Should races mix?

Posted by Ria, 30 Nov

Should races mix? This is usually the real issue behind interracial marriages. Is it a question of religion, ethics or scientific nature? I was shocked one day to find out that some people see being biracial as unethical. Some do feel that interracial marriages are not unethical but plain sinful. So why do people see mixing of races as an ethical problem?

According to an “Interracial marriage is a form of Exogamy᾿ which is marrying outside of one’s social group. So does that mean that the question of inequality arises whenever we talk of interracial marriages? I have never encountered any problem with interracial marriages or families. So if I start making it an ethical question, then that makes my very existence an ethical question.

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Some supremacists label interracial unions unnatural … they imagine that in some way it's against God’s will. People have even quoted and misinterpreted the Bible over this. However, if you read of the Bible well, the only type of warning against interracial marriage is actually a scripture warning believers not to marry non-believers.

So why should people make who is marrying whom their business? We are all guaranteed equal rights so marriage between any two people in the U.S. or indeed anywhere should be of no ethical concern. What was unethical were the laws against interracial marriages in some States which were abolished at late as the 1950's.

These were laws enforced to keep one race dominant over the others… this was all political (e.g. Nazi Germany, Chile under the U.N. appointed General Augusto Pinochet, South Africa under Apartheid, and in many of the Southern states in the U.S. [Dorfman].)

So it all boils down to one thing … politics and possibly class if you would like to put it that way. It’s kinda like when you bring your girlfriend home, and your parents refute your relationship because she is from a poor family. But here is the thing, there is nothing unethical about interracial unions… its not like you will have murdered someone by being in an interracial relationship. Its just a personal choice. So let’s keep it that way.

84 responses to "Should races mix?"

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  1.   vonnj says:
    Posted: 24 Mar 08

    For Simon: It turns out that the Nobel-winning geneticist who was “inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa᾿ is inherently 16 percent African, or an amount of “someone who had a great-grandparent who was African,᾿ according to a scientist who made the discovery. Two months ago, Dr. James Watson, who helped crack the D.N.A. code decades ago, apologized for suggesting black people, over all, are not as intelligent as whites. He also resigned as chancellor of the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory on Long Island. “There are many people of color who are very talented,᾿ he said. The comment, we now know, applied to 16 percent of him as well. He also tried to stamp out any further talk by saying that “there is no scientific basis for such a belief.᾿ Still, a debate erupted online when a Slate writer offered an academic defense of the claim that started the furor. Critics are still piling on, with Malcolm Gladwell being the latest in this week’s New Yorker. Richard E. Nisbett, a professor of psychology at the University of Michigan, offered another thorough rebuttal in a New York Times Op-Ed, “All Brains Are the Same Color.᾿ “The evidence heavily favors the view that race differences in I.Q. are environmental in origin, not genetic,᾿ he proposed. Dr. Watson set himself up for this ironic moment by agreeing earlier this year to be the first person to publish his genetic code for all to study. But he won’t be the last, as companies race to create relatively cost-effective ways to bring D.N.A. publishing to the masses. Those who join Dr. Watson in complete D.N.A. openness may be wise to remember two lessons from this episode: think before you speak, and also try to memorize all six billion letters of your genetic code.

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  2.   VonnJ says:
    Posted: 24 Mar 08

    To Simon: And in case the link doesn't work: It turns out that the Nobel-winning geneticist who was “inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa᾿ is inherently 16 percent African, or an amount of “someone who had a great-grandparent who was African,᾿ according to a scientist who made the discovery. Two months ago, Dr. James Watson, who helped crack the D.N.A. code decades ago, apologized for suggesting black people, over all, are not as intelligent as whites. He also resigned as chancellor of the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory on Long Island. “There are many people of color who are very talented,᾿ he said. The comment, we now know, applied to 16 percent of him as well. He also tried to stamp out any further talk by saying that “there is no scientific basis for such a belief.᾿ Still, a debate erupted online when a Slate writer offered an academic defense of the claim that started the furor. Critics are still piling on, with Malcolm Gladwell being the latest in this week’s New Yorker. Richard E. Nisbett, a professor of psychology at the University of Michigan, offered another thorough rebuttal in a New York Times Op-Ed, “All Brains Are the Same Color.᾿ “The evidence heavily favors the view that race differences in I.Q. are environmental in origin, not genetic,᾿ he proposed. Dr. Watson set himself up for this ironic moment by agreeing earlier this year to be the first person to publish his genetic code for all to study. But he won’t be the last, as companies race to create relatively cost-effective ways to bring D.N.A. publishing to the masses. Those who join Dr. Watson in complete D.N.A. openness may be wise to remember two lessons from this episode: think before you speak, and also try to memorize all six billion letters of your genetic code.

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  3.   mossimo36 says:
    Posted: 08 Mar 08

    Racists are still on here?? What is the world coming to now..

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  4.   tigerlilies says:
    Posted: 07 Mar 08

    I thought the blog comments were actually read? Just goes to show you that they're not if a racist and an underaged kid can... is somebody sleeping on the job?????

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  5.   David says:
    Posted: 02 Mar 08

    People belonging to two different races when coming together, produce intelligent, non-sterile and perfectly NORMAL children. There's no reason to suggest why different races couldn't mix.

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  6.   Member says:
    Posted: 27 Feb 08

    Simon is mentally handicapped as well.

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  7.   Member says:
    Posted: 27 Feb 08

    Simon is inbred with low IQ

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  8.   Member says:
    Posted: 27 Feb 08

    Someone said "name 1 mixed person thats pretty" well i can name 3. My beautiful children who i get comments about everyday because of how gorgeous they are.I belive if we weren't supposed to mix we wouldnt be able to produce.Dogs and cats can't produce offspring, neither can chickens and pigs and so on.But all different races are able to come together.and to say that we should be proud of our race to keep it as that.for what?what does it do or show?i think its amazing.i have been white for many years and sure im proud to be white and proud that my children are black and white and that my nephew is mexican and black.There are so many other more important issues than races senseless murders, molestation, child abuse and so forth. And evolving from apes! Why is it that there are still apes or are they still evolving? and y havent we evolved into something else? About the intelligence you have to take a look at how other countries have developed and how their school systems are and what is believed to be important. Asians have a much more different than americans and other countries you cant base what 1 man says about a whole race.Nobody is going to change your mind about what you believe and nobody is going to change mine. i lived with a racist father and i still did what i wanted and he has gone to except my decisions because he found out he was wrong in many aspects. i just know that i am a lot happier not have to waste so much of my energy and time on hate and finding out ways to justify my reason to hate.Maybe if people did believe in God they would have much more to look forward to and find more love and understanding than always trying to prove people wrong and trying science to back you up.Just cause a Dr. says something doesnt mean we believe it or it can be believed.

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  9.   Simon_Says says:
    Posted: 19 Feb 08

    The problem is people like Sammy_d_luv, who are Bible fundamentalists. There is no God. The truth is that there are biotypes and strains that are superior and more advanced in every species. Human beings are no exception. How do you think humna being evolved from a common ancestor with apes to begin with? Some of members of this species becames smarter and stronger, and was able to outcompete the other members of this population that evolved into apes. African Americans are just a transitional stage, and that is why their civilization is so primitive and has hardly ever made any real advances.

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  10.   Simon_Says says:
    Posted: 19 Feb 08

    Evolutionary science has helped us to realize that African Americans are lower on the evolutionary ladder. We need to sequester mutations in biotypes and strains that will help humanity advance, not lower its intellectual capacity. Dr. Watson (or Dr. Crick), one of the discoveres of DNA, made comments to this effect, noting that black people have less intellectual capacity. That is why when they score low on all the IQ tests, people have to rationalize it appealing to social variables like class, history, and what not. How come people from non-African countries, like Asians, can score high on IQ tests even amid poverty and turn their countries around into prosperous countries, but black people can't.

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  11.   girlsixdiva says:
    Posted: 09 Feb 08

    LOL....good idea Mossimo!

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  12.   ethereal99 says:
    Posted: 04 Feb 08

    Of course we should mix, aren't most of us mixed to some degree anyway? What we should not do is have wars & fighting due to our differences!

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  13.   mossimo says:
    Posted: 04 Feb 08

    Must be a troll girlsix....don't feed the trolls!! Great comment Rickie!

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  14.   Sammy_d_luv says:
    Posted: 03 Feb 08

    If you knew how to read and comprehend the Bible, then you would know that the races have mixed since the begining of time. You can't stop what has been since the begining of creation. The madness is in those who won't except others as being one and the same--we all came from 2! We are all of one Blood!!

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  15.   girlsixdiva says:
    Posted: 03 Feb 08

    Thanks for that correction Fala!

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  16.   girlsixdiva says:
    Posted: 03 Feb 08

    mossimo, he secretly wants a black woman, that's why he's here...I mean come on, there's no way he's going to change the minds of people here. It's an INTERRACIAL DATING website!!! People come here to be with people from other races!

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  17.   Rob412 says:
    Posted: 03 Feb 08

    we are here to stop this maddness that is going on.I been white for over 40 years ,and i love every day of it .i'm saying this because im getting tied of seen people mostly white people date black,asia, and other races it make me stick .seen a nice heart white woman kiss on a black man .we need to stop this .it starting to spread like a vitrus

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  18.   mossimo says:
    Posted: 03 Feb 08

    What are white supremacists doing on a interracial website? Didn't they go extinct? Guess not

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  19.   Member says:
    Posted: 03 Feb 08

    if everything was the same then what the fun in that.I think You have to live life at least with one blind eye to make thing more fun. Life should be a surprise, and I think that mix children is an important thing,because a mix person is an example of two race working together.

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  20.   Member says:
    Posted: 03 Feb 08


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  21. Posted: 29 Jan 08

    of course we should mix

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  22.   whitepower says:
    Posted: 27 Jan 08

    why mix races? do you hate your own race so much that you want to end it. that what make us who we are as people. if everybody was the same then what the fun in that,and i think mix people dont look all that. Just name one mix person that pretty.They are thieve.they steal from other races to make there own races worst.they steal eye color from the white and skin color from a black.

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  23.   lonelybee says:
    Posted: 25 Jan 08

    why making everything complicated for ourselves? we have to know each other and enjoy the life we have only while we have the time. nothing wrong to mix races. Us haman beings sometimes we are kept from other things in life just because of our race. we have to be able to do what we want. not because am this i don't have to do this...or nop that's why some say life ain't fair. for me it is. if you begging something accept a no or yes answer and from there it will be easy. RACE SHOULD BE MIXED.... WHO SAID THEY CAN'T AND WHO TRIED IT AND DIDN'T WORK TO SAY NO...

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  24.   getrdonexxx says:
    Posted: 18 Jan 08

    is there any women between 50 and 70 in the toledo area available if so leave email and message looks age not important weight porportion to height

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  25.   getrdonexxx says:
    Posted: 18 Jan 08

    whats wrong with mixing were all human 'the blood is still red no matter what color the skin iwish i could find me a nice black woman in nw. ohio for companionship and relationship

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  26.   HereIamBaby says:
    Posted: 18 Jan 08

    Do you see cats, dogs, horses or birds looking at color??? So why should humans??? Southern smiles and world peace, Sharon

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  27. Posted: 15 Jan 08

    Evil people in power are the reason why we are even asking the question today. Nazi Germany, apartheid South Africa (we had the Immorality Act -- etc tried to make people feel that relationships, of any kind, had to be based on likeness (such as race) and not on being human first and foremost.

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  28.   nfl24 says:
    Posted: 15 Jan 08

    I believe any race should mix. As long as the 2 people make each other happy then go for it. We in this world have so much other things to worry about in our life time this should not even be as much of an issue as we make it out to be. I just think people who hate things like mixed relationships have nothing else to do in there lives

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  29. Posted: 06 Jan 08

    My husband and I met when I was sixteen and he seventeen. My whole I've been raised to accept all races (being from Brooklyn) and so it's never been an issue for me to find a white guy attractive in the least. My mother would always look and me and go, "You're gonna' end up marryin' a white guy, I'm tellin' you." I'd scoff in disbelief and shrug it off. But look who's got the last laugh! Interracial couples are becoming more and more frequent in the last couple of years and yes, we do come across alot of racist remarks every now and then. We forget we're of a different color from one another most of the time. He's my best friend...and his skin color would never be up for debate.

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  30.   outri says:
    Posted: 04 Jan 08

    Sure races should mix. We don't want another tower of babylon situation.

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  31.   Ball123 says:
    Posted: 28 Dec 07

    I concur..Miss J.

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  32.   MissJamaica says:
    Posted: 26 Dec 07

    lol. Issue here is that in america, CLASS falls along the RACE lines almost without exception (almost), and therefore mixing classes is usually mixing races. Because the line of one falls so neatly along the line of the other, it's mushed and confused with race issues only. America is still afraid to admit that it is almost as classist as its parent England. It's like a badword here. Which is a shame cause it's so strong here along the race lines. Black people don't earn as much as whites, overall, therefore their standard of living compared to peers on the same level of career is lower. That's why it's seen as marrying beneath oneself for a white to marry a black. The exceptions to this are noted as just that, exceptions. Until the racist pay gaps go away, it will always be seen as marrying lower than oneself to marry someone who, all other things equal, can never make as much as you do, if you both do the same job. Sad but true. The longer we ignore the real issue, the longer it will persist.

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  33.   Jerseygent says:
    Posted: 25 Dec 07

    Yes, if that is what someone feels in their heart is the one who they care for and makes them happy in their life. WE ALL BLEED RED.

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  34.   Sexycurves2 says:
    Posted: 23 Dec 07

    The races have been "mixing" for more years than what the average person realizes. As time progesses the number of unions between different races increases. The question should have been what percentage of society feels there should be no interracial unions??And I believe the response to that question is rather high in 2007. If I had to take a stab at what percentage it is, I would probably say 65% or more of the population. Some are just not vocal about their opposition to interracial relationships. If the numbers of interracial relationships declines then the women of color without mates percentage will be extremely higher.

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  35.   boerne says:
    Posted: 22 Dec 07

    I believe it all comes down to tolerance. People have mixed races since the beginning of time as we know it.It has to do with exceptence. We all feel comfortable with the familar, and what we know best. And somewhere deep inside we heard of the negative aspects of interacial partnering and this clouds our good and true feelings on the matter. Love is blind is a quote I heard many times. That is between the two people that are involved, other see color. We all need to teach tolerance to survive.

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  36.   Sharon says:
    Posted: 19 Dec 07

    Well Hello everyone... I tend to keep things simple...perhpas it is because I am just your every day person, but my words hold true reguardless. We are all from the same two people. Even science has proved this. With DNA structure. If this is truth, then we are all the same. Because our skin is of a differnt color...this has only become because of the differnt areas that we came from. Darker skin to adapt to the sun...lighter skin because we did not need to adapt our skin to softer rays. It is amazing how our body protects us. Let your heart and your mind do the same. Embrace all humans as we are all the same. I never saw a child of mixed races that wasn't beautiful. Have you??? Southern Smiles and world peace, Sharon ~The Baby Boomer Queen~

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  37.   Jadd3065 says:
    Posted: 19 Dec 07

    If God didn't intend for races to mix then he wouldn't have given us the ability to procrete with other races! Men and women are totaly compatible with eachother sexually. So race mixing is totally okay.

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  38.   Longplay says:
    Posted: 15 Dec 07

    I, agree with cocokisses, If it was wrong for races to mix the children wouldn't be so pretty. They look like works of art.

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  39.   Longplay says:
    Posted: 15 Dec 07

    I , agree with cocokisses. If races were not suppose to mix wirh each other. The babies wouldn't be so beautiful. They look like works of art.

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  40.   Jmeras777 says:
    Posted: 09 Dec 07

    Asking if races mix is like asking should people travel to other countries or experience other cultures. Couldn't the question have been put another way?

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  41.   Marshall says:
    Posted: 06 Dec 07

    Why is this even a question? We are all human. Now a better question might be "Should different cultures mix"?

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  42.   mossimo says:
    Posted: 06 Dec 07

    Nice to see you back in form Fala!!

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  43.   fala says:
    Posted: 05 Dec 07

    Well, I do what I can Mossimo. ;-)

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  44.   mossimo says:
    Posted: 04 Dec 07

    Great job Fala!!

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  45.   cocokisses says:
    Posted: 03 Dec 07

    Fala, that is one excellent piece of homework! Great job!

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  46.   fala says:
    Posted: 03 Dec 07

    I agree Mossimo.

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  47.   mossimo says:
    Posted: 02 Dec 07

    Maybe one day we'll all be brown here in the US.

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  48.   fala says:
    Posted: 02 Dec 07

    One correction Ria. The laws banning interracial marriage were not overturned in all states in the 1950's. You're about a decade off. Richard and Mildred Loving were married in 1958 in Washington D.C. because their home state of Virginia still upheld the antimiscegenation law which stated that interracial marriages were illegal. They were married, then lived together in Caroline County, Virginia. In 1959 they were prosecuted and convicted of violating the states's antimiscegenation law. They were each sentenced one year in jail, but promised the sentence would be suspended if they agreed to leave the state and not return for 25 years. Forced to move, they returned to Washington D.C. where, in 1963, they initiated a suit challenging the constitutionality of the antimiscegenation law. In March of 1966, the Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals upheld the law, but in June of 1967, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously ruled the law unconstitutional. Thus, in 1967 the 16 states which still had antimiscegenation laws on their books were forced to erase them.

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  49.   mossimo says:
    Posted: 02 Dec 07

    Much ado over nothing. There is nothing keeping us apart except for attitudes and silly prejudices.

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  50.   cocokisses says:
    Posted: 30 Nov 07

    Of course the races should mix. I think God is getting the last laugh here. You have Blacks and Whites who have big problems with racism amongst each other, yet when they get together and make a baby, its one of the most beautiful creations on earth. God knows what he is doing, and I think he smiles whenever a beautiful bi-racial child is born :)

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