Does sex gets better with age?

Posted by Ria, 05 Aug

I must admit the idea of grams and gramps banging kinda creeps me out … I mean what if his blood pressure gets too high from the erection and passes out … or on? Well, like it or not, 70 year olds admit to getting their freak on now more than they did 30 years ago … and its some good sex; the kind that brings smiles to many aging baby boomers. It’s more sex with age and more sexual satisfaction to lots of women that age. ;-)

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Nils Beckman of the University of Gothenburg in Sweden and colleagues interviewed four groups of 70-year-olds in Sweden about their sex lives between 1971 and 2001. 68% of married men said they were having sex in 2001, which is a rise in percentage from 52% in the early '70s. And for the married women, the sexual activity rose to 54% in 2000-2001, up from 30% in the early 70s.

"Attitudes are more open-minded and positive today, at least in the elderly themselves," Beckman said. And more and more women are reporting an orgasm during sex and fewer reporting never having had one. On the contrary, the number of men reporting low sexual satisfaction rose. According to Beckman, this can be tied to the fact that men are now more open in talking about sexual failure.

Deduction: Age = more sex = more big Ooooooohs!!! Can’t wait to get to 70. It’s been quite a dry spell for me lately. ;-)

38 responses to "Does sex gets better with age?"

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  1.   BELLARA says:
    Posted: 19 Oct 09

    Nope Its either you are good at it, or you aren't Age is definitely NOT a factor when it comes to matters like this; because older ppl "claim" to have more sex now than 30years ago does not mean they are better at it now. let's not forget that 30 years ago sex was a matrimonial and sacred thing...but now? if you say hello to a guy or pay a little compliment, they expect to "knock boots" in return...

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  2. Posted: 26 Sep 09

    Lol, agree with morningflower. That pic tweaked my eyes. But sex definitely gets better with age. You do know more how much deeper things should feel (not to make a pun!). More patience, more desire to explore. The connection is more meaningful. When younger, folks are in a rush for the bang, oooh, ahh and more self-absorbed with their own bodies. As time goes by, there's more appreciation for what's really going on there and more investment in the repeat visits. Yum. And P.S. I noticed too that some of these older folks can really talk sex up. So obviously just cause the body ages, the brain never forgets how yummy sex is!

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  3.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 17 Feb 09

    We never knew people in the waiting room could be so Happy , it is contagious .

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  4.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 17 Feb 09

    We are Smile Ling , Laughing in the DOCTORS OFFICE Continuously - the Nurses come in pairs to see what we are doing because we laugh so much and My tests have been improving this past year . Massive heart attack 8 years ago and still feel like a youngster . Hehe

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  5.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 17 Feb 09

    Adrenalin , Produced by the body during Sexual activity . This compound used by the Heart as a Stimulant . As told in Websters Dictionary . Reading is Fundimental .

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  6.   VA_SongBird says:
    Posted: 17 Feb 09

    I really don't have a medical background but I would imagine that your respiratory and cardiovascular functions would improve greatly. smile.

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  7.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 16 Feb 09

    If the house is Rockin ' Don't bother Knockin '

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  8.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 16 Feb 09

    And the Doctor told me my Breathe ing had improved over last years tests .

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  9.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 16 Feb 09

    Getting older bye the day , just let me say when two people are making Love . They are so near to each other than the picture shows it all . Eyes closed and lips together , no one sees the wrinkles if any are present . Make King Love is How Marvelously Splendidly Magnificent you make another feel , Soft warm tender moist and cared for in a very very very Special way . Hehe from his old man and Lol for the younger crowd . Knowledge in the arts comes from time spent in observation of the Beauty of Life . Being Blessed with the Proper Tool and it ain't Metric . American Standard the only way to go . See Y'all at the Finish Line . Time is all We got left to spend and our new bed has Twin Engines and Hemi powered . I shall always be a Child of the Sixty 's in my own mind .

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  10.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 16 Feb 09

    The one thing for sure is We have had more time spent in the Practice [ makes perfect ] of Making Love . With No time clocks to punch , No children at the present to distract us at Intimate times and Living in the National Forest where Privacy to Enjoy Warm rains to wash our hair on the Deck [ which almost surrounds Our house ] and will be finished in the spring . Soon enough the weather will be so Hot that clothing is Optional and at Our Discression . Life after Mandatory Employment is Just Retirement - When I drove my Logbook started at Midnight due to less traffic and sleeping habits remain the same . Old Age is just a bunch of minutes that were spent - becoming hours of many days to Enjoy the sunrise and sleep in the afternoon while others are out breathe ing all the fresh air . " Legs " ZZ Top , " Brown Sugar " Rolling Stones and " Wild Thing " the Troggs

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  11.   NOPLAYER says:
    Posted: 16 Feb 09

    The elderly couple next door is living proof of that. LOL These folks are in there 70's and they're still " creating friction " ! As you mature and realize that you may have more days behind you than in front of you, you tend to value certain things more. I think intimacy would be more intense, at that age you'd focus more on SHARING than PERFORMING and as a result you'd BOND emotionaly. I'm sure at that age I'd have to find some other music because "Do Me Baby" by Prince would seem kind of odd! Any song suggestions ??

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  12.   VA_SongBird says:
    Posted: 15 Feb 09

    I would like to think so! I would hope sex is just like fine wine, which gets better with age. Hey... think about... you definitely have more time to enjoy each other.. the kids are gone... you don't have to rush to work... Gee, I can't wait!

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  13.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 02 Jan 09

    P.S. BP 117/78 last monthly testing , pulse 98 .

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  14.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 02 Jan 09

    An active sex life is good for the heart muscle and as in any other muscle / if you do knot use it you lose it . Read some medical magazines , if you please . Thank you , 009 Bombed Les Bombed

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  15.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 02 Jan 09

    I can tell you One thing , it ain't got no worse . We still try it everyday , so we will knot forget how it's done . You Gotta know , Ria at my age the mind is the first thing to go / at least that is what I have read . I think - what were we talking about ?

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  16.   BeReal4me says:
    Posted: 20 Sep 08

    I am so pleased to know that as I age, all my desires come with me. I hope that all my parts are working at that age and I am as vibrant with the man of my life and can still "work it well". laugh My former mother in law is still kicking and is more alert than usual and getting more action than me. laugh I think that picture is cute. I love to see older couples still having a drive for love. IT gives me hope for the future.

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  17.   vt33 says:
    Posted: 19 Sep 08

    Who knew old folks have sex past 65, here I thought they devouted their life to god, or a house full of mangy cats, or for the men, going to go go bars, or sitting in the park watching women run. Yet, I still have this thought of nothing but, skin chaffing, stinging eucalyptus smelling, loose skin smacking sex. The thought of a pacemaker or some other installed device overloading, and electrical shock happening. I guess this is somthing to look forward to in my 60's,70's and 80's.

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  18.   Artiecraft says:
    Posted: 16 Sep 08

    ABSOLUTELY !!!!!!!!

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  19.   Pia65 says:
    Posted: 06 Sep 08

    I think sex is just apart of the entire package in a relationship....A good part that is just like a fine gets better with age...and experience!

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  20. Posted: 31 Aug 08

    My mother just turned 60 and she's having a lot more sex than I am! She says as long as there is an itch, she's gonna have it scratched.. :0) I think its wonderful.

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  21.   kenyanito says:
    Posted: 29 Aug 08

    yeah, sex gets better with age...i used to think that it ain't me it is..

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  22.   Youngwolf says:
    Posted: 14 Aug 08

    It's nice to know there are good years ahead. Sex can't be separated from our emotions and physical intimacy. I know its a difficult topic to conceptualise but I feel more competent now than in my 20s. Don't have the fears I guess and concentrate more on the partner than my own needs. A good wine matures with age. Cheers everyone.

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  23. Posted: 12 Aug 08

    I guess it depends on how old and how healthy the person(s)are,As for me i want to be a granny and still doing my thing too..If you don't use it more than likely at that age you will lose it..Keep your body moving so your joints won't lock up,And what better way to do it..LOL!

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  24.   Takeila says:
    Posted: 11 Aug 08

    Better with age? I would think so. I heard that you can have a longer lasting life if you are a sex addict. Then I thought about it. Look at Hue at the mansion, lol. I know matter how old I get or look. I am not going to ever give that up. Good cardio too! Oh and to morningflower I do agree with you that picture kinda of turns you off, lol.

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  25. Posted: 11 Aug 08

    care to join me in some goooood long love making RAVEN 3658 bet i can snap your orgasam system any time ps. i.m not in a nurseing home yet sweetie

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  26. Posted: 11 Aug 08

    care to join me in some goooood long love making RAVEN 3658 bet i can snap your orgasam system any time

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  27.   raven3658 says:
    Posted: 11 Aug 08

    Wow! The picture does not help the article but cudos to gramps for still having a sex drive at that age and if they do...why the hell not? just don't go running around the nursing home looking for someone to do it

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  28. Posted: 09 Aug 08

    don;t worry take it from some body who knows i;m 71 years young and can compete or do better than any younger man check me out for yourself and find out ready and willing ? have tounge will satify JOE

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  29.   Nandi says:
    Posted: 08 Aug 08

    I think sex and sexuality never goes away...My great-great grandmother died at 104 years old and she talked about it up til she died. LOL Mostly how she missed it and that the old men in her building couldn't do anything LOL. I thought she was just joking but now...I don't know Although boinking a 104 year old lady,just doesn't sound very nice...Well unless you are what a 94 year old male LOL But, sex is great for the body, soul, muscle aches etc...Best natural contact high you will ever get.

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  30. Posted: 08 Aug 08

    Gotta develop smile wrinkles!

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  31. Posted: 08 Aug 08

    Thanks for the compliments Rob! Nandi you had me falling out of my chair! too funny! you are right though it's definately something to look forward to!

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  32.   rae56 says:
    Posted: 08 Aug 08

    Morningstar, Lord'a Mercy girl! I'm feeling what you're feeling about that picture... it's not how I needed to start my morning. :-) As far as sex getting better as you get older... I certainly hope so! If gramps and granny are still gettin' their groove on in their 70's, I glory in their spunk!

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  33.   kayre says:
    Posted: 08 Aug 08

    Sex is funcction of many things which should work to have pleasant sex. Firt attitude, body strength external factors such as interactions with people during our routine work. If my attitude towards my women is not good, if my muscles are weak due to age, if I have a bad day my sex will not be good coz im not tend or my mind do not think of it. Age is very important for sex coz the performance of our sexsual machines determine the kind of sex we do.The newer they are the better they perform. For example When I was late 20s I remember I did sex 5 times in 3 hours and I was still seeking. But I cannot do sex more than 4 times in a night at the age of 40 today. So at age of 70 and above it good to talk memories of past sex, we are all weak beyond this stage naturally.

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  34.   LoveMyJeans says:
    Posted: 08 Aug 08

    Who wouldnt want to keep sex (good sex) a part of their life as long as possible?? Sex is not just for the "young". And in to my 70's, oh yes, God is good!!! Happy to hear it! As people live longer and healthier lives, sex will continue to be a part of it. Plus with all the medications, gels, lotions, and toys, you gotta live that long just make a dent in trying things. LOL. Honestly, the pic doesnt bother me. Love is beautiful at whatever age.

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  35.   Nandi says:
    Posted: 08 Aug 08

    I say good for them, definitely something to look forward to LOL....Well atleast he will know where all the wrinkles are at LOL...Sex is great and people should have it as long as they possibly can, so they can then live off of good memories...

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  36.   chica20 says:
    Posted: 08 Aug 08

    i think so, i think am still pretty young lol, and i know i havent had my best sex yet, so i to agree, i elderly persons that have more and better sex than person in my age group. Its all about experience, comfort, trust and accepting ones sexuality for what it is as age goes up

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  37. Posted: 07 Aug 08

    morningstar you re beautiful. anyway sex has gotten better for me and the partners I've been with. Know my way around better and what is pleasing for both.

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  38. Posted: 06 Aug 08

    First things first... I am not feeling the picture... ha! ha! - don't get me wrong... older guys are more my thing... but damn Ria! lol! As for if you pass out and die in the middle of "getting it on" - can't think of a better way to enter the pearly gates! I agree that people’s attitudes towards sex have greatly improved and we are free to express our opinions, discuss what works and doesn't work and oh hail Viagra! Wonder why they did not give props to the little blue pill?

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