Fetishes: What’s fun, what’s freaky?

Posted by Ria, 12 Jun

In 1997, singer Michael Hutchence, the Australian rock star and front man of INXS was found dead in a Hotel room in Sydney. His naked body was found hanging from the door of his hotel room. Presumed cause of death? Some freaky sexual episode of auto erotic asphyxiation, in which choking to the point of unconsciousness heightens sexual pleasure

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No one understands what causes sexual fetishism. But the objects and activities that induce the feeling of extreme arousal are becoming much freakier with every passing day. Some men have a thing for pregnant women … finding them particularly sexy. And while some of these fetishes are dangerous; like auto erotic asphyxiation, some are as mild as getting off on women who wear heels during sex.

There are tons of fetishes out there. Some may disgust you completely, while others are things you wouldn’t mind experimenting on and experiencing.

I am sure some of us have had sexual partners who have ever suggested things that probably sent us screaming “over my dead body!” Question is: How far would you go to please your spouse or fulfill his freaky sexual fetish? Where do you draw the line?

9 responses to "Fetishes: What’s fun, what’s freaky?"

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  1.   RAYNEDELAY says:
    Posted: 01 Feb 10

    Intersting article.

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  2.   singergal says:
    Posted: 27 Jan 10

    It's all about consent. Who is anyone to judge what turns anyone else on. Just know thyself. In a safe caring environment with someone I care about, why not try something different?

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  3.   daddylov says:
    Posted: 12 Oct 09

    Everyone has a fetish or two. Hell most men would love to have two woman at the same time, witch is fun. For me well some pain, oil. Well theres a lot I have not yet tried. Most people don't know what they like until they try it. I'm open to a lot of thing except fingers in the back side no no no. Or anything else for that matter. Its all about pleasing oneself and there partner. I'm n to that. What r ur fetishes

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  4.   whurr says:
    Posted: 13 Sep 09

    Kiki6533.. your fetish is talking to guys in adult stores.

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  5.   kiki6533 says:
    Posted: 06 Aug 09

    I always thought bitting was just weird and that I'm the onlu one doing it, until I talked to guy at an adult store turns out that thats my fetish, at the time i really didn't understand what a fetish really was lol

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  6.   NOPLAYER says:
    Posted: 17 Jun 09

    Anything uncomfortable or painful is out of the question !!! I guess her fettish role playing aint too bad, I've grown to like the Dr. Feelgood and Nurse Goodbody drama after all!!!! LOL

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  7.   fkoi says:
    Posted: 16 Jun 09

    I've noticed that Mr. Whurr often has the last word in most of the discussions in which he puts his 2 cents. Maybe the rest of us sensed his fetish all along. I'm glad Mr. Homesteader stepped up to the plate on this one. I don't really know how far I would go to please my (yet unnamed) beloved in terms of entertaining her fetish or fetishes. A little kink goes a long way and between my beloved and myself, I am pretty flexible and open. I would hope to know about it, if it were a deal killer, before we were busy getting down to the deal. I do know that anything that had to do with "over my dead body!" would be out. Or any dead body for that matter! LOL Anything further from me on the subject would probably me entering into the domain of tmi.com, so I'll leave it at that.

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  8.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 14 Jun 09

    None Yah ! Private business . Rent a Movie .

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  9.   whurr says:
    Posted: 14 Jun 09

    My last girlfriend had a fetish involving twine, cheesecake and Jeopardy. I stopped her when she asked me to dress up like Janet Reno and introduce that into the fetish... that was the last straw! I hate fetishes. My only fetish is posting mindless blogs entries. If you only knew what I was doing while doing this... mmmm, that felt good....thanks

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