Does the female orgasm have a defined purpose?

Posted by Ria, 22 May

We all know how complex the female orgasm is where sexuality is concerned. Some men have tried so much to get their women there. On the other hand, the women who have never experienced it, try so much to get there; even when sex with their partners is aaaaahhhh ... fantastic. Is achieving an orgasm during intercourse that important?

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David Buss, professor of psychology at the University of Texas and author of the book The Evolution of Desire believes the female orgasms achieve several purposes. “They could promote emotional bonding … or they could serve as a signal that they [women] are highly sexually satisfied, and hence unlikely to seek sex with other men.” :roll: (yeah right!)

Much as they serve as a signal for female sexual satisfaction, most women claim to be sexually satisfied even without achieving an orgasm. Some claim sex with their partners is boring even when they get the big 'O' every time they have intercourse.

This makes one wonder … What does the female orgasm actually achieve? If one can enjoy sex in its absence, is it really that important?

8 responses to "Does the female orgasm have a defined purpose?"

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  1.   deewhizz says:
    Posted: 23 Nov 09

    It wouldn't matter what the studies show about whether it's necessary or just a vestigial leftover, It suuure does matter 2 me!! :) Its not an automatic deal breaker but anyone that I don't reach "the top" w/ on a regular basis is not going to be around long LOL. "ok, Dear, why dont' you just move yourself riiiight out of my bed and over into the "friend" category where you belong?" :)

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  2.   Bellara says:
    Posted: 23 Nov 09

    orgasm is supposed to be the pinnacle or should i say the "climax" of a good intercourse. but in contrast to that belief, there are many two minute men and women out there which verifies that orgasm doesn't really achieve any purpose. some women have an orgasm but they still have the urge to keep going because the orgasm hasn't brought them to that place they want to be. this simply means that orgasm serves different purpose to different bodies. in simpler term>having an orgasm doesn't define satisfaction..what defines satisfaction is trying to get out of bed the moment you have the big O..the reaction you have that minute says a lot about how good or bad the sex was. I'm conducting my own research amongst my friends, colleagues and some random ppl :)

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  3.   whurr says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 09

    All these medical terms ....YUCKKK. I just want to do my thing, zip up and leave. I'm so grossed out over the 'mucous watchamacallit' thing that now I will resort to me and Vaseline. Thanks

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  4. Posted: 24 May 09

    The female orgasm releases the cervical mucus plug and pulls sperm into the womb with the contractions. It evolved as a physical choice of who the father is, with several lovers. I find it a wonderful bonding experience and gentlemanly to achieve, as a coy little smile given in return for holding a door. A lot of it is emotional, being comfortable enough with her partner to relax and let it happen: It's essential, primal acceptance and as such literally a wonderful gift.

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  5.   fkoi says:
    Posted: 23 May 09

    I think both the male and the female orgasm have a defined purpose as does the evolution of face-to-face sex. We are the only animal that does either, to my knowledge. I have read theories that the purpose of each is bonding and I can see that. The human child is not able to care for itself, long after most species are off running, swimming or flying the range. In more primitive times, offspring without their parents would be lost. Both parents were responsible and, due to this bonding, available. Deadbeat dads as more than an anomaly is a rather recent development. Most species have a release of tension during heat. The human animal has an orgasm. The human animal is programmed so that sex comes with more than just a procreative leaning. The orgasm in most, in my knowledge, can be achieved at any time. I know my own orgasm is not contingent upon ejaculation and sometimes happens after and sometimes even without one.

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  6.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 22 May 09

    yeah right

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  7.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 22 May 09

    and when you start your topic , We all know - this is a falsehood also .

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  8.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 22 May 09

    Thank you , Ria . Most is a word that discribes a great deal of Generally Happy people . Some are satified , some are not . David Buss teaches at the same University that my two daughters attend while seeking their Masters Degrees soon enough . In your reading of his book " The Evolution of Desire " you have overlooked a very important fact . How is it possible for a Man to write of a Woman's feelings ? Second hand knowledge is just hearsay as his opinions are just what he has heard . This is my moderated opinion of a Man talking of something he has no real knowledge of or as I will say " Bull " as a Texan myself .

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