Is it O.K. to be intrigued by interracial couples?

Posted by Ria, 08 Jul

Most of us in interracial relationships HATE the stares. I guess it’s because half the time they are stares of disgust; I guess it’s because sometimes the stares scream “traitor to your race.” But what if the stares are for a different reason?

What if I stare because I am happy for you? What if I stare at you because 40 years ago, interracial couples couldn’t be as free as you can be now? What if I stare because I am mixed race and I am happy that you will multiply and I will get to see “more of me” in the future? What if I stare because I admire and acknowledge your choice and decision to date who you want despite what society might think?

As Durrow puts it: "It’s O.K. to be intrigued" I guess and I am sorry if my stares may have offended some interracial couples. Being colorblind doesn’t mean that you pretend not to see interracial couples for fear of them getting offended. Sometimes, I think acknowledging them means acknowledging the fact that there are more such unions coming up. I think its O.K. to stare, extend a smile if you may.

It’s O.K. to be intrigued. And before you get offended that someone stared at you and your interracial love, think about it: They could be staring because they’re rooting for your colorful love. For me, that’s my reason for the stares.

Your thoughts?

1 responses to "Is it O.K. to be intrigued by interracial couples?"

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  1.   dave_74 says:
    Posted: 08 Jul 13

    I think it is OK to be intrigued, extend a smile, even start up a conversation with me to show your good intentions of your intrigue. That is no problem. But to stare? Hmm, glancing and staring are different things. Staring, I find that very rude. (Plus it could be dangerous, I've seen people walk into signs and tripping into potholes due to their staring.....LOL)

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