What I love about Black women is...

Posted by Ria, 08 Dec

They are mouthy. They emasculate men! They are strong (and when strong is used in the case of Black women, more than half the time, it’s not in a positive light). I am sure when given the chance, so many Black men will have a string of negative things to say about black women. And given the chance, Black women will tell you how Black men can't commit, are players, just want to be gangsta! Black men and Black women have been at this war for the longest time ever; every time advertising and promoting this animosity for the whole world to read on blogs, in the media! Its everywhere.

In a recent comment on one of our articles: "Is the “good black male scarcity” myth hurting the good black men?" , some guy S.Combs is somehow fed up with all this tearing each other down saying:

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"I hate hearing brothers talk sh** all day about sista as much as i hate hearing sistas speak ill against brothers.What i never hear, positive talk. This world aint so thrown into hell that we cant remember and boast about the good blac[k] woman or man we once knew. . I’ll be the first to try it, What I Love About My Sistas Is, their determination…"

We spend a lot of time focusing on negative things about black people. I think it’s high time we looked at what is good, what is positive about Black men and women, something positive that would make you date them. To be honest, I don't believe the men and women of other races who have taken interest in black men and women and those who date and marry them do it only for the superficial qualities like "they are sexy" or "they are great in bed" or "they are bootylicious". . I believe they see some great qualities there - I don't think they trade them for sexy.

To follow S.Combs, let me be the second to say something good about this group: What I love about Black sistas is: How family oriented they are. What I love about Black men is: they like standing up for what they believe in.


18 responses to "What I love about Black women is..."

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  1. Posted: 27 May 13

    Black women stand up for what they believe in. Even though I watch a lot of sitcoms on T.V. You see the differences in black mothers like Esther Rolle as Florida Evans who tries to keep her family together even though they are poor. A mother like Phylicia Rashad as Claire Huxtable who is lawyer and her family is not poor, is also trying to keep her family together. I admire any woman who tries her best and can withstand pressure from society whether she is rich, poor, etc. And I admire black men who also try and remain strong and supportive to black women like Barack Obama to his wife Michelle.

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  2. Posted: 02 Jan 13

    Being a multiracial black woman I love my diverse heritage; my non judgmental view of the world; the struggles through negative moments have made me strong; I'm well rounded, educated and professional. I love being a lady. I love being a mother. I love being a friend. I enjoy giving back. A smile and a hug goes a long way to mend a hurt.

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  3.   28288 says:
    Posted: 28 Dec 12

    Being purely african I respect what the african woman can do with no money in her pocket yet day by day her family will eat, a black woman is more motherly & protects a manshe loves with prayers and whatever support. She can give.

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  4.   pakins says:
    Posted: 24 Dec 12

    Black women are all round beautiful.Beautiful as sisters,mother,and soulmate.Incredible emotional strength in the face of almost nothing to keep body n soul,yet her kids won't go empty stomach.

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  5.   Rranderson says:
    Posted: 23 Dec 12

    Wow Dravenborne that is just too sweet. Will you marry me? kidding. No, thanks for the wonderful comment on black women.

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  6.   Chocalott says:
    Posted: 23 Dec 12

    What I love about being a black woman is my strength and courage. I love how black women age beautifully. We get even better looking with time. I love how when we cook our food for our family we pour our soul into it and you can taste it in every bite. I love the different colors of our brown skin. Looking like chocolate and who doesn't like chocolate?

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  7.   mone_luv says:
    Posted: 22 Dec 12

    Dravenborne..... You made me smile...

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  8.   dravenborne says:
    Posted: 21 Dec 12

    wow I could write a book in this comment box. What I LOVE about black women is determination, their willingness to cater and pamper their man, their confidence and funny nature, their sensuality with whatever body type they have. I love their resilience, their sisterhood, their little variations of colors all over their bodies. I love their smiles, the contrast of beautiful black lips against white teeth is captivating. I love all their different hair styles, and their bodies get this golden/bronze glisten when there skin is moist. I am in love with black women and all the diversity they bring to a relationship. Sistas, stay who you are. don't care what anyone tells you about who and how you should date or fall in love. You can be the ripest most delicious peach in the world, but you are still going to find someone who hates peaches. So stay the ebony goddesses that you are and embrace guys like me that just worship you!

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    • SweetStel says:
      Posted: 27 May 13

      I read this and was like 'dayum Who is this guy' I need me him lol

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  9. Posted: 17 Dec 12

    What I love about black women is not only their beauty, strength, but they have been the sweetest most loving gals I have gone out with. I also love their honesty and how secure they are in themselves. Black women Rock!

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  10. Posted: 14 Dec 12

    What I love about us black women is the fact that no matter what society or the media says we should look like, be like , act like,....we are so strong and secure in ourselves that we follow the beat of our own drum. Black Girl Power!

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  11.   arlandf says:
    Posted: 11 Dec 12

    To be honest, I can't say anything positive about black people, especially black women. When I tried to say something good about black women, they accuse me of trying to get sex from them or they really didn't appreciated it. When I do something good for them, they played me. Most of my disrespect and dismay came from black women. If this came from another race of women, I wouldn't be too mad because they weren't with me in the first place. With black women, they are the ones that claim they have your back then turn on you. In addition, they expect you to consider them when you make it big. You expect me to say something good about black women when they threw good black men under the bus in private and public. How can I say something good when they haven't show me good. It is the same with black men. They treat others black folks like trash, but when you make it, they want to "brother trip you". They think that because you are black like them, you are suppose give back to the when in reality they didn't help get these successful brother/sisters to where they are. In addition, when they heard these brothers/sisters dreams and goals, they laugh and called them pipe dreams. Then when everything goes bad, those men that say "I am your brother" turn and walk out on you. Don't believe me, ask Michael Vick. Because I always said the moment he made it big, he should have left his loser friends alone. Ask many of these rappers that tried to give back to the community and they ended up getting robbed or even killed. Ask people that tried to clean up the community and some black man either bad mouth them through the media or got them killed because their ego got crushed. For me to say something good about black people, they have to something that is praise worthy. We do not reflect Martin Luther King Jr, Rosa Parks and other that struggle to get where we are. Just my opinion.

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    • kaysmiles says:
      Posted: 12 Dec 12

      I love how black people come in all shapes and colors. I love the versatility of black hair and, I love when black people are educated and successful and reach behind them to open the door for others. Like FLOTUS said "when you work hard and . . . walk through that doorway of opportunity, you do not slam it shut behind you . . . you reach back and you give other folks the same chances that help you succeed." To the brother above, you're on here ALWAYS spouting negativity, it's clear someone hurt you badly. I hope you get over it and find peace. :-)

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    • 85Princess85 says:
      Posted: 17 Dec 12

      Arlandf, I understand your anger and resentment. But it's yours! Let me help you clarify yourself. See, what you meant to say is all the black women YOU'VE had the displeasure of encountering have been of bad character. I'm sure you don't like to be negatively categorized simply because of your race, gender, height, etc. (At least I would hope you don't.) In any event, I'd like to do something that we all, at some point in or lives, feel we deserve. (And when I say "all", I'm not referring to just our race.) I'd like to take the time and initiative to apologize to you for WHATEVER happened to you. WHATEVER it is that, that black woman (or women) done to you, I sincerely apologize, on their behalf!! Now, my advice to you is to take that apology, move on with your life & find a reason instead of an excuse for your interracial dating. You're doing what you do out of anger and spite & you're hurting no one but..............YOU! Life is too simple and short to make things so complicated for so long, sweetheart. What I love about black women is: 1) their courage 2) their ability to improvise like NO OTHER! We've been taking nothing and making something out of it for centuries! What I love about black men is: 1) their strength to endure 2) their relentless ability to get back up again!

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  12.   Ausar719 says:
    Posted: 11 Dec 12

    What I love about black women, is when we take care of ourselves no one can aaccurately tell our age. I love older, wiser and classy black ladies in church. We have gorgeous bodies too. Celebrate and love yourselves black sistas!!!!

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  13. Posted: 11 Dec 12

    What I love about black women is our ability to persevere, our enhanced lioness ability to protect what we have. I love that there is power in the past we have! Being purely african I respect what the african woman can do with no money in her pocket yet day by day her family will eat!

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  14.   JayBirdJazz says:
    Posted: 10 Dec 12

    What I Love about black women is their Resilience. What i Love about black men is their Protective Nature.

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  15.   Jammyjam617 says:
    Posted: 09 Dec 12

    What I love about Black Men and Women is our ability to stand up to adversity and rise above social stigmas associated with our skin color. I love the fact that we come in so many different shades and our beauty is limitless in depth and texture. I love the fact that I am a black woman and wouldn't change it for anything in the world

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