Need help on the dating scene?

Posted by Ria, 19 Jun

The release of the movie Hitch by Will Smith, brought dating coaches into the spotlight. Do you suck at dating? Are you a real life 'Albert'? Is it time for you to consider hiring a dating coach? Well if you live in Seattle, then you might just be rescued. Companies are cropping up to help the timid guys who are having trouble in this field… you know, the 'Albert's' who don’t understand the rules of the game ;-)

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The Seattle Times followed a dude named Allan Burt who hired The Professional Dater, a Pioneer Square group of 'image consultants'. Well these consultants have dedicated themselves to the business of helping people find love… or just a date to cater for the not-so-serious souls. :lol:

The coaches will help you write your online dating profile, teach you how to flirt, even help you with your, ahem, game.

And to add value to their services, these professionals can give you a woman’s view and opinion on your wardrobe. And they don’t just stop at that… No. They help you shop for shoes, trendy shirts, clean you up and even be your "wing woman" on your nights out, working the sidelines, scouting which girls don't have wedding rings or chatting up prospects for you.

This idea came from Alma Rubenstein, 38, an actress who has been a contestant on The Bachelor, Blind Date and other dating reality shows. So would you consider having your personal dating coach? Burt paid $2000. Is it worth it? Wonder how far this push got him :lol:

Tags: dating coach, date doctor, hitch

Responses to "Need help on the dating scene?"

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  1.   Frances says:
    Posted: 30 Jul 07

    I would give a dating coach a try just to have an outside view of what my strengths and weaknesses are.

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  2.   Jabali says:
    Posted: 22 Jul 07

    I will give teveryone a dating tip absolutely free of charge. In one word... CONFIDENCE!

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  3.   ryan says:
    Posted: 18 Jul 07

    I personally don't think anyone should waste money on dating tips from so called experts. I myself learned by trial and error and anyone can meet a woman I see ugly guys with drop dead gorgeous women all the time. It's all about self confidence and attitude and putting a vibe out that draws a woman's attention. Speaking from personal expererience everywhere I go I get smiles and hit on. By black women, mixed women, asian women mainly hot ethnic women. The point is not just because im a good looking guy but I know how to make myself stand out. At the same time I can still be mysef without putting on a show. For all the guys that have no self confidence in theirselves women can feel that negative vibe. If you want to have more dates then put yourself out there if you get rejected go to the next girl. Try going up to a girl and making small talk and introduce yourself wherever you go think of a woman as fairgame.

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  4.   sonu786 says:
    Posted: 08 Jul 07

    I think we all ask ourselves that once in a while,,,,,

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  5.   mutta says:
    Posted: 08 Jul 07

    hi i need help from you people how do i do to intruduce my picture and how do i read my messages

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  6.   Thomas says:
    Posted: 03 Jul 07

    @ Sammy, no risk no fun. Be yourself and am sure you will find the partner of your dreams.

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  7.   fala says:
    Posted: 02 Jul 07

    LOL@Sammy I think we all ask ourselves that once in a while.

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  8.   Sammy says:
    Posted: 29 Jun 07

    I guess most of us at sometime or other wonder if we need coaching. We meet somone we seem to have alot in common with then things go wrong and you wonder what it was you did,and think maybe i'm dumb,that i said something wrong or did something wrong. I know for myself i'm pretty open and talk alot at times lol-to people i don't know-but when i'm intrested in somone I find myself having problems finding things to talk about:kinda fearing saying the wrong thing. Maybe i'm just scared anymore, your self asteem realy suffers when you lose enough times. Aready wondering if i shoulda posted this dang it lol. Do I need a coach or a shrink lol

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  9.   fala says:
    Posted: 25 Jun 07

    Glad it all turned out for the best Coco.:-)

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  10.   Cocokisses says:
    Posted: 23 Jun 07

    It worked out Fala & Moss! Lord knows I am with a MUCH better guy who I am absolutely crazy about. I don't have to coach him :) He is a Coach...Pop Warner football!

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  11.   Thomas says:
    Posted: 21 Jun 07

    Congrats - witty repartee, Got the T-Shirt! Maybe you are right that some need a push but I see the trend that poeple getting lazy more and more and looking for coaches who tell them how to live their lifes. Maybe I should make my money to coach poeple to be self-confident ;-)

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  12.   mossimo says:
    Posted: 21 Jun 07

    Bad deal coco....some guys never learn...oink!

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  13.   fala says:
    Posted: 21 Jun 07

    Damn Coco - I guess that's what they mean by Back Fire!

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  14.   Waylon says:
    Posted: 20 Jun 07

    Some folks just dont know, and once they learn, its like opening them up to an entire new world. I can say that because at one time my entire wardrobe was jeans and shirts (along with the uniforms). After a good friend taught me some style, life got better and confidence came out. Now that wardrobe includes polos, suits, jackets, and shoes that before I would have balked at being to overpriced. Not everyone has to be a wallflower, some just need a push in the right direction.

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  15.   Cocokisses says:
    Posted: 20 Jun 07

    Good point Thomas!

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  16.   Thomas says:
    Posted: 20 Jun 07

    It seems that poeple need a coach for everything in life. Sure, we can improve each detail in our life but have we already lost the ability to learn out of our experiences?

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  17.   mossimo says:
    Posted: 20 Jun 07

    Would love to be a fly on the wall during some of those sessions. Not that I would do any better. lol

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  18.   fala says:
    Posted: 20 Jun 07

    I would take a dating coach - as long as they came with a money back guarantee.

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  19.   Cocokisses says:
    Posted: 19 Jun 07

    I am not coaching any more guys! I dated someone who was so very nice, but showed up with ratty shoes and dingy tee shirts to take me out on dates. I took him shopping, showed him what to buy (my brother was a runway model and taught me well), got him to buy 3 really nice pairs of dress shoes, and tons of shirts and sweaters so he'd look nice for work and play. What did he do? He looked so good, his EX WANTED HIM BACK!!! I got tired of the witch calling and sent him on his merry way. My guy and I saw him a month ago and he was back to his bad dressing ways. No matter how fly you dress a pig, ITS ALWAYS GOING TO BE A PIG! LOL!

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  20. Posted: 19 Jun 07

    Like any action on identified areas of self-improvement, this is great! It takes a brave, honest and open person to discover their own weaknesses and work on them.

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  21.   Waylon says:
    Posted: 19 Jun 07

    I was an "Albert" until I was around 30. It actually took a woman to clean me up and set me straight. I was shy growing up and didnt date much in high school. I think Dating coaches are a good thing for those folks, men or women, who just haven't found their own confidence yet. There are some wonderful people out there who just don't know what to do. Would I spend 2 grand on learning "how to date?" HELL ya, nothing is worse than wondering "what if" Even if all you get out of it is some fashion sense and confidence, its money well spent.

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