Why would a mere TV show interracial kiss churn stomachs?

Posted by Ria, 27 Sep

interracial kissI would try to understand if someone got upset over seeing an interracial couple lipped locked in real life. But getting upset over a TV show interracial kiss?????!!!; some scripted interracial kiss that someone coined up and two actors acted out???!!! :roll:

When Olivia Wilde, who played sultry Dr. Remy "Thirteen" Hadley on US TV show House, kissed her black co-star Omar Epps (Dr. Eric Foreman on House) in one of the episodes in 2009, the show had to resort to beefing up security on the set because of numerous hate mails and death threats made against Wilde from fans who were offended by the kiss. This she revealed to America’s Cosmopolitan magazine recently:

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"… We got hate mail that said that someone wanted to cut off my lips and kill me. We had extra security on set for a while."

Ok! Seriously? Don’t some people have better things to do with their lives than getting enraged over some steamy interracial scene on some TV show? Are some people so racist that the racism inside has clouded or totally impaired their judgment of what’s real and what's fiction? Get real!! The kiss aint real!!! And even if it were, so? Somebody please explain to me how and why a fictional interracial kiss can make someone suffer insomnia over.

Watch below. Pretty hot!

37 responses to "Why would a mere TV show interracial kiss churn stomachs?"

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  1. Posted: 25 Jul 12

    remember when kirk and uhura kissed? people sent death threats.

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    • Naza54 says:
      Posted: 25 Jul 12

      Uhura and Kirk kiss happened in 1968. Thinking nothing has changed in 44 years churns my stomach.

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  2.   mickeymike says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 12

    The lead star in the movie Hitch was supposed to be a white woman to co-star along side actor will smith; but an executive decision was made to cast Eva Meandes instead. The decision was made simply because America is deemed not ready for that type of interaction in today’s day and age. Don’t expect any prominent black lead roles playing along side a white love interest any time soon. The images that the media portrays are based on societies collective affinity for stereotypes. Not only do they perpetuate the stereotypes they also go along with the current treads; its kind of a paradox. If societies taste changes towards interaction relationships then the media would follow suit, but for now they will shy away from that sort of depiction. The face of America is subtly changing; I seriously doubt that you would have seen a kiss like that on television before Barrack Obama came into office. His presence alone in his vocation is actually changing Americas definition of normal and culturally acceptable. That’s mainly because he’s outside of the medias standard portrayal of a person of color and he also is a product of an interracial relationship.

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  3.   subbob says:
    Posted: 14 Mar 12

    oops make that supremacists.....one of these days i will learn to proof what i write.....

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  4.   subbob says:
    Posted: 14 Mar 12

    Stories like this do not surpise me at all....i am old enough to remember the segregated water fountains and rest rooms in Union Station in St Louis.....i have done IR dating for years, and could relate anecdotal evidence about how we were mistreated and discriminated against.....finally, anyone who still reads political blogs or listens to the right-wing ranting politicians and mouthpieces is very aware of the rampant racism and bigotry in this country........the Southern Poverty Law Center tracks hate groups in this country along with law enforcement, and the white supremecists, et al, are rampant, to say the least.....

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  5.   zoliuk says:
    Posted: 13 Feb 12

    I hear what you all are saying and that we live in this bizzare world still where people are defined not by who they are but by the colour of their skin is a sad statement about humanity. However did anyone even give thought to the writer of the article himself who condemns the reactions of people to the interracial kissing on TV but by so doing confirms his acceptance of this prejudice in real life!! Why would you try to understand if anyone got upset about interracialkissing in real life? Does that not imply closet racism.Why should anyone get upset by seeing two people who love each other express it outwardly simply because they have different skin tones? Would you try to understand it as well if people got upset about seeing two black people or two white people kiss each other in public? You know what? Sometimes we all get up in arms about racism but frankly for most of us we are simply paying lip service - political correctness of sort. For as long as there are different standards for the same circumstances, read my lips IT IS PREJUDICE.

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  6.   sexyp1 says:
    Posted: 03 Jan 12

    I really don't think it has anything to do with America abd how most people feel, there will always be an a$$ around to try and start something, some1 got upset over the actors from the show Mike and Molly kissing saying no1 wants to see fat people kiss. The 3 networks ABC, CBS & NBC have some of the worst entertainment out there if you are a minority. The Bachelor & Bachelorette(4give my spelling) omg we're MIA on those shows I dont watch either one, I love Big Brother but it seems they're afraid to have more than one black man (or woman) on the show at the same time. I'm not sure but maybe CBS chooses contestants where there is no chance of any kind of black love. BUT one season there was some interracial love going on and they tried to dismiss it since then nothing. The show Merlin on Syfy has an interracial couple and its a drama not a comedy which is nice to see

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  7.   Suunshyne says:
    Posted: 27 Dec 11

    Its just funny how when the couple is a black man with a white woman "it's hot" and a serious connotation is added along with it. When it's a white man and black woman (what ever shade she may be) it becomes a romantic comedy and kissing is hardly shown between the two??? I think there should be equal time on both counts and all the problems with mixing races, male or female need to be dissolved. And don't just come looking for sex to try a black woman out like she is the flavor of the week! I wish more men of other races would step to us black women with purpose other than just to try us out!

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    • Sambana10 says:
      Posted: 28 Dec 11

      Wow. Is it many men or just a few that are that shallow to "just try you out". Do they actually tell you this?

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  8.   dzbezt says:
    Posted: 26 Dec 11

    1st interracial kiss was on star trek between kirk and uhura

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    • Sambana10 says:
      Posted: 26 Dec 11

      ...and some how the world survived such a tragedy. LOL...and the world just keeps on turnin.

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    • tenderness74 says:
      Posted: 31 Dec 11

      As you correctly pointed out , this began way back in the 60's with characters Kirk and Uhura and since then there's been numerous sexual liaisons with interracial characters so what caused this furore is quite intriguing. Now im assuming that the normal audience for House is a younger viewership which makes it quite scary as they should really know better. And if thats the case now im petrified if i were to visit America one day with the partner i hope to find here one day as in UK and Europe interracial coupling is a bit of a norm now.

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  9.   raregem says:
    Posted: 25 Dec 11

    This world is really messed up! The world should be turned off by gays and lesbians not over blacks and whites , I mean really people !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    • reese says:
      Posted: 27 Dec 11

      why by gays and lesbians? You are upset because people aren't accepting our nontraditional marriage and then you turn around and do the same thing. People who accept gays and lesbians are more like to accept ir relationships. Or who don't care or more likely not to care. They are consenting adults.

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      • Sambana10 says:
        Posted: 28 Dec 11

        That's exactly what I was thinking. That comment is so contradicting. Were are all human beings. Supposedly created equal. I was brought up Christian and the bible says (depending how it is interpreted) man shouldn't lay with another man bla bla bla something to that effect. Well what if your not Christian? Well without getting too disrespectful who the hell are we to judge anyone? According to the bible that's what God does. What the heck should we care what anyone does if it does not break any laws or invade rights ect.

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  10.   Sambana10 says:
    Posted: 24 Dec 11

    Yea, your so right. The root words for prejudice and racism to me are fear and ignorance simple as that. I can tell you after I been with my last woman for 4 years I noticed she was a lot more tan than I was. So one day I asked her what was her secret to maintaining her beautiful color. She said sitting next to me made her look darker. LOL. I have to say I have never noticed a dirty look or any mis treatment when we were out. She mentioned looks ect from others from time to time. So what I would do was start kissing all over her so everyone who cared could see how much I loved this woman. I'm not sure if it was because I was with this thin 6' 2" African American and American Indian woman but it seem like other women of all races gave me more attention than my past relationships. My point is don't focus on the negative or you will only get more negative back. Yea we live in a racist and prejudice society which is sad but we come a long long way and as long as we keep interbreeding all races all over the world we will eventually come up with some kind of super superior race that may look like our creator? We are all connected anyway no matter how much some people may not want to believe it.

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  11.   yram says:
    Posted: 23 Dec 11

    If we continue to let the ignorant (black or white) dictate our happiness then we are bigger fools than they are. At the end of the day, I want to come home to a "colorless" man who loves me and without whom my life would be unbearable; instead of subscribing to the ridiculous in an effort to please the obnoxious dictators in this society. What makes you happy? A narrow-minded bigot of the same race or a man who sees you through character-reflective lens, punctuated by "what makes you both happy"? We are indeed free to choose and I choose to be free from the drama and diatribe, how about you? Your happiness or there's? Your choice! Happy Holidays my fellow "unique" ones..... Live, Love, Laugh~not necessarily in that order!!!

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  12. Posted: 22 Dec 11

    I agree with parts of some of the posts that were made. I refuse to let someone dictate what I can and cannot do as far as my personal preference in a partner. I don't understand why its such a big deal with the racist thing. They created the first mixing of race when they raped blk women in the past and created mixed children.It dates all the way back to slavery day. For the blk men it was outlawed to even look at white women. People use the being racist to their benefit. If they were killed for having sex with blk women or just looking at her it would be a different story. They talk about racism but how many of them have watched a blk woman go down the street and desired her just like in the past. It boils down to a control thing. Because the guy on house was a blk man then that's a problem. Its the old mentality of blk men cant have their women. We are all free to choose who we want. If its a problem to see it happen then change the channel! Don't look at them kissing! Mixing of cultures are not going to stop. I've never quit anything in my life that I believe in. But if some of you want to fear what will make you happy then its your choice to do so. WE ARE FREE!!! I know sometimes its hard to see that because racism is still very much alive but if we let them control us in any way then they win. Please dont worry about not being safe to be happy. You could walk out the door and get ran over by a car, truck or any other vehicle. What I'm getting at is that tomorrow is not promised. Today is a gift. Cherish your life and what you make of it. Don't let someone's opinion that should not count influence how you live your life. God has the final say. Racism is not only in the white race. I was told by a blk woman that I was a traitor to my race for dating a white man. This was years ago and I made the mistake of giving it a second thought, so I tried doing something that I wasn't interested in doing...dating a blk man.It wasn't a choice of picking skin color of someone. It came down to who I was attracted to all my life. To make a long story short, I did consider what the lady said to me and those were some of my most unhappy years in life!Not because of skin color but because it wasn't what made me happy. What I'm trying to say is if we live how others want us too, then we will never find true happiness.I have even been approached by blk men I didn't know and told that I have a problem not knowing what kind of man to pick.For some reason they thought their business to tell someone they did not even know who to choose. Of course I did not listen to them either. I'm my own person! Please understand that I did NOT say there is anything wrong with dating a blk man. I wanted to make that clear before someone who doesn't understand clearly that is not what I meant. I wish everyone the best on the site. I hope you find the someone who takes your breathe away just to be with them no matter the culture. Merry Christmas!

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  13.   Julep says:
    Posted: 20 Dec 11

    I just laughed about this topic. "House" is pure entertaining fiction, and it seems that some people just haven't anything better to do but write hate mail. I am a little curious though...did they pause to write hate male when they found out Olivia Wilde's character was a bisexual woman...or when they found out she committed an act of euthanasia on a family member...or when it was revealed that she spent time in prison...how about all those time when the doctors break into someone's home to do searches (is that hate mail worthy?) Needless to say I am a House fan, but I in no way want to threaten any actors when they show doesn't go the way I had hoped. If you want to change your world, pick up your pens and pick a worthy REAL LIFE cause to fight for...and maybe you will become to occupied with ending something real life like child abuse and violence to not notice that the color of the people making out on the boob-tube does not match.

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  14.   maria2007 says:
    Posted: 20 Dec 11

    Well its unbelievable for some of us in africa to know that colour is still an issue in america....well am happy to say that in kenya all races are accepted and treated as equals...Am proud to say that we accept interacial relationships/marriages.Love knows no boundaries and colour is nothing compared to true love.Ave seen many interacial marriages succeed.Thumbs up to those who know what true love is,no matter where they find it!

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    • Julep says:
      Posted: 28 Dec 11

      Please don't take this the wrong way, but I am honestly curious. I am to believe that Kenya (in Africa) in MORE racially accepting than the USA? I had a white fiend who married a black Kenyan woman and could not comfortably live with her. He came back to the US and brought her with him and they have been happy ever since.

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  15.   Theking1973 says:
    Posted: 20 Dec 11

    It is obvious that it is more accepted if a white man kisses a black woman than it is for a black man to kiss a white woman. It is a shame some people still have 1960 mentality. I invite them to come live in the world we live in now it will help them to get along with others in this day and time. Face it everyone is game nowadays!!!!!

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    • reese says:
      Posted: 27 Dec 11

      I don't believe so. It is a stereotype that only black women are upset. But the hate crimes are 99% done by men and a good % are black men doing it too.......nowadays. I think alot of people are really scare now with the shrinking population of white people and growing success fo minorities like black president sent big backlash sad, but true.

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  16. Posted: 11 Oct 11

    I believe that that episode was one of it highest rating shows! If you don't want to see it change the channel. If you don't want to see an interacial couple in public then turn your head. People are people. Just because the color of our skin is different doesn't mean we aren't human beings. God made us all, just like he makes a rainbow after a cooling rain. We wear different color clothing, we mix and match things to wear. Why can't we mix and match our love life? I had a manager that i worked for once told me that she was going to keep tanning until she was as black as me! So whats wrong with my color? What's wrong with me? Nothing, my pecan tan skin is beautiful, just like your tan skin is beautiful. Viva la rainbow!

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  17.   Sn0Wh1te says:
    Posted: 05 Oct 11

    I find myself wondering what the point was to the last 40 years AFTER THE CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT if we are just going to be suddenly transported back to 1960. As someone who has been in an interracial relationship previously, I am nothing but totally lost and confused and even questioning whether I should be scared for own safety. I am having thoughts that should never have to cross one's mind: "I was lucky in my last relationship I just didnt come across the wrong person"; "How can I want a child to be born into an interracial relationship"...and saddest even is the one that makes me ask "Do I continue seeking a relationship that isnt defined by a crayola box?"... My head, and heart have a lot to think about ♥

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    • odel68 says:
      Posted: 07 Oct 11

      we live in a society where people are hurt or even killed for no reason at all. my nephew was in a club with some friends in atlanta when someone stepped on one of his friends new jordans. his friend went out to the car and got a gun and went back inside and started shooting at the man who stepped on his shoe. that is crazy. people are shot because of road rage. you can't let fear of what some fool will do dictate your life. if you do that you can't even leave your house. follow your heart and find some happiness in this crazy world we live in. if you find love i believe that any problems that come your way because of who you love will be more than compensated by the love that you share. thank you, james

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  18.   odel68 says:
    Posted: 29 Sep 11

    this is America. we claim all people are equal. that is one of the foundations of this country. but go and talk to a minority( female, black, asian ,spanish,gay) and you will find out that we are not equal. some Americans are treated as 2nd class citizens, it is a fact. and it is not only rednecks who are racist. they come in all races , social classes, and education levels. there are people who just don't agree with races mixing. and it is their right. i think it is ok and that is my right. my constitution guarantees it's citizens the right for the pursuit of happiness. in my pursuit of happiness, love has brought women of different races into my life. all i ask of my fellow Americans is as long as it doesn't take away their rights is allow me to live my life in whatever way makes me happy. i have to extend that same courtesy to other people. if they want to believe in a superior race, they can. if they want to raise their children that way, they can. if we want people to accept our life styles then we must accept theirs. thank you, james

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  19.   Nickico says:
    Posted: 28 Sep 11

    This is insane! We have to start educating the red necks before they multiply and take over the world.

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  20.   Naza54 says:
    Posted: 27 Sep 11

    First of all I apologize for my english. Seriously, how can such thing happen? I only observe in this picture a gorgeous couple nothing else. I'm european and last week I visited USA for the second time in 10 years. I was astonished to watch TV programs insisting on the skin color theme and it was embaracing listening to humiliating jokes about blacks and whites. Really it was a surprise, I thought americans had overcome that skin detail so insignificant in this century. I cannot believe that in this wonderful and developed country, people minds are still so narrow.

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    • TasteyKoko says:
      Posted: 20 Dec 11

      No, America hasn't changed. Even though most of us delude ourselves into thinking it has. I can't even walk down the street with my extremely fair hispanic friend, (who looks Caucasian ) while holding arms without getting disgusted looks by blacks and whites. Its sad.

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    • G.I.JANE3868 says:
      Posted: 23 Dec 11


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    • ducatisandra says:
      Posted: 26 Dec 11

      In all honesty I had no idea this kind of racism existed. I am trying so desparately to find a black male as my forever after as these men are the only men I am physically attracted too. Unfortunately and very sadly it seems to me that all I am coming into contact is with men who seem to know they are hot and us white gals are not good enough for them. I seriously cried when I watched that clip because it was so perfect, so beautiful in every way. I don't understand if it is the white skinned people who have a problem with it or the black skinned? No idea.

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      • reese says:
        Posted: 27 Dec 11

        I understand where you are coming from. But I meet alot on here who just want sex too. Or they are far away. But don't settle or give up. It will happen for us.

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      • Angelina5 says:
        Posted: 28 Dec 11

        I'm surprised with your experience. This is why we should have such open conversations, so we can learn from each other. I'm a Black American woman. It never would have occurred to me that a white, attractive blonde would have men thinking of her as not good enough for them. I thought you were the image of the trophy wife. (And no disrespect at all. Please, I'm just trying to explain myself. I do not mean to offend.). Makes me think of something I heard from an African woman, though. Her experience in life led her to believe that successful African men seek Black/African American woman as trophy wives. Well... you know... it would be nice if women in general were not considered in that light. We live in a very interesting but sometimes complex world.

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        • Eva2 says:
          Posted: 08 Apr 12

          Men has always had their status symbols and nothing has changed. Look how badly Tiger Woods treated his wife, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Oprah and Stedman, who had a child with another woman! But the interracial coupling is a little different. I'm afraid Darwinism and slavery helped justify the inferiority complex of white American and Europeans toward blacks while we learned to replicate in kind. Beautiful women always have a harder time finding a mate who love them for themselves. It's hard to get passed their attractiveness but like everyone else beautiful people have character flaws too. And, sometimes men are not expecting it and doesn't know how to handle the woman apart from the beauty which attracted him therefore he can become verbally abusive. As far as the reaction to the television show is concern this has not been seen in abundance before. Breaking down a barrier is difficult. No one want to deal with the hate mail and threats.

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