Can interracial marriage hurt ones chances of getting a job?

Posted by Ria, 09 Jan

First off, our own president is in an interracial marriage and he managed to get his current job. One would hope that maybe race would play no factor in matters of employment … especially not some college football.

However, UF defensive coordinator Charlie Strong (pictured right) thinks otherwise and blames his not getting a head-coaching job on his interracial marriage. Apparently, strong suggested to Orlando Sentinel that being married to a White woman hampered his chances of being offered the head-coaching job, despite his memorable career that spans over 25 years.

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He also said he can’t simply discard this as a vicious rumor because there was another job he had interviewed for at a southern school a few years ago where he says he heard it too many times. "Everybody always said I didn't get that job because my wife is white," said Strong.

Well, apparently, he aint the only one. Rumor has it that one of the reasons Buffalo coach Turner Gill didn't get the job at Auburn is because his wife is white. Much as Gill had more impressive coaching credentials than Gene Chizik, Iowa State coach, Chizik got the job. Reporter Mark Schlabach backs this allegation up on ESPN's "Outside The Lines," saying two coaches told him that since Gill is married to a white woman there was no way he was gonna get the Auburn job.

So if you believe this to be true, what about Lovie Smith and Mike Singletary? Both of them are in interracial marriages. Both their wives are White. And both are head coaches in NFL. Can we really point fingers at interracial marriage?

76 responses to "Can interracial marriage hurt ones chances of getting a job?"

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  1.   Wonka says:
    Posted: 22 Feb 10

    Such occurences take place in everyday life,and for the most part it's pathetic and sad,however GLOCK made a couple of valid points!!,this Strong character needs to see the big picture instead of just one aspect of the situation!.

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  2.   Neisy says:
    Posted: 06 Oct 09

    I believe that yes, in some cases people have been denied opportunities because they were involved in a interracial marriage/relationship. I'm sure that there are some White Men out there that didn't get that promotion because they had a Black mate/wife. I'm sure that it happens more in the South than any other region. Its the "Good Ole Boy" network, at work yet again, and again. Just my two cents worth!

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  3. Posted: 06 Sep 09

    I agree with other posters, like Salsassin, that President Obama is not in an interracial marriage. And yes, an interracial marriage, heck even interracial dating can disrupt your career advancement. I know from personal experience several times over. It's getting better, but it's still out there. However, that said, it can also be a reason FOR career advancement. There are times when a door is opened just because you are black or white and s/he is black or white. Again, from personal experience.

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  4.   Shotgun007 says:
    Posted: 04 Aug 09

    I guess I would need all the facts to form a valid conclusion. If Mr. Strong’s real issue is the perception of the "Hiring Staff/Mgt" that they denied him this promotion because THEY disapprove of his interracial marriage, I don't see how running a media campaign would fix this. Is it possible?..... It is very possible for superiors to disapprove but proving it is another thing especially when they can produce a more viable candidate that ended up with the job. I wonder if he spoke to his wife before making the accusation or getting her opinion. Maybe she was part of the voice behind his public statement. How I can’t deny that this happens, I’m not so sure that his interracial marriage was the ONLY reason he didn’t get the job. Can Interracial marriage hurt one’s chances of getting a job?.... I guess so if you boss is not a fan of interracial partnerships. Shotgun007

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  5.   Life2go says:
    Posted: 23 Jul 09

    I wore a black blouse and a white skirt to my job interview and didn't get it. DISCRIMINATION! Haha, sorry cause I know some of you are really heated about this issue but I think he is a bit a of a cry baby. Like Ben Affleck claiming J-Lo ruined his career. Even if it's true it just seems kind of slimy and childish to whine about. What did going to the media and complaining about what he perceived as discrimination accomplish? I'm willing to bet all it did was make getting his next job 10 times harder.

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  6.   REDRAIN says:
    Posted: 11 Apr 09

    This does happen alot. If your boss is a bigot and they find out you are in a mixed marriage your boss COULD fire you or do something negative jsut because they hate your mixed relationship. It happens alot.

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  7.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 25 Mar 09

    NOPLAYER ; Let's be Truthful , When we got married / if we were to Worry constantly about who others choose as a Mate . You being an intelligent man / would you see some degree of Cheating on each other if we were to keep judging others because of their choice of Happiness and not keep our minds on Our own Relationship . You Repeatedly talk about a Chip you yourself are carry ing on your own shoulder , Please Remember Everyone has Freedom of Choice in their own Life . You speak of Abnormal / What is Normal ? My wife married Me because I was a Man , there was no other Reason .

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  8.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 25 Mar 09

    When you start your day walking out the Door with an Attitude / be it correct or be it incorrect . This attitude shall follow you all day , Lighten up give Life a chance to Happen . Open your mind , enter the World as a Person of Dignity - People will Respect you for that . We meet so Many , everywhere who bring us into conversation as we are just another Happy couple / To be found Laughing everywhere We go . Plant a tree at your doorstep to tell your problems to at night as you enter / in the morning ask the tree where yesterdays problems have gone .

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  9.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 25 Mar 09

    In Conclusion ; We could care less what others Think as We appreciate their right to choice also . Get a Life , go with the Flow . The Tide has turned . Don't be Jealous because I , as a Man has found a Woman on this site. And that We were able to find Love together . What's your problem ? Insecurity in Life , Get out of the middle of the road or get run over . Stop , Look and Listen at RR Track crossings and look both ways before entering a crosswalk . Please help coach Strong to find the Employment Office as many others do everyday , if they seek employment .

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  10.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 25 Mar 09

    My Grandparents were Jewish , they moved to the U.S.A. before WW1 , to get away from oppression in Poland / Instead of staying and Complaining about what they could not change [ Shows Intelligence / don't you agree } . We live in Texas / do you Know of many places in the U.S.A. [ Texas is now second highest in population of the States } anywhere further South ? We married because we wished to Love each other till death do us part . As all things Start in the Beginning . We could not be sure when we started out together , We are sure now . As long as something is not going to go anywhere - Why not Learn to Live with what you cannot change . Or as I read , elsewhere - you can choose to remain in the dark ages . Instead of Beating your Head against the wall in Frustration .GROW-UP Learn to stop and smell the Roses . My opinion would be that the man did not get the job , because the One who hired thought another was more Qualified . History is what DID HAPPEN , life is what will happen - Change has to come from inside each and everyone of us . Dig yourself out of the hole you have dug yourself into and Learn to Breathe the Fresh air , We did and We are Happy Together .

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  11.   NOPLAYER says:
    Posted: 25 Mar 09

    IR marriages between blk men and wht women seem to sting the hell out of some people! As a blk man I have a natural and loving jealousy when it comes to blk women being with anyone other than a blk man. Ok I know some will behead me for this one but I'm I alone? Quite as it's kept, alot of wht men don't like seeing wht women with blk men. Let's be truthful, with so much bitterness over the history between blk and wht in this country it's not abnormal that these feelings exist. Ask a Jew what he thinks about relationships between Jewish women and German men or ask an Armenian what he thinks about Armenian women dating Turkish men and see what their reponse would be! They would probally tell you that the wounds are too fresh and they just can't bear it at this time. There was blood shed and slaughter between these people but there was over a 400 year period of oppression that blks suffered at the hands of white america. I believe oppression is worst than slaughter, death cant come soon enough for the trully oppressed. Given the feelings of bitterness, resentment, mistrust and fear, it's easy to understand the resentment some would feel about the women from their ethnic group being with a man from an ethnic group that they may harbor these feelings against. Ok enough on that! We have no way of knowing if Coach Strong being married to a white woman was the reason he didn't get hired. Institutional racism is alive and well in America and it aint going nowhere. One thing about being in power is you can make decisions that are in keeping with your way of thinking. Everyone knows that in the "Good Ol South" spite for interacial marriages is one of the last hold-outs and it's gonna take years for that monster to die, it will die but not soon enough. The south is steeped in tradition and hardcore Southerners are slow to depart from it. If those within the power structure are against IR marriages then they can deny someone a job, illegally! It may not have been the lowest guy on the ladder that may've had a problem with IR marriage, maybe it was the one who controls the cash flow that had an issue with it and "he that controls the cash flow has the final say so"! The person for their job security can't and wont come out and say, " I personally don't have issues with your being married to a wht woman but our major sponsor has a problem with it"! We all know institutions that are supported by powerful outsiders have to stay in line and not buck those that provide them with their funding or they risk losing their funding from that source. I don't know what made Coach Strong think he would be above that " unwritten law of the South"! Just because you can marry a wht woman doesn't mean that you wont face scorn of people in high and low places.

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  12.   C says:
    Posted: 25 Mar 09

    Comment by babygirlTS on 3 February 2009: As sad as it may be, I think there is a bit of truth to the allegations… There’s already a negative stigma about black men who date/marry white women and not just within the black community **************************************************** True , My Father is Married to an White woman & I'm bi-racial myself My Mother is White & father is Black . I do notice whenever My Step Mother , I & My Dad are together & a group of Black & Or white ppl see us I notice they kinda swissper about it . Inter-racial Black & White dating maybe more open now then back in the day , however lets face it Prejudice & racism among both color lines don't accept A Black man w/ A white woman 100% lets just say they just Toilerated it because its more open . but me been of Bi-racial mix I notice we aren't accepted full neither by Both Black & White we are just Toilerated by both because we're both . so this maybe true , but funny as it is Black men seem to run to white women whenever they get a little chump change in their pockets they go & get A white girl because they think they'll make & they thnk they're troubles are all gone because of that white woman . & maybe this could be A light for All Black men who only date White girl's because he thinks his life will be better , FACTS : its not going to if not its worser which should clearly tell his black ass just because your w/ A white woman don't mean we can't see your Color You'll always be A Nigga rather your w/ A Black or White woman . I personally don't have A issue w/ Interracial dating , I hoever hate when A Black man only dates White girl's because he thinks hes going to get more out of it & make stupid excuses of why? hes not with A black Woman .

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  13. Posted: 03 Feb 09

    There are cases in which this does happen, but we can't say that an interracial marriage is the reason all of the time. And if you try to say that it is, you better have hella proof to back it up. That being said, it's not only Black men in interracial marriages that get discriminated against and even miss job opportunities because of it. This type of thing has happened to pretty much any interracial relationship combination you can think of. Chances are if a person has a problem with interracial relationships, it's not just towards Black men with White women.

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  14.   babygirlTS says:
    Posted: 03 Feb 09

    As sad as it may be, I think there is a bit of truth to the allegations... There's already a negative stigma about black men who date/marry white women and not just within the black community

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  15.   jazzloverOH says:
    Posted: 21 Jan 09

    I would like to think that an interracial marriage would INCREASE your chances at a job. Seems to me it would be evident that you are open minded and very possibly judge people by the "content of their character" among other positive qualities. Doesn't that make sense? Granted, the person making the hiring decision might have biases, but why would you want to work for them anyhow?

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  16.   lala2qz says:
    Posted: 21 Jan 09

    I understand in a way why she stated Obama is in an interracial relationship, because if you take a half white-half black person and they date someone completely white, it's called interracial. But it's normally not considered interracial if that same person were to date a black person here, cause more than likely, that black person has Caucasian roots as well. This is America afterall, let's not forget there are black parents who have more european looking children than Obama. Why? Roots.

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  17.   starthai says:
    Posted: 21 Jan 09

    "Apparently some of you use blog as a format to voice how you think the race issues are handled in America. A few bloggers it seems you have somthing to prove that you are educated, and to back that up, paragraphs of statistics complete with quotes are plastered to no end. Now I gather in your world that makes you superior to the common man or what every it does for your ego, in the real world social awareness, experience, and struggle is how you obtain another level of education. Black culture is not a percentage, a theory, it’s real like any other culture in this world.' Vt33 I agree. In addition social science is soft science. My kind of science is " hard science".

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  18.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 21 Jan 09

    Ria , I read what you say . I comment on my feelings as to how I interpret the topics . I can trace my heritage back to my Grandparents . Before that only God would know as they passed years ago . And I never did ask who their parents or grandparents were . But I still Feel that President Obama is the proper way for an Educated person to address our President in a Public Forum . He Earned that title and even a thousand years from now that will be how intelligent people write about him . Please show some Respect where it is Due , Love Les

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  19.   Ria says:
    Posted: 21 Jan 09

    Hi all, Issues of identity always arise where a mixed-race individual is involved. I tend to think Obama is in an interracial relationship because he is of mixed-race himself and not entirely black. We cant entirely rule out the fact that he has Caucasian roots too, now can we?

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  20.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 21 Jan 09

    My Race was determined by God , my nationality bye birth and my Love of Life is a personal choice made bye me and my wife . Who I met on this site . In conclusion : Judging others because they do not spell correctly or form sentences in error .. is another way of Judging , God said " Judge not for yee shall be Judged " and I believe in him .

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  21.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 21 Jan 09

    and to the weak - end warrior , Bigotry shows in many different ways , I saw many in your words : Please feel free to look at the defination of Bum in a Book of higher learning . I do not drink , do you ? You were the one who personally attacked me by my profile title is a Public Forum . Reread your words and help me believe that you are indeed a Bigot in what you write . I was Disabled at 18 and grew daily until Disablity yet again befell upon me . And as we grow older we grow smarter without idle critisism throw at us .

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  22.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 21 Jan 09

    May God Bless all , without Prejudice . A Growth is in the workings of times yet to pass . Congradulations are in order for President Barrack Obama . I will show my Respect because he Earned his title . I had a job once and being Disabled . There were many who would not hire me with a Pronounced Limp in my gate . But Discriminating against Disabled was not a law one without means could prove . To tell the Truth , I look back at hard times and I myself was the one to change my life for the better . I Retired at 52 years old with a Pension for life . Everywhere I go , I have a Chauffeur . Match that you people who Boast of intelligence and I respect all others because my Father and Mother taught me that way of life . Love Les

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  23.   Javan2 says:
    Posted: 21 Jan 09

    Interracial Couples have fewer problems if the two people are into living a life of solitude. Social butterflies who are an interracial couple invite problems into there lives and some problems more serious than others. If you're going to be social butter-flies & an interracial couple, you'd better only associate with members of "The Baha`i Faith".

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  24.   gohokies20 says:
    Posted: 19 Jan 09

    Salsera77, I wish you were a geographically closer to me :-)

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  25.   Glock says:
    Posted: 19 Jan 09

    VA_Songbird I think you're absolutely right. The whole issue of homosexuality is now "The Issue". Interracial couples are a dime a dozen. Any Athletic Director or NFL owner has to know there are going to be black players, asst coaches, coaches etc, that have white girlfriends and or wives (or both). And yes gay people have rights as Homesteader mentions, but no more than any other citizen.

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  26.   VA_SongBird says:
    Posted: 19 Jan 09

    I personally think it would be difficult for a firm to know to whom you are married before the hiring decision has been made unless you know someone within the company. I think in this day and age, there's more tolerance for inter racial couples. I think the new issue, are gay partners, and no longer inter racial couples.

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  27.   openeyes08 says:
    Posted: 18 Jan 09

    Last time I checked, Obama wasn't in an interracial marriage.

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  28.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 16 Jan 09

    Thank you for the advice on a Happy married life and how to spend our time . We are together 24 hours a day most often and still communicate on this site when we are apart . As our romance is from two different States and travel is the name of the Game on occasion .

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  29.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 16 Jan 09

    Yes , the mind is the first thing to go . You - used in the Plural sense attacks no one individually . My comments come from my feelings as to a Blog , I might have been taught that Respect is a full time situation . Not just to be used when if someone feels like it . My post in Life is a Full time Husband , Father to 4 Daughters and 2 sons . I have done This correctly .

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  30.   jaydub2468 says:
    Posted: 16 Jan 09

    If a firm decided not to hire me because of my wife or girlfriend, I would not invest my time and energy toward making them successful. Once the dust settles, it would be their loss not mine.

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  31.   vt33 says:
    Posted: 16 Jan 09

    I"ll fedex you some milk to go with that salty doughnut you munchin on..wink..

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  32.   martha54 says:
    Posted: 14 Jan 09

    Can interracial marriage hurt ones changes getting a job in America yes it can. As much as we would like to see all races come together as a whole will it ever happen? I don't know. There are some American's who think their better than any one else in the world. You take this attitude with you when you visit other countries. I saw it last year when I was in Paris France. In lines at the airport hotel and in the resturants.I'm from the United States and I want etc... so what. When in rome do as the romans do the least you can do is try and use afew of their words with a little respect wrapped up in it.Step over the frence and try and date outside your race in America see if I give you this job.If God does not care who we fall in love with why should anyone else.I've dated outside my race just once it was enough for me to know what I wanted for myself it's my choice and no one can change my way of thinking. I live in one of the most racist cities in the United States where they hosed black people down with water hoses and put dogs on then during a riot in the 60's.Dating outside your race can hurt getting a job sometimes it depends on where you live. If you stay strong and hold to your beleives you can make it through any storm.

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  33.   Kat says:
    Posted: 14 Jan 09

    I think it's disrespectful to throw your own wife under the bus like the coach did. Who wants to hear "Hey Honey, it's all your fault I didn't get this job"

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  34.   graduate2be says:
    Posted: 13 Jan 09

    For starters, there is a huge difference between our president-elect and the coach from UF. The difference is that while Obama is of interracial descent, the media and the majority of the people in the world view him as a black man. You don't hear people say, "President-elect Obama, the nations first interracial president". You hear them say, "The nations first BLACK president". I can't say if he would have been elected if his mixed heritage had been put on center stage; however, in the days leading up to the election, I read a New York Times piece where the writer interviewed a number of people that had problems with his mixed heritage. Somehow, he was less trustworthy than if he had been straight white or straight black (so went their logic). In regards to the coach at UF, yes, its possible that his marriage may have had a part in him not getting any job interviews; however, as someone else has said, if he feels so strongly that this was the case, he should file a law suit. It has been reported that Turner Gill, the head coach at UB, suffered from this same issue when he interviewed at Auburn. He stated that he didn't think that his marriage was the reason why he wasn't offered the job at Auburn, but the fact they hired a coach who was on the verge of being run out of his job at Iowa over Gill, who has at least proven that he can win, is suspect in my mind. The problem with making these kinds of allegations is that they are very hard to prove. I'm not saying that people should roll over and refuse to accept that racism and prejudice exist, but I am saying that if you are going to make an allegation, you better be able to prove it and be prepared to take some action beyond running to the media to bring about some form of change. Just my nickles worth.

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  35.   Glock says:
    Posted: 13 Jan 09

    The first reference to "professional black man" was from "Vanillachai" (female). I did also use that phrase IN RESPONSE to something she posted. So what you're telling me is that the term "professional black man" is a term of endearment now? Do you really believe this crap? I think this thread has run it's course....

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  36.   vt33 says:
    Posted: 13 Jan 09

    okay... The subject is about Charlie Strong and him popping his mouth off, and shooting down the chances of becoming the head coach of the Football Program at UF. I corrected Ria in stating that our president elect is in a interracial marriage, throught US history as well as the US Census form, your fathers heritage determines your heritage. (trust me the next census, there may be a reduction of choices for stating ones heritage due to the uproar of it back in 1998) Apparently some of you use blog as a format to voice how you think the race issues are handled in America. A few bloggers it seems you have somthing to prove that you are educated, and to back that up, paragraphs of statistics complete with quotes are plastered to no end. Now I gather in your world that makes you superior to the common man or what every it does for your ego, in the real world social awareness, experience, and struggle is how you obtain another level of education. Black culture is not a percentage, a theory, it's real like any other culture in this world. Where in the world does Charlie Strong fit in to this equations...nowhere. Folks it's the 09, showing off isn't cool, everyone has adopted the word "Fortunate" in the 09, everyone is struggling in one way or the other. Instead try taking all that knowledge and spread it to the less fortunate, tutor someone show them what a great education can do for you. That's a better way to launch your ego, and you just might get some warm fuzzy feeling to boot. For the gentlemen who made a statement about "professional black men", let me shed just a small glimmer of light for you. For many years the black community has seen a decline in black business men, doctors, lawyers, etc our son's were lost to a lot of things, so within out community when the term professional black men is used, it's a term of endearment, it shows that we had one more son who didn't end up behind bars, but made it to the bar, or exam room 1, executive board room etc. That makes the community proud, so please don't over examine it. It's not meant to hurt or disperespect anyone. Sorry, don't mean to offend just a thought. Ciao! note. Key word of the day "Fortunate" go out and share what you have to the less "Fortunate" and quit

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  37.   Salsassin says:
    Posted: 13 Jan 09

    I refer to Obama, as Obama. It is informal conversation. I am not in a direct address situation. And correct your own spelling errors before you correct mine. My posts may be drawn out, but many of your posts are non sequitors, non sensical and come out of the blue. Why so much posting if you are married and have a happy wife? Focus more on offline time now that you have found your match instead of posting so many comments that many times are irrelevant to the discussion at hand. No one else took offense to me refering to him as Obama, No one took offense in Facebook when I added the appelate Hussain in support of Obama, etc. Yes, I met him when he came to Atlanta. Now do you actually have some valid point, or are you just making noise in the background to fill space? I have respected you till now because of your senior status, but if you are going to challenge me on something trivial such as how I address Obama, and question the intelligence of my posts, then I will bring up the incoherence in yours, and the possible senility?

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  38.   Salsassin says:
    Posted: 13 Jan 09

    Homesteader, not sure if you addressed that last diatribe to me, but I will respond. I campaigned for Obama. I serve my country in the military, so spare me the crap of my post not saying President Obama. When I am talking about him in respect to his job, I will refer to the title. When I am speaking of the human, I will refer to him as any other human. And in the military we use last names all the time to refer to each other. Now when he swears in this 20th, he will be my Commander in Chief. Thank You.

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  39.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 13 Jan 09

    When you show no respect for our President / elect Barrack Obama . I see totally no intelligence in the B. S. you comment . My ancestry is from Poland and Canada alas I am second generation American citizen . My father fought to keep this country free along with half of the other countries in this free world today . I neither took my wives , my mother or my father with me when I seeked a job . As I was Man enough to find one on my own credentials . I am totally United States Citizen . Those of you without a green card , up against the wall as we are building a new fence for you to climb . As for boxes on employment applications / where it asked for sex , I would always write " Occasionally " because sexual discrimination is also against the law . Laugh and the world laughs with you - cry and you cry alone .

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  40.   lala2qz says:
    Posted: 12 Jan 09

    Oh, and I live here in Alabama, Auburn is the school I'm attending, and him not getting the job led to many discussions and analysis of the situation. Noone believes it is because of his wife. There was quite a bit of tension after the election however...... Obama won a couple of cities, but did lose here by a noticeable margin.... Certain people here don't particularly want more black men in high positions due to spite and fear that blacks are out to destroy them(not even kidding, people literally think the world will end as Obama as president here)... and it is well known. So it seems to many he is playing off of that for benefit. But, bad idea to use his wife, would've been better to simply say that it was because he's black. oh, and also, Obama's marriage isn't interracial. That would be like saying that me marrying a black man is interracial.... I'm half black, and I identify as black, and from my knowledge, many black people have European ancestry, so.... I don't see the interracial aspect in the situation...

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  41.   Glock says:
    Posted: 12 Jan 09

    I don't let the government "define" anything for me. In fact you don't have to check any box. The constitution requires there to be a count of citizens for purposes of appropriations but nothing more. The box for "race" is not required.

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  42.   Salsassin says:
    Posted: 12 Jan 09

    More than likely because of the patrilineality of last names. People might of assumed because their last name was their father's they had to identify as their father did. But that was not a census requirement, nor was it any legal standard.

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  43.   lala2qz says:
    Posted: 12 Jan 09

    “According to the Census forms in America your culture back ground is determined by your fathers heritage.” I'm not sure about census forms.... but I've been told that a lot.... I remember in school people saying to me very often that it goes by your father, and that by that accord I shouldn't call myself black. I've never been sure where that came from but I've heard it commonly here.

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  44.   Salsassin says:
    Posted: 12 Jan 09

    "According to the Census forms in America your culture back ground is determined by your fathers heritage." Since when? Your race is determined on the Census by what you choose to check off. In fact, you can choose multiple boxes. Some people Check both Black and White. The categories are: American Indian and Alaska Native alone, Asian alone, Black or African American alone, Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone, Some Other Race alone, White alone, and Two or More Races. Obama could, based on how he has identified himself on the media, check Two or More Races. Those being Black or African American and White. Now what he checked off is anyone's guess. There has never been a patrilineal system in the US. And in fact in colonial times, all the way to emancipation, it was the mother that determined status. But not for "race". Blood quantums usually determined that. Matrilinealism determined if you were born free or a slave.

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  45.   vt33 says:
    Posted: 12 Jan 09

    Ria are president elect is not in a interracial marriage. Barack Obama is of white and black origin, his father being African(kenyan I beleive) his mother being white american. According to the Census forms in America your culture back ground is determined by your fathers heritage. I beleive Mr and Mrs Obama Barack are not classified as a interaccial couple. Charlie Strong may have dulled his chances as head coach for UF because of his disposition. Possibly the last time he decided he wanted the position he kept making his voice loud and clear about the whole my wife is white thing holding him back . College programs are trying to get into the bowl games not media hot topics. Crybabies don't make good coaches , which is bad for the alum,the sports program and funding. Besides isn't Herm Edwards wife white, and he's been coaching in the NFL for 20 plus years. Actually if Charlies Strongs view point got accross, half the NFL, NBA, wouldn't have players. I dont' think his issue has anything to do with his family it's his " PIEHOLE" he can't keep shut that holding him back. Later Cryin Ass Coach!

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  46.   lovebug4bw says:
    Posted: 12 Jan 09

    Salsassin has posted a very interesting, well thought out discourse on the subject. I can point to my own family as a perfect example, both of his concept and that of interracial relationships. My Great-Grandfather was an immigrant French-Canadian (notice the common label that is still used in Canada today) fur trapper who fell in love with a Chippewa Indian (Native American for the label conscious PC crowd) and married her. Back in the day, let us remember that there was a huge social taboo against marrying a "Redskin," just as there was against a White marrying a Black (African American – another label). But he did anyway. Because he was self employed, he didn’t face any discrimination in the workplace against him for who he married. But they were social pariahs that didn’t fit in any community. Her family disowned her (they were still bitter about having been moved to the reservation) and his was overseas. They raised my grandfather as Mixed, teaching him both cultures, but with an emphasis on the Native American religious beliefs. My grandfather married a White woman and they produced my father. My father was not indoctrinated as much as my grandfather was, but still maintained his Native American religious beliefs. (When he died in November, we had a traditional NA smudging and then a memorial gathering – as per his wishes). My father also married a White woman, which produced my sister and I. Now here is the interesting thing – my sister and I are not allowed to be members of the Indian tribe because our “blood line has been thinned too much”. (This statement was actually in the letter sent by the tribal council to my sister) I am a Christian, but my sister still follows Native American religious beliefs. Her wedding to a White man was half-Christian and half Native American. She still checks “Native American” under race, I check White. I have the “rugged individualist” beliefs that Salsassin wrote about. But I follow my Great-Grandfather rugged individualism about dating outside my race, preferring Black and having previously married Hispanic. So – is it skin tone that determines a person’s race, or is it a person’s identification with the culture that determines race? How far does “blood have to be thinned” to “switch over” to be identified as a member of another race? As another member posted, are we not just members of the Human Race with different cultures?

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  47.   salsera77 says:
    Posted: 12 Jan 09

    Salsassin, we were thinking the same thing about Kanye West and my comment went up right after yours. Lol.

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  48.   salsera77 says:
    Posted: 12 Jan 09

    Salsassin, we were thinking the same thing and my comment went up right after yours. Lol.

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  49.   salsera77 says:
    Posted: 12 Jan 09

    Even though I don't agree with any your comments, Bp1. I think that Kanye West threatening to tear up the hall if he didn't get a grammy award would much better support your argument but please let's leave Denzel out of this.

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  50.   salsera77 says:
    Posted: 12 Jan 09

    Bad analogy. Denzel Washington never complained of not winning an Oscar. Other actors around him (ie. Julia Roberts, etc.) complained that he should get one before he won it but never Denzel Washington. Anyway he has one so it doesn't matter.

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