No interracial dating...

Posted by Ria, 12 Mar

No interracial dating!!! Not Ria’s words… easy people!!! Don’t stone me :lol:

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See the marked words – No. 9 and No. 16… what do you think this document is? I don’t plan on making you guess your way through this blog post. This is a copy of flyers advertising pledge "rules" for a UT fraternity in circulation around the campus last Tuesday morning. The unofficial document, intended to represent the Phi Gamma Delta fraternity, known as FIJI. And the rules were meant to confidential… Is there any confidentiality in campus? PLEASE!!!!

Easely, the president of the fraternity, said the fraternity does not follow the flyer's "rules," adding that they were an ignorant prank. Racism on campus? :roll: I’ve always thought higher education moulds people better!!!

All I can hope is that these flyers were fake. But we can’t just ignore this coz the Texas chapter of Phi Gamma Delta has had problems with racist incidents in the past, including distributing t-shirts with racist messages during a parade in April 1990. Do you think these flyers were some prank? Voice your opinions…

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  1.   lala2qz says:
    Posted: 22 Nov 08

    black people turning pink or white before your eyes.... You're talking about a skin disorder that takes a bit of time to take full affect. I've seen that, where the black person's skin start to turn white. Its not at once, its more like patches of your skin at a time, but that has nothing to do with mixing... geez. I know someone that that has happened to. It's just color after all and plenty of black people have fair babies anyway. Enough with the lame scare tactics, we're all one people.

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  2.   cutesaved1 says:
    Posted: 13 Aug 08

    OKay, is the post above me a joke (rodderick)? Or just some rambling idiot? I thought people came here to bond regardless of race and ethnicity. My bad.

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  3.   rodderrick says:
    Posted: 21 Jun 07

    black people turning pink,turning white,in front of your eyes, imagine being dominated by the black gene for so long, maybe 1000 years and then it may not be you,your child or your grand child but it could be your great great great offspring,but that white cell or cell responsible for color will rise again and there you have it.vitiligo a black person turning white because somwhere in there bloodline there was a black and white relationship maybe 50 years ago,100,or a 1000 but it happened,what if that was you turning white?see i thought so,if you dont want it to happen to you dont do it to someone man+black woman=black child..dont mix races.

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  4.   Earnest says:
    Posted: 13 Mar 07

    I went to The University of Texas at Austin and am not at all surprised. There is a very clear division amongst the black and white frats and sororities at this school. And generally the administration does nothing about it because the white frats and sororities are very rich there.

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  5.   mossimo says:
    Posted: 13 Mar 07

    Is this a white fraternity?? I wouldn't think they could get away with this today.

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  6. Posted: 12 Mar 07

    its amazing what colleges teach and what they dont teach...and the implied behaviors, suggestions, and learnings that are passed would be nice to think things are changing for the betterment of all concerned, fairly and equally, unfortuantely many issues and concerns and problems are just either re-invented, or glossed over and put in a "circular motion" so to speak---who's going to ultimately be held responsible!!?---kind of like the Government in so manys---change in the forward direction is way too slow....!!!

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  7.   Tarah says:
    Posted: 12 Mar 07

    Wow, I am very surprised that the University’s president stood by that fraternity with this. Hmmm…I wonder if he is an alumnus… Recently, I saw a sorority get removed from a University for discriminated against the heavier set women and members whom they decided were not “pretty enough᾿...**sigh**

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