Engagement? Better do it better than the movies

Posted by Ria, 23 Jul

Water Water everywhere, and not any drop to drink… Samuel Coleridge

Love, Love everywhere… but no ring for me to wear

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Ever felt like everyone around you has suddenly gotten into some kind of engagement fiasco? Sometimes you even reach a point of feeling; if you hear the word engagement again, you might snap and buy yourself an engagement ring for show!

Much as they say marriage is like a mousetrap – those in are struggling to get out and those out are dying to get in – trap or not, sometimes you can hardly wait to wear that piece of rock on your finger. It’s all part of being human I guess. When you got freedom, you seek restraint and we flutter for freedom when restrained.

Recently, some lady I know got engaged. And you think it was just like in the movies… man on one knee holding a diamond ring? WRONG! Think again. It was a case of reversed roles; she proposed to her dude. He said yes and they both exchanged engagement rings… Even Hollywood didn’t see that one coming ;-)

And then there was this dude who made his proposal video atop Table Mountains in South Africa. Apparently, the flat-topped mountain has been voted one of the world’s best sites to pop the question. Someone give me some tissue… am getting a lil’ misty :cry:

Engagements are big things for women… I need not emphasize on it. But what do you do when the man in your life takes it lightly? I remember my uncle proposing to the wife (then girlfriend) in 2000. “Have you told your parents you are getting married in December?᾿ That was it. No ring, no getting down on one knee. That was her proposal. Would you have said yes?

Don’t you think the day you say yes to spending the rest of your life with a guy – forsaking all others - deserves a ceremony? Don’t some guys realize that a girl wants some newsworthy story which you hope to tell the tale to your grand children? It doesn’t have to be some Oscar winning show - a script would do though. ;-) I think when it comes to prosing, the likes of my uncle should remember that romantic is not just a period in the history of Art; it is something we women expect men to be.

Is it too much to ask of you not to tag your boy-band to marvel your prowess? And if you blurt out “Will you marry me?᾿ on our first date, there is only one answer to that question. NO!!? You guessed right.

Tags: engagement

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  1.   Snazzybella says:
    Posted: 11 Feb 10

    I expect a marriage proposal to be reflective of how well the guy knows me. I am not a big fan of other people being present for something so personal and intimate. I just want some tears in his eyes, and the rest is up to him.

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  2.   Pia65 says:
    Posted: 03 Sep 08

    I am a widow now, but was married for 19.5 years. My husband (my boyfriend at the time) had my favorite combo of yellow and pink roses in his hands when he came to my door to pick me up for a date. Yellow mean Friendship & Pink mean Sweetheart. I was then taken to our favorite restaurant for a delicious meal. Then he got down on both knees in front of me and everyone else there and told me that if I didn't marry him then he'd be losing his best friend who's a sweetheart! Yeah, I guess it was a bit sappy, but it was special too! I was moved and I think every other woman there was also. After I accepted his ring we kissed of course to applause.........It was a memorable night....much better than any movies! A lot of major aggreements require a contract and /or license of some kind as a form of ownership. From purchasing a car, home, or even marriage. A foundational part of the USA was built on Family and that means a man, woman and the children they create from that marriage. It is a legal binding contract that allows a couple to join in a union meant to last a lifetime. Hopefully its because they love each other that they make a committment to each other and have witnesses as proof. It is paperwork, a guideline and how to make it work or not is up to the individual. Paperwork of any kind is recognized in any courtroom here in the USA....if you don't have it then you really don't have a legal right to protest anything. If you were to go to a foreign place you'd need a passport (paperwork) as proof that you are who you say you are...right? Nowadays family means something DIFFERENT than the traditional foundations that this country was built on................Even for that you still need...paperwork of some kind...making it LEGAL!

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  3. Posted: 23 Aug 07

    well my engagement was't like the movies. I was sitting on the bed, he sat beside me on the bed and gave me a small box with ribbons I opened it and there it was a diamond ring. He did have tears in his eyes I just thought he couldn't talk. I said yes any way. I know we both love each other hard.

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  4.   Kara says:
    Posted: 31 Jul 07

    I would want the proposal to be thoughtful and very heartfelt and serious. I would want to see that he was feeling vulnerable when he asked as a signal that this meant a lot to him, and I *could* still say "no." In my mind's eye, it happens in some place outdoors when we are alone, such as the beach at night or during a mountain hike--some beautiful surroundings. That seems like it would be romantic. But honestly, if I had from him the first stuff I described, I wouldn't care as much about the place. One thing I definitely wouldn't want would be some huge skywriting thing or the question posted on a sports scoreboard or something. Too big and too competitive for me. Privacy/vulnerability/genuine warmth and depth of feeling...maybe with some reasons why he wants to marry me...those would be perfect for me.

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  5.   mossimo says:
    Posted: 30 Jul 07

    Fala, You always have me!!!

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  6.   Sammy says:
    Posted: 28 Jul 07

    sends fala a box of dates ;-) lol sorry ;D On the other hand i agree somewhat Love is all you need,but it just feels good to the heart to make it as special as possible-so you can look back 10 or 20 years down the line and remember and smile,I know i'm kinda sentimental lol but you know you can have everything in the world but memories are the only thing that will last forever.And as far as dates fala i'm in same boat lol but realy don't care to just date,unless it's someone i realy think would be worth it,that i'm realy intrested in and think maybe theres a real hope for a future.

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  7.   fala says:
    Posted: 25 Jul 07

    Well Thomas, a good date is always hard to find.

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  8.   Thomas says:
    Posted: 25 Jul 07

    Fala, is it a problem to get a date?

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  9.   fala says:
    Posted: 25 Jul 07

    Who's talking about marriage? Can I just get a date?

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  10.   Thomas says:
    Posted: 24 Jul 07

    That is correct Saundra. Love is all we need. But if the love is there the marriage is okay. Especially if you want to have kids.

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  11.   SAUNDRA says:
    Posted: 23 Jul 07

    First off, Marriage is a sheet of paper, a legal contract. A contract that forces to people together legally, No where in the contract does it say anything about love, peace, and happiness. A ring and a piece of paper does not equal love. Its sad when people are made to believe they are losers or " missing out" on life because they do not have a legal contract and a man or woman on their arm. I could go to Zales or De beers anyday and buy myself some jewelry, that does'nt mean I have devotion, care, and loving suppport. If you really love somebody, a binding legal document and a big movie scene in a church should not matter to you. Love is all that we need.

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