Is she at fertility peak? Keep her on a leash

Posted by Ria, 07 Apr

Did you know that our most intimate relationships are dominated by subconscious forces beyond our control? If the thought freaks you out, then it gets freakier… Research confirms this.

Apparently, women attract different types of men based on their menstrual cycle. According to Anthony Little, a psychologist specializing in human attraction at the University of Stirling, “Most of the time, when women are not fertile, they prefer men who are more feminine but when they reach peak fertility they change and display a preference for more masculine traits, what you might call the rugby player look.”

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The other thing we women may not want to hear is that we are generally attracted to metrosexual men coz they are gentler looking and are more likely to be committed to a relationship and care for children. But come the fertile week of the cycle, they say we are programmed to hunt for men with the best genes – those that guarantee children survival (biggest muscles, squarest jaw, and to add to that list these days; fattest wallet). This type of men is very slippery so, once impregnated, the women return to the gentler committed partner and “trick him into bringing up a child that is not his.”

In other research about 5%-10% of children have been fathered by men who were not mommy’s long-term partner at the time of conception. Such statistics have made some men to cultivate the ability to detect when their women are at the peak of fertility. Some study on lap-dancers in the U.S. confirmed this. Men tipped those who were fertile higher than those who weren’t. Apparently, women ooze some body scent and behavior changes which serve as cues.

Now this is nature at its rawest form. Dude, if your daughter looks nothing like you, you probably raising some best-genes-dude’s child. Better learn your woman's fertility cues and keep her on a leash during those days. ;-)

27 responses to "Is she at fertility peak? Keep her on a leash"

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  1.   phatkitty says:
    Posted: 20 Mar 10

    I know am a little late on this topic, but very interesting. I believe that women and men do put out some form of ferimones(sp) you know, just like animals when it is mating season. Dont say its called "feeling horny" that is not what i mean. I wil give an example of the 4-5yr olds boys that i teach. The boys are always without a doubt are the first ones to compliment me on what i wear, the girls ignore me (lol), and if i may add am a girly-girl) whether its a rose in my hair, or fancy bracelets. I always noticed how these young boy-children seem to be quite perceptive and the funny thing is, they are the rough and tumble types. They wrestle, play soccer, football, rough-house, and fight ALL the time; although they are young, i dont believe that these boys show signs of metrosexuality to me, but what do i know, am not a dr. and they still have a lot of growing up to do. The other thing is i dont have children, but if i did i would like to have only boys. So go figure, maybe there is something to this study/finding.

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  2.   bikerdude says:
    Posted: 30 Jul 09

    morningflower u bet that list your making is long you need a "PDA"

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  3.   lovelyne says:
    Posted: 24 Jul 09

    hmmm..... that explains why men are more drawn to me when am on my per***. I get asked out more at this time. they know !!!!

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  4.   indigo9 says:
    Posted: 15 Apr 09

    I'm enjoying the comments more than the article posted. Guess it was provocative enough to draw some responses. I'm curious where the research data is from. While everyone receives chemical subconscious cues in social settings, most folks know how to respond to them, so at most stages people are aware of their choices I think. What 10% would tell the author or any other researcher that their children were not parented by the unknowing responsible mate? Their are many subtle communication cues between children and parents and a graceful man would not even raise the issue if he was in love with the woman and loved the child. The American Indian proverb, if you love that child, it's your child, is always true. And then there is the suggestion that one can keep another on a leash! Even if possible that's a control game that is dangerous to a relationship. I think women who want children are looking for communication in the relationship, even a short-term relationship. Personally, I've always avoided getting intimate when one or the other party is drunk, as nobody can be a good lover if they are drunk anyway. The main way your suggested article might be true is if the brainless stud was duped, which means the knowing woman would probably numb her conscience with alcohol or other substance. But brainy studs would not be so unaware, and women don't seek brainless studs to have children with. Not thinking ladies, as you suggest.

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  5.   AptlyNamed says:
    Posted: 13 Apr 09

    LMAO - this is awesome and f*cking hilarious. About damn time someone speaks truth backed by science - opposed to expectations based on social conditioning. I agree with my fellow ladies who are all about thickly build, "rugby looking" men - ALL YEAR 'ROUND. I'm also a woman who prefers men who have body hair. Pass my ass a damn Yeti. Providing he can read, speak and listen well (multiple languages is a plus), conduct an intelligent conversation, be passionate about something and take care of himself/his family. Bring it. I'll take two of those with a glass of Rum & Cran with lime, no ice to go, please and t'anks. :s:

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  6. Posted: 13 Apr 09

    aww lawd! *note to self* - add to my list titled.. "as if I don't have enough problems as a woman" ...

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  7.   ivorycelt says:
    Posted: 09 Apr 09

    Jeez guys. Science is Science - meaning measured results. I for one rekon is true Of course women change with the moon - and i can 'smell' it too! Fact is fact - 'IS WHAT IT IS' But what we all do about it, what we think of it, well thats another matter. For everyone here (except chococherry!) to kneejerk respond by thinking the 'science' is sugesting that every woman goes hunting a rugy father is ridiculas. What we think about it doesnt change the fact. You could think/ react to the 'science' in a number of ways. So let me ask you women - Most times you want your man to be intuitive, intelligent, thoughtfull - then other there times when you when 'your' same steady man to just come home one day, no questions, and just have you. have you because he just had to.. heh? So what changed your desire's? Dont tell me they dont change!

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  8.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 09 Apr 09

    NOPLAYER : There is something Special about " All " Women , at least what I have seen in My travels in these United States and Canada .

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  9.   NOPLAYER says:
    Posted: 09 Apr 09

    southernmoca, I don't think they heard you! LOL There's something special about southern blk women!

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  10.   chococherry says:
    Posted: 09 Apr 09

    lol what a story! I thought this was going to be good. I expected that our secret would be revealed. Like how men can tell when we get that increase in seratonin and glow in our eyes. How a lady who is ready to be a "toprider", playfully flirts. Keep her on a leash? Puhleeze..."Johnson" is all around us darlin', and offered on the daily...getting it, for us ladies, is as simple as saying "follow me". Now the issue of a lying, cheatin', garden tool, a-z-z woman is another story. Should have had that headline for us to click on. girl! Nail on the head lovey! Fkoi....very nice response. We do deserve better! Perhaps the author is dealing with a personal issue, and is feeling the squeeze from someone wanting child support from her man, upset, guilty,jilted, whatever. Either way; free speech! It makes the world go round...and I agree it is nonsense,,,but hey it finally got a response out of me. Way to spark conversation, AR!

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  11.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 08 Apr 09

    Thank you , fkoi . Well Stated

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  12.   fkoi says:
    Posted: 08 Apr 09

    Just because something is science doesn't mean it is legitimate science. This piece reeks of science badly done. To just say, "...when women are not fertile, they prefer men..." ain't science. Which women? What's the demographic? What percentage? How was the preference manifested? How respected is this Anthony Little by his peers? I can't imagine an inflammatory statement like "trick him into bringing up a child that is not his." brings him much respect except from the misogynist community. Then we read that "5%-10% of children have been fathered by men who were not mommy’s long-term partner at the time of conception" which is another way of saying that 90-95% are. At that line introduces us to the lap dance laboratory which I'm sure was run with nothing but the purest of scientific control. And probably at the taxpayers expense. Sure this whole piece is idiotic and maybe not worth our time to read or our response, but the most idiotic of all is saved for last. "Dude, if your daughter looks nothing like you, you[sic] probably raising some best-genes-dude’s child. Better learn your woman’s fertility cues and keep her on a leash during those days"? Just putting a smiley face atop a sexist, misleading and ignorant pile of manure does not make it funny. Ria, you've done better than this. I don't think you've done worse. And we deserve better.

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  13.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 08 Apr 09

    The picture showing a Dominate man / Submissive woman

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  14.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 08 Apr 09

    The catfish are biting , let's all open another can of worms .

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  15.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 08 Apr 09

    Women who conceive children outside of Wedlock with Random Lovers . Has other names , Could you Please tell me what science calls them ? For a second question ; Dawnshyne , would you do this to your man . Because someones science study says it is Proper ?

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  16.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 08 Apr 09

    The Apple does not fall far from the tree , Unless it grows on a steep incline .

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  17.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 08 Apr 09

    " trick him into bringing up a child who is not his " This statement sounds like Infidelity to me , science might be what it is when I collect Rocks and Minerals for my Hobby . When a mans' Wife strays from their relationship to become pregnant by another man , This is Cheating . If your Future husband goes out and smells anothers garden of Delight when she is in her most Potent cycle and helps her to conceive a child , You would feel okay with this event . Because a Nature study backs up - it is okay . Harlot / comes to mind as a gentle word for this form of women to me . In the old school , when a woman takes a man she has his biological children not anothers .

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  18.   Dawnshyne says:
    Posted: 08 Apr 09

    Okay, take a step back everyone. Its science. Its doesn't mean that women are morally bereft. This is one of the times when nuture overcomes nature. This study has actually been backed up several times simply, get over the AF's authors comments sprinkled in-between. The rock didn't hit you.

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  19. Posted: 08 Apr 09

    I can not account for other ladies but i know that for myself personally, I like rugby kind of men all year long. Give me a bald headed, goatee wearing man who works with his hands whether its for a check or on me and I am truly happy 365 days a year. metrosexual my !@#. I use to work for one of those and he was as crooked as a 3 dollar bill in the hands of a used car salesman. Thank god or Allah or whoever you believe in for the burly man..the rugby man..the I don't give a darn, I'm gonna eat these ribs with my hands kinda man... the spank his woman on the butt when she walk by kinda man... Oh yeah.

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  20.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 07 Apr 09

    Thank you / You are talking of Men who Bathe properly

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  21.   Saharra says:
    Posted: 07 Apr 09

    Nope, it's a term generally applied to heterosexual men with a strong concern for their appearance (manicures, facial, pedi's,eyebrow waxing that kinda stuff ) and/or whose lifestyles display attributes stereotypically attributed to gay men however they are not gay, just guys that care about their looks.

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  22.   BrownB09 says:
    Posted: 07 Apr 09

    Ha Ha LOL,Good one homesteader!

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  23.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 07 Apr 09

    P.S. what is a metrosexual Man , is that similiar to a city bus driver ?

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  24.   Saharra says:
    Posted: 07 Apr 09

    If l have ever heard of a more nonsensical thing this is it. Just because someone fathers a child does not mean that the kid has to look like them and if they don't then they belong another man. l don't look like my Dad, heck l don't even look like my Mom, so what then they disown me?? Anthony Little, l suggest you research the facts thoroughly before publishing anything like this because speaking as a woman, you don't change whom you are attracted to at any the month. You make women seem very shallow, what ? l'm more fertile today so l'll leave the man l'm with because the guy with a squarer jaw looks more attractive. There is no such thing,the laws of attraction definitely do not work that way so STOP assuming your experience is everyone elses because it's not. You definitely have no clue what the mechanics of a females body involve.

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  25.   BrownB09 says:
    Posted: 07 Apr 09

    Oh my damn! Okay LOL, quite interesting!

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  26.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 07 Apr 09

    Ria : did you know that all women do not cheat on their husbands ? This PSYCHO - ROCK CLIMBER THAT YOU WRITE ABOUT , just because he works at a University is like the attorney in another Blog who assumes knowledge of Psychiatric Doctors without the proper Degree [ Foolish information / opinionated Buttbreathe } . May , I ask why you feel that his imformation holds Water ? Sounds like a bunch of Effluence to me can't you see . Children when they are born look like Babies and as they grow they take on their own personal appearence . If they are male , they will be similiar to their fathers' and if they are female , they will be similiar to their Mothers . If We as a Family have a child born to Us / We will not question Our Love for them because such stupid research surveys . We shall together raise these children as Parents . My Jeans are Blue , my wallet is a chaindrive trucker style my chin has a slight cleft and my reproductive organ is a Tool not a toy . I have 4 biological daughters and they all look like Themselves / What is your problem ? Are these things you Blog about Personal Events in your own Life ? I raised my children with pride as their Mother was My Wife . My advice to you is get a life .

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  27.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 07 Apr 09

    Sure Nuff been try ing to Make a boy to carry on Family Name , got plenty of Girls . Ria please Explain how this is done , Thank you .

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