deal? I think we are moving in some ways towards what MLK Jr dreamed about, despite old heads trying to prevent it by either forbidding it or speaking down about IR dating. It's here to stay folks, get used to it and get over it! Focus on if that person treats you right or not.

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  34.   mossimo says:
    Posted: 03 May 07

    Perhaps this young generation will face less obstacles than the ones that cam before them. At least I hope so

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  35.   mossimo says:
    Posted: 02 May 07

    I faced this exact thing as a teen and was told that it wasn't acceptable. Of course, my mom has since opened her mind a bit. I guess they realize that I am just not going to change because society might find it to be conveninent for us to stay and play behind our own fences.

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  36.   SoulFlower says:
    Posted: 29 Apr 07

    This is a good way to insteal culture values in a young child mind to be open minded and not afraid to communicate outside their race if they are intrigued by other cultures. I am single with no children and hope to one day populate this planet with a couple of multi-racial children that will learn so much from 2 culture they will want to share with others.

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  37.   CleverChaos says:
    Posted: 26 Apr 07

    I am a parent and I believe in leading my example. I have 2 teenage girls and openmindedness is definitely something I have instilled in them. I also teach them that they are free to make their choices and allowed to have their own preferences, regardless of what anyone else thinks. I date interracially and my children understand that people are people, not colors or races. They are also learning to have strength when facing challenges and adversity. They know that other people are not always going to agree with certain things and they need to be prepared for that. All parents should welcome any questions or concerns their children have about interracial dating.

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  38.   fala says:
    Posted: 25 Apr 07

    We were all teen-agers once. You know that the more your parents tell you not to do something and the more they make a big deal out of it - the more you're going to want to do it. Young people today are living a different existence than what their parents' did. They have to make their own path. It's just part of being a teen-ager.

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  39.   ANNE. says:
    Posted: 24 Apr 07


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