Addicted to online dating?

Posted by Ria, 06 Apr

You have been using the online dating service to find love. You finally find what you are looking for… the man or woman of your dreams… your better half. But even after having settled on this particular person, you still find your self logging onto an array of dating sites… every chance you get. Could you be addicted to online dating?

Find your soulmate on AfroRomance

Well you may see it as some harmless fun and games. What’s wrong with a little flirting anyway? Well that is how all forms of addictions start… not being able to gauge how much is too much… how far is too far… not being able to STOP!!!

Most of us get online with noble intentions… finding love. Then once online, we get hooked to the sexy men and women we find online, then the enticing and leading on conversations that lead to arousal, and before you know it, you are masturbating while being online. With the presence of webcams… Do I have to spell it out for you?

Ever logged on to a dating site, seriously looking for love and then some ‘pervert’ IMs you with the sole purpose of seeing arousal from you? Well one thing that makes internet dating so addictive for most people is that it’s arousing and it provides needed attention. And when the need for arousal becomes habit forming, addiction gets born.

It all boils down to one thing… How far are you willing to go to find this special person? Will you go as far as arousing the other person just to seek their attention? With as many fish as there are in dating pond, when you cast your net, will you arouse every other person you are interested in? Well that is how most of us cross that line. ‘The longer you stay on-line the more likely you are going to become desensitized and eventually cross the line from loving intentions to lustful temptations.’

Once you have found that special person, don’t you think its time to just let it go? If you found your spouse busy chatting and jerking off of online dating sites, would you consider this as some betrayal or cheating to be precise?

If you are addicted, reconsider your initial intentions and get back on track. Always be in control of your online dating before it takes control of you and lose out on what you were seeking to find… Love… NOT Lust.

Tags: online dating addiction, cheating

25 responses to "Addicted to online dating?"

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  1.   ludo says:
    Posted: 05 Jul 10

    i'm looking for a nice lady for lonterm relationship

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  2.   kissime says:
    Posted: 30 Apr 10

    Unfortunately, there are a lot of crazy people in this world...WOW!!! Just when you think you've actually meet someone decent-you realize..."oh another loony" A very good friend of mine; her live-in boyfriend has sex with her 1-2 times a month-if it's a good month: masturbation is his thing from watching pornography by himself. It has come to this! The real woman, a beautiful woman on his bed does not fulfill his sexual has come to this. There are some crazy people in this world. Get your acts together. Stop justifying lack of self control as an addiction. It's a weakness. Realize the problem and solve it. Unbelievable!

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    • serenity33 says:
      Posted: 28 Oct 10

      Maybe it is a sign that they aren't compatible if he has to masturbate all the time and doesn't pay attention to his woman. After all, it is isn't like they are married or anything or have that type of commitment to keep them together. Maybe they should look for counseling or go for someone they care enough to marry and then he will stop masturbating and have sex all the time with someone he loves enough to be his wife. That is the advice I would give as a professional marriage counselor. Real studies show that people in happy marriages have sex very often even years after they are married and are glad they aren't single any more. My parents are still sexually active after 54 years of marriage and they are 75 years old. So you are never to old to make love if you truly are in love.:-)

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    • 2sexyb says:
      Posted: 01 Jan 11

      DBR - Damaged beyond repair! Any human being who prefers artificial sex to real love and companionship is a lonely person. A fool in lust married or not, no self respect, self control or self confidence. A shell of a person who is not able to give or receive love. Damaged goods.

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  3.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 30 Apr 10

    P.S. MY WIFE STILL Logs on daily also as we are computer people / whats the point ? Who mades the Rules in life ? Knot me , Hehe

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  4.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 30 Apr 10

    I was fortunate enough to find my wife here on this site after being a member for over 5 years . I have seen many changes in attitudes on Blog Topics / Years ago everyone thought of themselves as History Teachers . Yet this being a Date Ting site / to match up True Love . People have soon enough established " Change in Attitudes " in a more Productive way . I established the Habit of online play years ago / due to a Disability given to me by God . My daughter in her wisdom purchased me a membership . Old habits are hard to change / alas I spend 11 to 14 hours aday online and Afro-Romance is my time spent Enjoying what I read . In working years , I was a Traveling man half my life , This site allows me to travel to places I have never been . Half of knowledge is learning where to find it / The other half wood be learning from what you have found . Being older / I wood call addiction " Habit " yet with nothing to take up my Free Time other than Interesting Topics , I hope my Enjoyment does knot bother you all . This is a Free World after-all

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  5.   Bellara says:
    Posted: 28 Apr 10

    ahahah we did a research on this in one of my psychology and sad to say this article is so true! many people still find themselves logging into dating sites even after establishing a relationship with someone. for some its a selfish addiction because they want the person they are with to committ to them alone while they hop on and off the site in search of heaven knows what. some are seriously addicted because after a while, online dating becomes real world for them. they cant even gather any more courage to talk to people person-to-person unless they speak via-pc first. too much of everything is bad (obviously)

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    • serenity33 says:
      Posted: 29 Oct 10

      Oh psychological statistics go further than that and show that couples that are living together or married still aren’t satisfied with their partner and go either online or in person to find new pieces of meat to catch their interest. That is just a sign of lack of relationship fulfillment in general, not a sign of online addiction. Going online is just the easiest way to cheat and look for someone that you might think is better hence all the online cheating sites. But after six failures with women in person, if I ever find one that I can make a ring stick to that finger, I am never going online ever again for any dating or even talking to other women. All my time will be spent with my wife and how to get closer and please her. And what really cracks me up is when women ask me online who don’t know me if I am married or dating someone or living with someone, I tell them truthfully no because if I was, I would be spending my time trying to deepen my relationship with that person rather than talking to a strange woman online!!;-) And I was always faithful and in love with each of the woman I was with at the time but they were the one’s with a wandering eye that cheated and left me no matter how much I loved them. When I commit to a woman even through dating, all other women cease to exist but then I guess I am a fossil that way and doomed to extinction.;-) But it worked for my parents and they have been married happily for 54 years and never once looked at the opposite sex. It helped that they never dated anyone but each other and never had sex with anyone but each other as well, I am sure. No baggage for them to bring to the marriage table.;-) What? No one wants to hear about a happily married couple on here? What are we jealous or something because we haven't had a happy marriage that lasted that many years? You should rejoice for them and strive to find true love like they have. I am.:-)

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  6.   Snazzybella says:
    Posted: 01 Feb 10

    OKKKKK WOW, never had that issue. Dont do cam sex. And havent had the horror of watching some do it on cam either

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  7.   Thomas says:
    Posted: 04 Jun 07

    hello @ all

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  8.   Thomas says:
    Posted: 14 May 07

    yes masimo, but that means that you have to travel over a long distance if the girl, you know from this site, lives in an other continent.

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  9.   mossimo says:
    Posted: 29 Apr 07

    Face to face is the only way to ever tell if you are compatible. The chemisty has to be there

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  10.   Thomas says:
    Posted: 24 Apr 07

    You can find friends but if you looking for love you have to meet face by face. Years ago I met a penpal and we realized in a very short time that we can not be a couple.

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  11.   Thomas says:
    Posted: 19 Apr 07

    I just looking for friends here and everyone can read by checking my profile. But I agree that poeple have to meet personally to find out if they love each other, regardless of wether one is black and the other white.

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  12.   love20mumy says:
    Posted: 16 Apr 07

    Hello!!! My name is lorita,i saw your profile today and became intrested in you,i will also like to know you the more,and i want you to send an email to my email address so i can give you my picture for you to know whom i am.Here is my email address ( believe we can move from here!I am waiting for your mail to my email address above.(Remeber the distance, colour or language does not matter but love matters alot in life.

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  13.   Phil says:
    Posted: 13 Apr 07

    Absolutely it is addicting. But then again, so is love & friendship & butter.

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  14. Posted: 12 Apr 07

    informative article..I agree with fala....things can really change for the better or worse when u finally meet someone face to face....!!

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  15.   mossimo says:
    Posted: 12 Apr 07

    I think I was addiced for a while but took steps to slowly back away from the computer. I can see how it can happen though

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  16.   fala says:
    Posted: 11 Apr 07

    Good luck with that Mayank.

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  17.   fala says:
    Posted: 10 Apr 07

    At least Well is honest.

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  18.   mayank says:
    Posted: 09 Apr 07

    i amin search of girlfriend from india (bangalore)

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  19.   Well says:
    Posted: 07 Apr 07

    It is definitely addicting. Years ago I would just have one woman at a time. Now, it is almost getting to the point the more the better.

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  20.   Tarah says:
    Posted: 07 Apr 07


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  21.   fala says:
    Posted: 07 Apr 07

    I think meeting people online is a great way to make friends, but you really shouldn't get too serious about someone till you actually meet face to face and get to know each other. That's the only way you can truly know a person.

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  22.   aghama says:
    Posted: 06 Apr 07

    i really love you , sorry to say

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