It don' matter

Posted by Ria, 22 Feb


What is Akon doing on this blog? Has Ria gone loco? :x You may be wondering... Relax guys. Leave the worrying to me.

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Well they call him the 'konvict'. We all know him for his gangsta music, gangsta life... But there is something that inspired me in him. A song he sang lately (Dont Matter) ... a song we all interracial daters can relate to. The whole song may not apply by the chorus truly does. Here are the lines that captured me.

…Nobody wanna see us together but it don’t matter no… coz I got you babe …Cause we gon fight, Oh yes we gon’ fight, believe we gon’ fight… fight for our right to love yeah

Well, most of us can relate to this… don’t you agree? Remember the article I posted the other day “This is now pushing it a little too far᾿ on an interracial couple who when getting into a restaurant, people talked, glued eyes on them and some practically took to their heels upon seeing them? Well this is what am talking about. And this is where our Senegalese musician Akon comes in.

The words above are such an inspiration to all of us facing similar situations. Can't we all join hands and fight for the right to love whoever we want to love. And so long us you’ve got the one you love, if they don’t wanna see you guys together … sorry for saying this but “Screw them᾿ :oops:

Responses to "It don' matter"

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  1.   mossimo36 says:
    Posted: 07 Apr 08

    Date who ya what cha like

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  2.   mosche says:
    Posted: 06 Apr 08

    justknowingu can show me love anytime! :) Date who you want. Love who want to and for those who don't like it and have something to say about it...well wish them well and many blessing unto them. May they find the bliss I have. :) Peace! :)

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  3.   Member says:
    Posted: 09 Mar 07

    I am so happy to see that others found the same meaning in this song! Its about time that we can relate!

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  4. Posted: 06 Mar 07

    very well said Velvit..!!!..

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  5.   Tarah says:
    Posted: 26 Feb 07

    Funny thing...I just heard that song today and thought the same way (interacial dating) I'm not certain if that is what he as implying but I did like you. Then I read this blog...LOL

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  6.   nikol says:
    Posted: 26 Feb 07

    Being raised in a prodominatly black neighborhood 30 plus years ago, I really can say that I didn't see color, but as i got older i had a step mother that told me that color was the first thing people see, when you meet someone, see someone.....I was puzzled when she said that, and for years thought about it.............and still now ponder why she thought that, she was white, from a small " white ' city in Maine, so what could she say, she knew no better, it was what she was taught, she was taught to see color first, because for here it was different to see something other than white, and when something is different or new we tend to pay attention to it ( or I think)... What I am saying is you fall in love with who your heart draws you to, regardless of what shade there skin is. Perhaps being from canada and like i said raised where i was raised and having the friends that i do...color is not an issue with me, I have 2 beautiful kids and there dad is black, but I dated him because he is amazing and wonderful and my true soul mate, not because his skin was dark, or I wanted to experience so called new things, we have had no problems......he is him and i am me and our children are amazing. FOLLOW YOUR HEART, and remember people always talk because they have nothing better to do, and the ones that are talking are the ones wishing that they had what you had...... Much love... Nikol

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  7.   mossimo says:
    Posted: 25 Feb 07

    Great comments Velit and sunnyd

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  8.   fala says:
    Posted: 25 Feb 07

    Very well put Velit.

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  9.   sunnyd007 says:
    Posted: 25 Feb 07

    I don't think it is as bad as it once was...not saying it does not happen, but being brought up around military bases, just about every other couple was racially mixed, but overall i believe we are seeing more of it...after a while, folks will figure it out, love goes beyond race.

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  10.   velvittouch says:
    Posted: 23 Feb 07

    I agree, I think it should not matter who you are with. " Some people say it is not right, because you are black and I am white: But if they could see through a blind mans eyes, color would not matter this they would realize: For love grows from deep with-in the heart, Blind to color and never wantting to part: So love one another for who you are not what color you are. ANd for those who have a problem with it, then let it be that, thier problem. velvittouch

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  11.   fala says:
    Posted: 23 Feb 07

    You now how sometimes when someone tells you not to do something or that you can't do something, it makes you want to do it more - just to piss them off? Why not?

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