Bedroom technology

Posted by Ria, 14 Mar

We use technology everywhere … finding dates, staying connected to our loved ones through text messaging, to flirt and keep a sexual charge alive while separated … And now we are using technology to enhance sexual pleasure. Its not like I am relaying some shocking news.

Claire Cavanah, one of the co-authors of 'Sex Toys 101' and co-founder of the 15-year-old store, Babeland, which specializes in sex education and toys says technology “can give your fantasy life a boost through the use of porn DVDs or porn sites, for example … Sex toys, even at their most basic, can bring orgasms to people who have never had them, and are now learning their users’ preferences.᾿

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Over the past decade or so, people, both men and women alike have tapped into their love of technology and devices to facilitate more pleasure. According to a study in 2004 by The Berman Center that specializes in sexual health and wellness 44% of women between the ages of 18 and 60 have used a sex toy, with 78% of these women in relationships.

“Humans have always sought to sexualize technology and technologize sex᾿ says Regina Lynn, author of 'The Sexual Revolution 2.0'. With sex and technology this intertwined, the TV and movies are kind of feeding our imagination and possibilities for the future.

Yeah … the future… and given all this technological changes we have seen over the years, it was just but a matter of tine before we incorporated hard drives into one of the most basic of human drives. Some toys have come out that plug into a USB port and allow a remote user to control the toy.

Are we headed towards the direction of virtual sex or are we going to try out some more AND more hardware?

Carol Green, writer and cultural sexologist says there is a technology now in its infancy to employ a computer “to connect two vibrators and the people using them, across the world.᾿ She also thinks there will be the idea of using “sensor-packed suits to put us into the action in a porn movie, for example, or even just make love with a partner across distance.᾿

And then the sex robots! Talk about ultimate hardware. Are they more human since we can theoretically program them to be?

Can these devices really replace flesh and blood?

27 responses to "Bedroom technology"

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  1. Posted: 22 Jan 10

    I love my toys..... actually I never thought I'd say such a thing, but I can honestly say I wouldn't want to have live without them now. They have enhanced my sexual drive, and in turn my orgasm pleasures have multiplied by tenfolds. I mean after really taking time to understand my body, knowing what I like, and knowing exactly what it takes for me to have the extreme orgasms. (to put it bluntly it makes me Hot & Horny) and To where I can totally enjoy every aspect of my man, and he gets the ultimate reward as well, great sex from a willing lover, not just someone going thru the motions and faking it.l. So I usually pleasure myself before having sex.... it justs sets the mood and makes me want you more... So don't knock it til you actually try it!

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  2.   dada says:
    Posted: 27 May 08

    Ann a, its coz you got herpes thats why they wont call you back sweetie.What did you expect? Plus you gave it up so easy! Why dint you make them chase it? As foer technology well i think that takes away the sponteneity and the fact that once you buy a toy and the shopping explains how it is used neither you or your partner can expect something Wow! coz you know what is to come even before it happens

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  3.   dada says:
    Posted: 27 May 08

    Ann a, You`ve got herpes thats why the guys dont call!!!!! Dah how come you cannot figure that out? Look word of advice Anything you use wether toys oor otherwise they have to be safe!!!!!. About technology i prefer being adventourous (both partner and me) To be spontaneous and just take it to another level. But with toys once you buy them and you are told by the shopping attendant how to use it then it spoils the excitement of anticipation coz you already know whats coming to you even before get!!!

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  4.   fkoi says:
    Posted: 24 May 08

    The two strands (or more) going through this blog are interesting. I think that the use of toys to enhance a relationship can't be condemned. There are a lot of good reasons for them and a woman (or man) who can't achieve orgasm without them or whose pleasure is enhanced with them should be applauded for using them. Sex with robots? Not for me, thanks. The notion of casual sex with strangers is another issue. The fact that Ann has herpes and is involved in "the scene" should be a cautionary tale at the very least. It is for me.

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  5.   dale4you says:
    Posted: 14 May 08

    alot of woman have sex toys

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  6.   jamima says:
    Posted: 08 May 08

    Ann a wow thats something there How does that make you feel though

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  7. Posted: 26 Apr 08

    i am totally not for toys. i still love the human touch and emotion. and that is becuase it is not about sex for me. i hate toys, tried them and its a lonely feeling. i would rather be in a committed relationship or have an understanding with a partner than to deal with toys.

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  8.   Malaika12 says:
    Posted: 17 Apr 08

    In the part of Africa I come from, a woman is initiated into womanhood. They are taught all sorts ranging from how to keep a home i.e. domestic chores, to how to keep your man interested in you sexually. The married women with many years of experience show the young lady how to keep him coming back for more and usually when such ladies go into a relationship, it's for keeps.The guy never gets enough of them. The young ladies are also taught etiquette,respect and loyalty to their men as promiscuity is highly condemned.So I think our bodies are well equiped and we don't really need toys to maintain the excitement. Most of the native men are highly excited at the sight of waist beads on a woman. They say that they find it electrifying.Unfortunately, most of the men are still unfaithful so most of the girls prefer to go out with white men because they believe that most white men are honest and will tell you exactly how they feel about you, good or bad.I could say much more but I'll end here.

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  9.   HereIamBaby says:
    Posted: 07 Apr 08

    It's all good...some is just better! Southern smiles and world peace, Sharon

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  10. Posted: 02 Apr 08

    while i am all for technology, i still prefer the good ole get me off hands on sex. admittedly not all my partners get me off but its better than always using a toy, sometimes i get tired of my toy and want something real

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  11.   ethereal99 says:
    Posted: 26 Mar 08

    Of course technology & toys can't replace people. I'm sure it's the next best thing though for people with disabilities or those who just like accessories.

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  12.   mossimo36 says:
    Posted: 23 Mar 08

    You are most kind Fala!!

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  13. Posted: 23 Mar 08

    I am just saying Ann that in MY OPINION, your story is not credible. Not just one aspect of it, but the entire story. The one thing that really amazes me is that in response instead of you addressing the herpes issue, you asked that I elaborate on the not getting calls back or swinging. Regardless, I am not here to debate with you and I wish you well.

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  14.   fala says:
    Posted: 23 Mar 08

    Glad I could help, Mossimo.

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  15.   Member says:
    Posted: 22 Mar 08

    Credibility, about what, the black men not calling back, or the swinging? please elaborate

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  16. Posted: 22 Mar 08

    Ann...I find your story lacks credibility however, if it is true, I hope you told the people you are "swinging" with about your herpes....

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  17.   mossimo36 says:
    Posted: 22 Mar 08

    So that's what the problem is Techie Fala. Thanks for the advice

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  18.   fala says:
    Posted: 22 Mar 08

    Anna A, only you can decide what's right for you and what's not.

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  19.   Member says:
    Posted: 19 Mar 08

    Well you must understand, the man I'm in love with is in an open relationship. We meet out, I introduced him to my parents. His wife is cool with the time he spends with me. I actually spend time with her, I look up to her. We go to a swing club together. I don't think there is anything wrong with this? My freinds think I'm nutz? But it's not their life. Besides he loves to watch me with black guys from the club. Is it the end of the road for me? or am I just trying to make something exists that can't? Like dating a married man and falling in love? or expecting a black guy to continue a relationship with me, when all he wants is sex? I forgot to mention, I also have herpes.

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  20.   fala says:
    Posted: 19 Mar 08

    You may be on to something there Ann a.

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  21.   Member says:
    Posted: 18 Mar 08

    Well I found out that a lot of the african american men all want to go out with me, but they never call back? Is this common..It seems like after we go to bed, they are gone? I can understand this from the swing club we go to, but when I meet them out, I guess I expected more? It seems like the only want sex? We don't go out much? is it that I also date a married man?

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  22.   fala says:
    Posted: 18 Mar 08

    No Ann A, you're not crazy.

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  23.   Member says:
    Posted: 17 Mar 08

    I have dated white and black men. I currently date a married white man in an open relationship. We attend a swing club together. However, I look for the black men when I get there. He is cool with this. I like the feeling of taboo, I find it fulfilling.. am I crazy?

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  24.   fala says:
    Posted: 17 Mar 08

    If somebody has to sit down on top of you Mossimo, you're doing it wrong!!!

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  25.   fala says:
    Posted: 16 Mar 08

    Did I mention that I'm a computer Techie? That means I'm an expert in all things technical!

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  26.   Charita says:
    Posted: 16 Mar 08

    Hey people were made for relationship'. The spirit was made to control the soul>mind ,and the body'. However mankind lost his PERFECT PURPOSE,he was MADE to give HIS CREATOR PLEASURE'. RELATIONSHIP with God and one another:. Out side of God man loses his way in all areas of his living:

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  27.   mossimo36 says:
    Posted: 15 Mar 08

    I'm tired of using technology, why don't you sit down on top of me....aayooh!!!

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