Sick of too much loving

Posted by Ria, 25 Apr

What do you do when your partner constantly says those three little words?

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Now I came across an email from a woman wondering a man would say "I love you" constantly. So what? This should be a good thing right? Well, try 12 to 15 times an hour. And problem is, the dude expects his fiancé to say it back to him. Well, the chic has gotten sick of too much loving.

Do you think saying the little words too much decreases the meaning of the statement. Why would this man go way beyond the typical two times a day? Is there something wrong with this? How often do you like hearing those three magical words?

18 responses to "Sick of too much loving"

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  1. Posted: 15 May 09

    12-15 times an hour is way too much. I'd run fast. In fact, I plainly say "that's too much for me, you need to slow down". I'm fearful of neediness, clingyness, dependency, etc. Oh hell no! Warning bells would be blazin in my head! And if it was said too early, I wouldn't freak out but I'd be extra vigilant that I'm not dating a stalker or some fatal attraction. And if a guy expected me to say it back before I was ready or even felt it, he'd be in for a rude awakening.

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  2.   mossimo36 says:
    Posted: 22 May 08

    Sounds like the guy is a bit too sweet...aka light in the loafers

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  3.   lovely2see says:
    Posted: 17 May 08

    Too much sugar in the recipe makes for some serious cavities in the relationship.

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  4.   Nadira says:
    Posted: 05 May 08

    who doesn't need love, this person should be happy

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  5.   ethereal99 says:
    Posted: 29 Apr 08

    The example in the story sounds like overkill to encourage our responses. I have known people in the real world that do need to hear it or say it way too much. Sometimes the right chemistry happens & someone may even want to hear "I love you" all day long.

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  6.   CherryB12 says:
    Posted: 28 Apr 08

    Yes, I have to agree. It seems this guy has some issues of insecurity. Even if he has a guilty conscience for whatever reason, 12-15 times is excessive. Obviously, we don't know any details of his background, but could it be that his previous relationships failed because he did not said those three little words often enough? His fiancé need to act with caution, as any rejection may push him over the edge, and the consequences could be frightening. She needs to talk with him about the impact this is having on her, and to reassure him of her feelings for him.

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  7.   frenchpam says:
    Posted: 28 Apr 08

    balance is what makes a relationship last, this is extreme and it seems a bit sick and sickening . run, girl, run away now !!!before these love words turn into hate words !!! this guy appears like a weird character to me ......

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  8.   girlsixdiva says:
    Posted: 28 Apr 08

    Hmm...12-15 times an hour sounds a bit exaggerated if you ask me...

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  9.   kenyanito says:
    Posted: 28 Apr 08

    12-15times an hour? Insecurity in bold sister..either slow him down or just run

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  10.   EddyG84 says:
    Posted: 27 Apr 08

    I agree with the people who say he has insecurity issues. He should show it more than say I'm really only reaffirming what everyone else is saying *wipes black board*. Ok, without knowing anything more about the dude, everything else may or may not be in shambles right now. If they are then he may be clinging on to dear life for that last good thing he has going for him. Has this woman taken the first general step and tried talking to him about it?

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  11.   respi says:
    Posted: 27 Apr 08

    hey,forget dem words,my man say's it to me often,somtimes with tears in his ears,yet abuses me verbally,snaps,shouts at me in public,king when it comes to keeping malice,dem words have been totally abused and so dont mean anything to me,,unless offcourse it comes from someone else in futur,but i'd prefer if ur actions show it than say....

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  12.   Linda254 says:
    Posted: 27 Apr 08

    I totally agree, the guy is insecure or his chick is too hot, he even can't believe it and needs lots of assurance.But whatever rocks his boat... Linda

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  13.   Daizy says:
    Posted: 26 Apr 08

    I find that word jinxes the relationship espically if said to early. Actions speak louder than words, show your love dont say it all the time. Men and women in relationships can say alot of things but don't mean it. I'd rather somebody do things in display of their affection than chant it a million times.

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  14.   HereIamBaby says:
    Posted: 26 Apr 08

    Deep girl! LOL Southern smiles, Sharon

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  15.   Inneta says:
    Posted: 26 Apr 08

    It doesnt matter howmany times he says it in a day, depend on the situation if he mean it or not but I must say though for 12-15 times in an hour is too much. I would definitelly run away from that guy even if that guy is George Clooney !

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  16.   lilywhite62 says:
    Posted: 25 Apr 08

    12-15 times an hour? He is insecure, overly needy, and probably controlling. This is the kind of relationship that turns toxic, and she should get out while the getting is good!

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  17.   OliVanLors says:
    Posted: 25 Apr 08

    I think those 3 words should never be said. But if meant, only a few times a month. It's way too overused

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  18.   ethereal99 says:
    Posted: 25 Apr 08

    A couple of times a day is nice. 12-15 X per hour is a bit much & dilutes the sentiment.

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