Online dating-the sex factor

Posted by Ria, 12 Apr

Dating online? What about the sex?

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A friend of mine told me she can’t date online because of a lot of uncertainties that surround it. “What uncertainties?᾿ I asked. SEX was all that was on her mind. “Come on Ria! You gotta take the Ferrari for a test drive before you buy it :roll: lest you find yourself doomed to endless years of bad sex!᾿ And on the questions followed. “Do you think online sex is like the real thing? You may waste years of chatting with a guy online only to find he aint got the right moves in bed when you finally meet.᾿

When you live near someone you are dating online, then at least that mystery may be solved in no time. You may get that test drive. But what about those separated by continents? What happens then? There are some people who may overlook the sex factor when it comes to dating. And there are some who think if the sex aint good, then the relationship is doomed.

Picture this, you finally meet that dude or chic you have been dating online for like 3 years. No test drive for you. This is it. And from the kissing to the sex, every thing is just… OMG!! Pathetic!!! And you are the kind of person who believes SEX is a MUST. And if it aint then you might as well buy a ticket to the world of infidelity. What would you do? Run and leave smoke or play tutor?

Honest opinions peeps… I know which category you fall under ;-)

Tags: sex, dating

10 responses to "Online dating-the sex factor"

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  1.   hiphopman97 says:
    Posted: 03 Jun 10

    I am in to having a long term relationship with a nice lady. I like having sex with a nice lady. If she is all that in bed that is super. If she isn't that good in bed I would still stay with her because I am loyal. I am in to having a good relationship with a lady.

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  2.   Jungle says:
    Posted: 04 May 07

    In reference to online dating. If two people are getting together concistantly for their attraction to one another in interest of furthering and nuturing a relationship wether cyber or in your hometown I believe it's dating The difference is that cyber expands the gathering horizon not limiting to your hometown.Cyber(website)dating is a medium for a couple who start a relationship.Just as you would go to a club or gathering place where ever you meet people.What I like about online interracial dating is rather than spending 10-30 dollars everyweekend to get to know one or two woman who might be interested in dating interracialy(my area I live is relationship conservative-same race relationships)online dating or introducing,meeting brings people from all around the world into a meeting place for the reason to get to know or looking for know the attraction and desire to date.Have to say more willingness for the couple and patience and communication needed when you date online to when you actually meet.Is all where your heart is at and who your looking for.Have to agree with Phil and Fala you have to have common sence when meeeting anybody anywhere reguardless of the medium and you get from online what you put into online meeting.How do you expect to win the lottery if you don't by a ticket? I have gotten together with woman in person that I wouldn't have met if it wasn't for onlinegreat times and more to come looking for the woman in my dreams.She must be tired cause she been running around in my mind all day lol And commenting on the test drive? I believe that dissicion is up to the couple.If your spending how ever long a time to get to know eachother then you should already have the feeling of the person your getting to the dudes- if you think more with your heart than your pecker you will be suprised at the intamacy you will get.What I'm saying is make the experience enjoyable for the both of yas.Know what she is looking for. If you want to worship go to church If you want groceries go to the store If you want your car fixed take it to a garage If your looking to meet the woman of your dreams go to where people meet(is why I'm here at the site)

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  3.   Satori01 says:
    Posted: 22 Apr 07

    I had what could be defined as a very caring and loving on line relationship with a woman from England. The emotional and intellectual bond were solid, and we burned SKYPE to the ground with daily calls and webcam (none of which was cyber sex.) So, we knew in advance of her visit to Antigua what each "really" looked like, the sound of each other's voices, sexual attitudes and prefefences. It all seemed like a perfect match. One thing was missing. The face to face chemistry that only comes with physical proximity. We had sex on several ocassions and it was good, not great, however. For her, the chemistry wasn't there. We both made the effort. She even paid her way for the visit. It didn't work out. It was well worth the effort and a great learning experience. Nothing can replace the sharing of space, witnessing of each others auras, the smells, the chemistry...But if you aren't willing to take the chance, you lose in more ways than one.

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  4.   Satori01 says:
    Posted: 22 Apr 07

    I had what could be defined as a very caring and loving on line relationship with a woman from England. The emotional and intellectual bond were solid, and we burned SKYPE to the ground with daily calls and webcam (none of which was cyber sex.) So, we knew in advance of her visit to Antigua what each "really" looked like, the sound of each other's voices, sexual attitudes and prefefences. It all seemed like a perfect match. One thing was missing. The face to face chemistry that only comes with physical proximity. We had sex on several ocassions and it was good, not great, however. For her, the chemistry wasn't there. We both made the effort. She even paid her way for the visit. It didn't work out. It was well worth the effort and a great learning experience. Nothing can replace the sharing of space, witnessing of each others auras, the smells, the chemistry...But if you aren't willing to take the chance, you lose in more ways than one.

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  5.   mossimo says:
    Posted: 18 Apr 07

    I am online to actually MEET someone. More than a few seem to want to play games as far as actually meeting in person. I can understand a period of time getting to know one another, but I am not here for a long distance penpal who expects some sort of monogamous email partner. Rant over, lol.

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  6.   Arebw4u says:
    Posted: 13 Apr 07

    I have to agree with Phil,Fala and Well Really there is no such thing as Online dating. There is the meeting of people online, then the communication phase with could take a week to years. In the communication phase you are trying to see if you or the other person is serious about what they write or chat to you about. Depending on how strong you communicated with that person online you will decide when to meet. Sex is very important to men and women, both want some form of physical contact although the time and the amount of that contact might be different. You really won't know what that is until you meet. I believe that having sex with some and they not know all the right moves as it was put, does not defind the relationship. You can be with a person that knew all the right moves, but the relationshipmeeting/ went no where because all it was based on was sex. No one want to believe that they invested in communication just to end up as a sex buddy when it was a relationship they was looking for. Just as Phil said you are looking for someone that is close to your ideal, so you don't really want to have to teach, but if you are at the point of talking about sex then you should have an ideal what the person is into. Like well said you have to be patient withthe person that you are with too. I would be worried about the person that place sex as the be all of a relationship, I hope there is other things that make you want to be with that person, if sex is the only thing in your conversation and that you have in common it can't and won't last. And just like Fala said, you should not commit feeling to a page of words that was sent to you on your computer. The meet is just that you meet and become strangers or you meet and become friends, lovers or if you are lucky both. Distance is what everyone have to figure out for themself. It doesn't matter if you know when you are meeting online that you could go to that person, but say you have no means to do it, you should not assume that the person you are chatting with at that distance can .

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  7.   mossimo says:
    Posted: 13 Apr 07

    I think the connection has to be there from the beginning of the physical relationship. All the teaching in the world won't do a thing unless that chemistry is there. My two cents...

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  8.   Phil says:
    Posted: 13 Apr 07

    I agree...I don't know if there is "dating online" or not. What is "dating", anyways? There has to be some exchange of intimacy, or otherwise it's just a meeting of friends or acquaintances, no? Fala implies that real dating includes some sort of physical presence. I was about to agree, but then thought further, and realized a lot of people have physical presence, but are in stale marriages. So, between a trade of an online connection with somebody meaningful (defined personally for each of us) or a physical one with somebody who is in front of you, what would one choose? Both, of course, but if you don't have the latter, then the former is desperately important -- and maybe that's a form of dating. Back to the blog: sex is very important, and I find that women underrate it, and men overrate it. Let me separate the types of people that won't have it until they have been with the person for eons. It won't matter to them. What the blog touches on is -- how important is sex to the relationship? Time passes, ardour cools. Sex is one of the key signals of where your relationship is, in my view. How do you maintain passion in that most physical of forms? And as for what Well wrote: "teaching" somebody is good -- if a) they wish to be taught b) they have the talent to learn. c) you are able to actually teach (which is more than just instructing). Sometimes you don't want to have to teach somebody -- that's why you are looking for somebody that is close to what you want ideally. This has been a FREE ramble :)

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  9.   fala says:
    Posted: 12 Apr 07

    There's no such thing as dating online - you either meet or person or you remain forever strangers. People can be anyone they want to be online. Don't buy the hype. Wait for the real thing till you actually commit any feelings or emotions.

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  10.   Well says:
    Posted: 12 Apr 07

    You talk about "waste years of chatting with a guy online only to find he aint got the right moves in bed when you finally meet.᾿ When you talk to the person for a long time and then finally meet you should be patient with the other person and after having sex with them many times you will "teach" them the right moves.

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