Is black love R.I.P?

Posted by Ria, 28 Jul

Find your soulmate on AfroRomance

Well you heard it peeps. I got nothing much to add onto this. You tell me.

Haha… that’s just me being lazy. ;-) WARNING:NO LAZY COMMENTS! :twisted: If your name is Ria, then you are excused.

Tags: Black love

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  1.   sweepotato says:
    Posted: 25 Nov 09

    The fact of the matter is, there simply aren't too many Black men who I want to date. I don't find many of them interesting. Between the baggy pants, gold teeth, several children by several baby mamas, and a low-rent job, not much in which to be interested. And, what I am portraying isn't so much a stereotype, but more the norm. Many Black me have backgrounds too dissimilar to mine. Each person has aspired to his/her 100%, but, my 100% is much higher in comparison.

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  2.   NAD_1 says:
    Posted: 26 Aug 08

    Oh plz and now you want us to believe in this ?" Hell No' Black love is not dying 90% of black men marry black sistas.sadly enough many ppl don't even know what black love mean's Black love is blessed Black love is you+i Black love is submissive Black love is molding Black love is necessary Black love is romantic Black love is sensual Black love is a connection Black love secure Black love is erotic Black love is enduring Black love is beautiful :D

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  3.   Jade74 says:
    Posted: 14 Mar 08

    Thanks U2ute for the shout out. Im doing great and good to see you here and in the chatroom. I enjoy reading your blogs.Keep it up and stay positive.To all others: Be positive.Love is what matters the most not race or color.

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  4.   2ute4u says:
    Posted: 13 Mar 08

    First of all I wanted to give a shout out to Miss Jade, how are u, and to say congrats to Coco your upcoming nuptials. I agreee with the lady and the gentleman who both relatively said the same thing- just because there has in a surge in "interracial" dating does not mean black love is not alive and well . We are finally seeing black love being represented on the small screen. Was this question relevant,as if people are dating across their ethnic groups in droves, realy unecesssary question.

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  5.   TriChique says:
    Posted: 24 Sep 07

    I watched the video and that is just wrong on so many levels. I don't think it is dead.... Although I am not on an IR site looking to 'add' to the number of black couples out there.... but I see many black couples - oh yeah just not in the Dallas area - lol.

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  6.   TriChique says:
    Posted: 24 Sep 07

    Congrats to you jessica25

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  7. Posted: 17 Aug 07

    The greatest increase in inter-ethnic marriages is between white males and Asian women. Yet, do we see anyone writing "we have to save white love?!" These types of questions cause alarm for absolutely no reason. As more social taboos are eliminated and/or more members of different groups come into contact with one another daily, more inter-ethnic relations are going to occur. "but when you call your own women ugly, nappy-headed, blackie, and what have you, that spells self-hatred plain and simple!!!" Simply ridiculous. Only a very small percentage of Black men and teen males use that type of language. Hence, why are you stereotyping the other 97% of Black men?! Why are we ALWAYS defined by a minority percentage of our overall numbers?! White people have been doing that for decades, and it's frustrating when you see Blacks buying into the same statistically-inaccurate labels. JodanMardan

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  8. Posted: 17 Aug 07

    Great comments, Nicole! I worked in Hollywood and may have an insight for you: Decisions on which movies are made, as well as who acts in them, what the feel of the movie should be and what content is allowed is controlled by executive producers because they control the budget. Movies used to be creatively controlled by directors but directors these days have most of their large decisions made by the executive producers. The director is a creative professional and the executive producer is an accountant. As such the only question executive producers know to ask is: "Was there a movie just like this last year and did it make a lot of money? - If so, let's make another exactly like it." That's why the same plots, stars and styles come up again and again: The progressive elements are almost always thrown out by bean counters, who have no appreciation for them. One of the casualties in today's American movies is a diversity of views. It's not only a racially-driven problem but a larger one in a broken system, stuck with promoting stereotypes. So please don't think white America hates black love. That's an awful stereotype (I don't think you hate white love and I certainly support black, as well as all love.) that promotes segregation, rather than compassion and acceptance. There are bigots and wonderfully accepting people everywhere, in every kind of body. Hollywood's got some huge problems that I think the increasing foreign competition will slightly address but unfortunately are here to stay for a while. As a post-script to this, I despise the politics of hate and the lies that are the mainstay of talk radio. It's evil and represents a very small, angry small-minded set of bigots.

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  9. Posted: 17 Aug 07

    White America hates black love. They view black couples as a threat. You don't see that many black love movies anymore. You see more A-list Black actors having non-black women as their love interests. That goes to show you that even being a light-skinned black woman ain't good enough anymore. You also see more and more black women dating non-black men. It's not as much as the other way around, but it is increasing FAST!!!! We have to keep black love alive. Our choice of mates is influenced by the media whether you believe it or not. I don't have any problem with interracial dating, but when you do it for the right reasons, than I don't have a problem with it. The problem I have with interracial dating and marriages is the motive behind. Black women are not desirable anymore. No matter what black women do postively, we're just not good enough. We're not good enough simply because our skin is not light enough or our hair is too nappy. Most black men do have self-hatred. They just don't want to admit. They say that they don't, but when you call your own women ugly, nappy-headed, blackie, and what have you, that spells self-hatred plain and simple!!!

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  10. Posted: 12 Aug 07

    That's a very ridiculous question. Inter-ethnic marriages makeup 7% (up from 2% in 1990) of ALL marriages in the US. Two, the overwhelming majority of Blacks are married to another Black person. Jordan Mardan

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  11.   fala says:
    Posted: 07 Aug 07

    Awwwwwww thanks Mossimo. What a sweetie! :D

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  12.   mossimo says:
    Posted: 05 Aug 07

    Not holding out Fala...I'll hold ur purse while u go look good!!

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  13.   fala says:
    Posted: 05 Aug 07

    Mossimo you never told me you come to DC. Holding out on me???? :O

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  14.   breezy1968 says:
    Posted: 03 Aug 07

    Posting with audio also... Congrats Coco!! I believe that all humans bleed red and that you can't help who your heart falls in love with. Sometimes love would be 'easier' without having eyes, then we could see with our hearts instead.

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  15.   Cocokisses says:
    Posted: 03 Aug 07

    Fala...Moss is tryin to court you gal!

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  16.   mossimo says:
    Posted: 01 Aug 07

    Come meet me in DC sometime Fala!! I work there ya know...

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  17.   Cocokisses says:
    Posted: 01 Aug 07

    Thanks everyone. I feel really blessed! Okay Fala, and Mossimo, stop flirting and get together already! LOL!

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  18.   Jade74 says:
    Posted: 31 Jul 07

    Congratulations Cocokissses.Wish you and your fiance much love and happiness.I always enjoy chatting with you.Its always good to see wonderful women on here that are truly classy ladies.Keep it up sis.

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  19. Posted: 31 Jul 07

    Congratulations, Coco! May your knees stay weak for the rest of your very happy life with your man!

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  20.   fala says:
    Posted: 31 Jul 07

    Congrats Coco! All the best to you and your fiancee.

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  21.   mossimo says:
    Posted: 30 Jul 07

    Congratulations Coco!!! I'll take true love in any form I can get it, even if she was blue, lol. Just want to wish you all the best in your relationship and hope you continue to grace us with your presence!!

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  22.   Cocokisses says:
    Posted: 30 Jul 07

    Rayne, I came here a couple years ago. if you view my profile, it says interested in black, white, mixed, multi...etc... At the time I joined this site (Feb 2005) I was open to interracial dating. As I stated on the boards before, my Fiance was in the military, and canvassing our neighborhood passing out flyer s and trying to find kids interested in being new recruits. When I opened my door and law this 6'3, 260 lbs man in uniform standing there, I was weak in the knees. Needless to say, I heard every word he said, and even invited them in for a cool drink. I gave him my card and we have been together ever since :) I came here to meet people of all races...and I am happy for that. I also have met some great women like Jade, Fala, and yourself :) I have chatted with Mossimo and UNME23 on the boards as well. I am still here because of my lifetime membership, and because it's simply a great place to express your opinions. I like it here...and I appreciate the chance to share my story with you.

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  23.   Kara says:
    Posted: 30 Jul 07

    I think this is silly. If you look at the statistics, the number of interracial marriages is still tiny compared to the numbers of same-race marriages. I'm tired of people shaming others for their romantic choices. It does seem like these days black people face a lot more social pressure in this regard than do white people.

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  24.   fala says:
    Posted: 30 Jul 07

    Amusing, but also very telling.

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  25.   SAUNDRA says:
    Posted: 30 Jul 07

    BLACK LOVE??? Its weird to hear someone talking about themselves like they are animals that are supposed to breed only with other animals that are the same color breed. Love is the important thing. People are taught to breed and taught to be racist believing only in color and colorgroups. But It is natural to love someone as they are, not because black people are supposed to be with other black people.

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  26.   RayneDelay says:
    Posted: 29 Jul 07

    Coco did you come to this site to date interracially?

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  27.   RayneDelay says:
    Posted: 29 Jul 07

    Congrats Cocokisses!

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  28.   RayneDelay says:
    Posted: 29 Jul 07

    I am posting without viewing the video. Do not have audio. ----------------------------------------------------- There is Black Love, it is out there. Black Love nearly died (and continues to take a beating) in the 1960's when desegragation began and the rich and middle class black people thought that meant get the hell out of dodge and away from other black folks. The war on black people's pride continued and intensified. When we lost the "Black is Beautiful" mentality we lost an interest in each other and respect for the beauty within. Remember when everyone had an afro in the 70's. There are so many women who have not seen their natural hair texture in so long they forget what it looks like. FRIZZY HAIR IS NOT A MISHAP! Jesus had an afro and so do I. When Black men started to view Black women through the eyes of White America, Black women lost the respect and appreciation for our physical and inner beauty from Black men. The American and western societies have long executed a war against people of color in particular the black people. When American Black kids became seduced with the 80's MTV images of what standard of beauty is better and the most beautiful along with it's pro caucasian propaganda, Black boys started to believe that the grass is greener between the thighs of white women. Hollywood movies almost always show white and other color of women as the femme fatale that needs protection and rescuing. Including the films with Black male leads. While the Black women is the tough talking, difficult bitchy female to be avoided at all costs. Black girls grew up thinking that their superman will look like Christopher Reeves (And what a sexy man he was!) The media constantly shows us negative images of Black men in legal trouble. How is the Black man to compete with such negative images. And when a famous Black man defends his black woman he is punished and ridiculed along with his wife. One example would be: (Antonio Davis New York Nicks Player defends his wife Kendra from an abusive fan) Personally, I love interracial relationships but it seems that it's tougher to have a same race relationship than it is an interracial relationship these days. I am more self consious dating black men than I am other. Sometimes I get dirty looks from White women when I am out with an attractive Black man. I guess I am perceived as stealing one of their men. LOL

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  29.   Cocokisses says:
    Posted: 29 Jul 07

    Dang...THAT WAS JUST WRONG! But for the record, the person who became my FIANCE last night IS a black man!

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