The successful black man

Posted by Ria, 19 Nov

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Everyone is looking for a woman or man to share life with. And the black men are also doing this too. However, the society has been looking upon the black man. There is a preconception that most black males are or have been in jail, have several children by several women, are criminals who you see on the TV Show COPS. This misconception has made the black man not have a lot to choose from when it comes to this search for love.

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Jones, a black man in his mid-thirties is different from what people portray the Black man to be. He dresses like an executive - tailored suit, an expensive watch … the works. And the dressing is not just a disguise to lure his next victim. He is well educated, with a MBA. Like every other man his age, Jones is looking for a woman to share his success with.

Don’t they have dozens of women at their beck and call? The sad reality is that this is not necessarily the case. Even with all the success, they have to be twice as good as any male or female of another race to gain respect.

The other day, when in a lift on his way up to his office, the lift stopped and a white female got into it. Jones could clearly notice that she was hesitant about sharing the lift with him. Eventually, she gathered the guts to get in, spending the entire ride clutching onto her purse. :roll:

Imagine how difficult it may be to create first impressions for them. And you know what they are … he must be a thug. And for the successful ones … being labeled drug peddlers!

The above incident inspired me to talk about the successful Black brothas who are out there. These are men who have worked to get where they are in life, attaining a measure of success. The thing is, the media has done a pretty good job at instilling these misconceptions about the black man. Truth is, not all Black men are criminals. We also have Whites, Latinos who are criminals too.

So why is it that we have to judge every black man we see walking by? Don’t you think it’s high time we salute Black men who have strived to achieve life’s most precious goals? And don’t you think its time that we gave them a breather and let them be?

Did Muhammad Ali get his success from thugging? How about Koffi Anan? Louis Amstrong in Music, Bill Cosby… could go on and on. Check out this website and start acknowledging what the Black man has contributed to society. You will be amazed. And for those that constantly judge the Black brotha, I hope this will be an eye opener for them.

Tags: Black men dating, Successful black men

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  1.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 05 May 10

    Safety First : Federal law states all trailers with Placards / Most stop at all crossings . Was trained as a child to Stop Look and Listen before crossing RXR trcks . Life was hard on All people who did knot pay attension to where they were walking . Found out about a Rumor spread about me years ago today / alas it is a Rumor . Yet it made me think about Public Attitude Adjustment soon enough / People who Broke in my house and stole from me telling Tales . And darn I am Passive by Nature / We all experienced Mis-treatment in life and it Continues no matter " Who " you are - Blacks are not the only people who Enjoy stupid peoples Ignorance .

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  2.   homesteader says:
    Posted: 05 May 10

    Point taken / thought about . My wife who I MET HERE , 4 years ago is truly Chocolate Brown skintone and me being Pale white Flesh color has Not one thing to do with us being together . A-holes come in all colors / Even good people are treated with Distain at times . I got Lucky here / never wishing for change of Myself and while we Bump Bellies it is a Beautiful Time to realize / Life is what each person chooses to Believe , in their own mind . dolly48 ; Your white friends daughter , Being an absolute klutz - and slipping on ice then in her thoughts placing Blame for ones own actions on someone waiting behind you to enter an establishment in Cold weather is Racialy Motivated thought . On her part . Paying attension to her own steps could have prevented this / If the blackman behind her stopped to assist her . The "'inconsiderate people " who were being Careful to pass so as they would knot slip and gather around her to block the doorway . Were just attempting to get out of the Cold / probably on time schedules during lunchbreaks to eat and Safely get back to work ontime . It's a Timeclock thing / all employees face daily . Darn , I see things in a different light . Stop - look and listen at all RXR crossings / Safety first - the Jet Black Limo behind me will wait also or run into my Trailer Truck . It's an Oldman non-black thing which you dolly48 may never understand .

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  3.   dolly48 says:
    Posted: 02 May 10

    No offense intended, to all you non-black people out there: Dating a black person does not make you black, i dont care if you have been "in the community" for years!!! we suffer certain indiginites you would NEVER understand. It's a black thing. Now, I have a white friend whose daughter broke her ankle over a black man. She was going into a pizza parlor, and a black man was going in behind her. She was thinking he was going to "do something" to her and she ran. She slipped on the ice and broke her ankle. All the WHITE men walked right on by (one had to nerve to step OVER her). The black man she was afraid of stopped, helped her, waited with her until the ambulance arrived, etc. I say that's what she gets. Ria, you seem to find something nice to say about black men, and that's great. Now do you think you can do the same for black women? I almost fainted when i saw this article,I never would have believed you were saying something positive.

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  4.   dupunottene says:
    Posted: 01 May 10

    What's Happening i am new to this. I came upon this site I find It vastly accommodating & its helped me loads. I hope to give something back and support other users like its helped me. Thanks, Catch You Later

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  5.   Glock says:
    Posted: 22 Dec 07

    That's your argument CS? Exactly what would be a level playing field to you? Instead of calling names, back up you comments with something? You can disagree with me all day long I really don't care but back it up with something. You are right about one thing, I am laughing at a retarded comment. Yours.

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  6.   CS says:
    Posted: 20 Dec 07

    Glock, You're an idiot...POINT BLANK!!!!! For one to actually believe there is a level playing field in America with the MINORITY (blacks) and the MAJORITY has to be stupid. You know what Glock ....If I had the ability to give you my dark face for a week,you'll be laughing at you're retarded comments.

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  7.   dee says:
    Posted: 11 Dec 07

    Hmmmm, people are so funny. We talk about racism and will boldly state that I will not date someone in my own race...just another form of racism.

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  8.   Cire says:
    Posted: 10 Dec 07

    I was in the crosswalk at Walmart, broad daylight & heared an engine rev/accelerate & an older white gentleman slammed on brakes 2-3 feet from hitting me. Looked at me when I made eye contact with him with others in the vehicle as if I was in the wrong. Mind you, "I'm in the crosswalk!" I often enter patients rooms to initiate treatment (Traveling Physical Therapist)and have them refuse treatment for whatever reason. Then later to find out they didn't want to be treated by the black therapist.(Stood outside the doorway & overheard this) I've traveled north, south, east & west over the past 5 years; rural areas,suburbs & metropolitan. These are 2 of the most often scenarios I've encountered "everywhere" I go. These situations actually happened just the other day! racism/prejudice still prevalent today?? Sad to say it is! Just because we don't see it or experience it first-hand, doesnt mean it's not happening ;-).

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  9. Posted: 08 Dec 07

    Back to the subject - There's a black man I greatly admire who has the same customer as I. He's a retired professional boxer who has built a small business as a personal trainer. He's a good man, happy, welcoming, playful guy (watch out for his pranks!) with a sense of peace - People naturally gravitate towards him, become happy and he always makes time for them. He's philosophical, deep and just simply wise. He doesn't make a lot of money but to me is wonderfully successful in living a worthwhile life.

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  10.   Glock says:
    Posted: 07 Dec 07

    Acuteblackguy, you said that "nothing" is different today than it was in the past. I gave you several examples, not to mention the obvious medium we have here on the computer. Interracial dating for crying out load! Not only is interracial dating more accepted today, but there are websites now that cater to it! So it's a "proven fact" that the best coaches are it's formor players huh? Phil Jackson? Pat Riley? Were they basketballs' best players in their time? I don't think so. How is Isaiah Thomas's team doing this year? Vince Lombardi, was he the games best player? No, to prove anyone who was arguably one of the "best" player is always going to be very subjective and it would be a strech to say the least that they are "the best" coaches. Hell, you even said nothing has changed since the past but you even have to acknowledge the influx of black coaches. Isn't that an "improvement"? That is a change isn't it? The top 100 CEOs in the country and how many are black do you ask? I don't know. But let me ask you this, is it a requirement that a certain number be black OR female? Or should a company have the right to pick and choose who runs the company? As far as "inclusion" not "supporting equality" all I can tell you is we have no "right" to equality but have the right to opportunity. Do I have the right to be equally as rich as Bill Gates? Of course not but I have the equal opportunity to try and come up with a better idea that his. That's the American way. Also, talk about inclusion versus exclusion, look at all the "black" associations in this country. Black lawyers association, the black journalists association, etc., etc., hell, even the Congressional black caucus!! Talk about inclusion versus exclusion!! Segregation happens but it is not due to racism. Blacks are free to move and live where ever they want. Look at not only neighborhoods but schools and social events of all type, blacks group together just the same as whites do. Does that equate racism? Not nessesarily it has more to do that those groups feel they have more in common with each other than the other group. That is human nature it does not always mean that it's racism. If that was the case then blacks are just as guilty of it as whites. As far as your book recommendation thanks but I've read much more than one book.

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  11.   acuteblkguy says:
    Posted: 07 Dec 07

    everyone automatically assumes that if someone blk is in media or politics that they speak for blks or their behavior is acceptable to blks or their ideas are the blk man or womans idea and even some go so far to say this is proof of equality.... I think that shows in itself that we have not gone that far, when someone blk is in mainstream media and their ideas are not considered as the blk interpretation of things, then we would have made progress.. Inclusion alone does not support equality, integration or open communications between blks and wht. countless amounts of times i've worked in hospitals where there were people of all walks of life, and in sickness they live with each other, depend on each other for care and support. and when they are all well and they walk out of their hospitals they go to where they feel more comfortable..Their segregated neighborhoods Its unconcious at times , its what they call being disconnected...its the struggle between what u know is right and what u see before you.....its peer pressure, it comes from companies, family,media, all around you, and most time its because of one color Green. Read the book, The color of greed

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  12.   acuteblkguy says:
    Posted: 07 Dec 07

    well glock i'll use your examples , look at mainstream sports, which are mostly dominated by minorities,it is a proven fact that most of the best coaches were the games best players, but how many coaches or owners are there who are blk..... Take the top 100 CEOs in this country, how many are blk, now take away those CEOs involved in sports or entertainment........NOW TELL ME WHATS LEFT

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  13.   Glock says:
    Posted: 06 Dec 07

    "laugh_sailor", first of all, just because you disagree with me doesn't give you the right to speak of what I have seen. So explain to me what you mean when you use the term "unconscious prejudice" and how do you know it was used if it was... "unconscious"? Ok, tell me about "talk radio". How does this equate "racism"? What talk radio program are you referring to and how was it "racist"? As far as libertarian ideology being racist how so? In fact you won't find another political ideology that is more fair. How can an ideology that believes in the individuals freedom of choice to live as they see fit (as long as it does not interfere with anothers persons freedom) be as you said, "racist"? It is not exclusionary or xenophobic, in fact, it's just the opposite. Walter Williams, Larry Elder and Thomas Sowell are all black and THE most well know Libertarians. As far as your assertion that they are xenopobic, many libertarians support open borders. So much for your "precepts". No matter what whites do no matter what they say, to some they will always be viewed as racist because of their skin color and others "interpretation" that whites are afforded "special" privileges because they are white.

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  14.   Glock says:
    Posted: 06 Dec 07

    "acuteblkguy" how much research should I do? Research until I reach the same conclusion you do? I have no idea what planet you are living on to say that, given the past of this country, that things are "no" different today as they were in the past is ludicrous. Take JUST the microcosm of sports for instance. Sixty years ago blacks were not allowed in the majors of anything. Today they dominate with scarely a white on any pro basketball team. Lets take corporate America, even 20 years ago you wouldn't find any black CEO's today Sears and American Express have black men as the CEO not to mention other companies as well. If nothing else, these two example has shown that things ARE different in America. But you can go ahead and continue to believe White=racism. As far as hiring, am I to assume then that "the man hiring", "human resources", "management" etc. are all white? You can't because many of these people are black. Where I work ALL of my upper management are black, several are black female. There goes that argument. Local and federal poilce and goverments, again, there are many blacks that work there as well in addition to holding many of the top positions. There goes that argument.

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  15. Posted: 06 Dec 07

    Fairchild - You're completely right, in my case: I'm a guy who just happens to be white and you have spoken beautifully of your attraction to black men. Go for it! Glock - I disagree and think you simply haven't seen how blacks are often treated. I do think you're right about our progress as a society but unfortunately it's a slow process, with often unconscious prejudice shutting doors of opportunity to people who are simply viewed as being different. It's stereotyping and being stereotyped, particularly in a negative way, sucks. We have local areas of progress and regress. If you want examples of active racism in our society, listen to talk radio, The Voice of The Politics of Hate (Yes, "the politics of hate" is a technically specific and accurate mainstream political science term that describes this exact behavior. It had a strong part in my collegiate thesis.). Much of libertarian ideology and practice is racist. Think about it: It's exclusionary and xenophobic by its precepts. Unfortunately, racism is alive in our society - It's just not blatantly acknowledged, often overlooked by those who aren't hurt by it and it's more subtly applied. Acuteblkguy - Thanks for your eloquent response! I do live in an area that's really quite happily integrated (As much as I can tell and have heard). It's one of the reasons I've moved back to Marina Del Rey, California and we have a more interesting and (I know it's a cliche but...) vibrant community because of that. It's why people drive so far just to hang out at the bars here: We're just more fun, lively and interesting. It's a similar effect as having the boating community here - Different perspectives.

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  16.   acuteblkguy says:
    Posted: 06 Dec 07

    glock if you think blks are still not made to feel inferior you should definately do more research , it is just as present as it has been in the past, i've lived all over this country and i have seen it with my own eyes, I just moved from chicago to california and now georgia, and i've experienced it in the north, south and west!! oh and they say chicago is the melting pot, but its actually very segregated. I tell u one thing its not what people say and do in the open as it once was in the past. Now those people with close minds hit u in the pockets. The man hiring, human resources, management, and our local police and state and federal governments etc......and i personally believe that a person wearing a black pride shirt would be subject to just as many stereotypes as the person who wears the white pride shirt, just in a different way. Black pride shirt - militant, thug, trouble maker, feels owed because of slavery, close minded, racist White pride shirt - Racist, close minded ,militant, thug, trouble maker, skinhead, against affirmative action So as u see here both sides have alot more in common than u think

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  17.   Glock says:
    Posted: 05 Dec 07

    Yeah, if you really looked at history you would also see that blacks were not the only ones who were enslaved. There is not ONE group of people on this planet who have not at one time in their history been enslaved. I will not argue the fact that in this country blacks have been made to feel inferior through out the past. However, that is not the case today. Whites attitudes have greatly changed especially during the past 40 years. Perhaps slowly but none the less it has changed. So let me understand, you need a t-shirt that says "black pride" to let people know how you feel? To many whites a t-shirt depicting that type of message has a connotation of separatism and racial superiority. The very thing you mentioned as a criticism about whites. Yes I know that a "white pride" t-shirt would be viewed as racist. A double standard, one of many in this country. And as far as the "white supremists", there are very few of them. But you can go ahead and wear your "black pride" t-shirt, I'm sure folks like Malik Shabaaz would be proud of you.

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  18.   cocokisses says:
    Posted: 05 Dec 07

    I think throughout history Blacks have been made to feel ashamed of who we are. Think about our history and the shame that people have tried to make us feel for the color of our skin. Wearing a shirt that says "black pride" is our way of letting people know that despite the oppression and the prejudice that our people to this day have experienced, we are still able to walk tall and be proud of who we are. By the way, if you do wear a "white pride" shirt, it is viewed as being racist. Think of all the white supremist who would love to see you in it. I bet you would make them proud Glock.

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  19. Posted: 23 Nov 07

    Amen! My Apologies for taking this topic off track. What I meant and should have said is that you have a lot to be proud of, don't beat each other up, others will be that for you. Again Sorry.

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  20.   fala says:
    Posted: 23 Nov 07

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Black, white, man or woman - enjoy this day!

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  21.   Glock says:
    Posted: 21 Nov 07

    Couple things from a white male. I disagree with the premise that a black male has to be "twice" as good as anyone else from a different race. Using that reasoning suggests that all those "other" races are racists. That is not the case. As a white man, I am ASSUMED to be a racist just because of my skin color. Believe me, that has been my experience and many other whites that I know. As far as the "pride", in our society it is again assumed to be a racist if you in fact "proud" to be white. Think about it. What would you think of an individual walking down the street with a tee shirt that said "White pride"? On the other hand I have seen many blacks with a shirt that says "black pride" and no one pays it any attention.

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  22. Posted: 21 Nov 07

    I simply had to salute you from a white woman. This is what I believe and have come to know from the Black men I have met. There is a certain PRIDE and CONFIDENCE that a black man carries like NO other, it comes deep within his soul. He is PROUD of his color and who he is! There is nothing on this earth that is more attractive than that. It's different from a white man, he is not proud of his color...he just is that color. I hope that make sense.

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  23.   cocokisses says:
    Posted: 21 Nov 07

    High five Fala! We really need more positive role models for our young black males to emulate. We also need more Fathers to step up in taking care of and raising their children. Can't wait to see more comments from the guys on this.

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  24.   fala says:
    Posted: 20 Nov 07

    If more black men were to speak out against thuggishness and the horrible way many black musicians and entertainers portray women in general, but black women in particular, people would see that there's more than one kind of black man out there. But where is this smart, polite, intelligent black man? Why don't we see or hear or from him as often as we see and hear about the gangsta rappers? Smart black men, unite! Speak up and make your presence known!

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  25.   cocokisses says:
    Posted: 19 Nov 07

    Great article Ria. Thanks for bringing this to the forefront.

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